WoW corners more than half of the mmo market

Ehh, I'm really surprized that EQ2, FFXI and SWG isn't higher. I know that EQ2 and FFXI has more than a million suscribers each. I doubt this graph. If WoW is about 50% and my numbers are correct, that would mean about 50 million people suscribe to WoW. I don't think so.
That's hilarious becuase I'm never going to play WoW.
Heh, if I didn't like HL2: Episode 1 so much I think I'd be playing WoW instead of posting here. :) I'm becoming less and less fond of WoW as time goes on, being as casual a player as I am. I still have friends that play regularly though, so I'll be playing it for a while longer.

Gotta hand it to Blizzard though. They make their first MMO, and it gets over half the market.
I didn't like WoW. Played EQ2 alot and SWG looooooads and they were so much better.

SWG was bloody awesome, the atmosphere was amazing, although everyone was a Jedi and every other class was blown out of the water by patches.
99.vikram said:
Blizzard could live on WoW alone till retirement :p

And that's exactly what I think they will do...that...and the movie.
Damn I'm seriously considering getting WoW over summer vacation.

I've got every Blizzard game except WoW.
Lucky for me, addiction shouldn't be a problem. n_n
WoW is a good game, especially if you're in a good guild. Personally, I haven't had much time for it recently. I'm guessing 80% of my guild will be geared up in Tier 2 when I get back. =P

Not for everybody, obviously. But it's certainly the best MMO out there currently.
Oooh, there's a free trial on Fileplanet.

Hopefully it doesn't require a credit card to use it. :|
You don't really need a good guild to enjoy WoW, you can solo from level 1 to 60 easily if you wanted. Kinda misses the point of an MMO to not at least group with other people though. :)
KagePrototype said:
You don't really need a good guild to enjoy WoW, you can solo from level 1 to 60 easily if you wanted. Kinda misses the point of an MMO to not at least group with other people though. :)

Of course it's possible to solo it, but I wouldn't see the fun in it. Just like you said. :)

I joined a guild at around level 35 or so and progressed with them until 60. Made a lot of good contacts and met a lot of dependable people. Even when the guild eventually disbanded, I always had a group of people to instance with, PVP, whatever.

And frankly, there is no other way to do endgame content outside of a guild. So you wanna choose one you can bear.
KagePrototype said:
You don't really need a good guild to enjoy WoW, you can solo from level 1 to 60 easily if you wanted. Kinda misses the point of an MMO to not at least group with other people though. :)

I think that is why WoW is so popular. From levels 1 to 59, I can log on whenever and actually accomplish something and still have the option to group for quests and do instances. Its great for the average person when they can't reliably dedicate 4 hours of play time per sitting.

What's funny is how WoW's end game is so different from its 1 to level 59 game. I've played WoW until I had 4 of 8 of my Tier 2 armor and then I stopped because I realized how much time I spent raiding. Raiding in WoW isn't exactly un-fun, but its not fun either. :O

In sum: WoW was money well spent imo.
Well, if you get WoW and stick with it, be prepared for the shitty lategame. The endgame is great (if you like 40man guild raids), but levels 45ish-59 are TERRIBLE. There is minimal content and not many interesting quests. I had to go through every single upper 50s area to get 60... took weeks because it was so dull. Blizzard decided to wimp out on lategame because they knew their endgame would be ace for most players.

However, despite the fact that I regret buying it, it's still the best MMO ever made for the average player. The scary part is just about all my good friends, most of whom aren't gamers in ANY way, have played it...
Nice to see EVE doing so well. great game that. I know it's only got 0.9% of the market but with one non-sharded non-instanced server with the record for most people on one at one time CCP and EVE are doing well.
I used to be play WoW, once you hit 60 and in a raiding guild the game become repetitive.

5/7 days of the week I had to cancel something to raid. No way am I doing that again.
WoW was great fun ...for about 1 month.

How people can STILL be playing it after all this time is a huge mystery. They must be either very, very dull or easy to please - probably both.
How the hell did WoW become THAT popular? 51% is insane for any share of a market.

Not even Everquest(s) are 5% together...
but levels 45ish-59 are TERRIBLE. There is minimal content and not many interesting quests.

Hmm? At that level you can do Maraudon, Sunken Temple, BRD, BRS, UBRS, Scholo and Strat. Seems like adequate content to me.
I hate MMORPGs all the same, not only do they waste my money they also waste my time. To add on to the grief you many times can't just quit it at any time and go eat, because you have to wait for a while to log out or just get to safe spot (FF11 had this, I once logged off in a guild and then got raped by some goblins when I logged back in). In conclusion, id rather be playing shooters because those only cost you once and you aren't dependent on them. I bet cigs are safer than MMORPGs. Peh.
Well that just confirms WoW is an eletronic zombification tool, although I was convinced ever since my brother, sister, and dad have all been under its spell (of eeeevil).
clarky003 said:
Well that just confirms WoW is an eletronic zombification tool, although I was convinced ever since my brother, sister, and dad have all been under its spell (of eeeevil).

Wow, that's pretty bad. :|
The onlything Blizzard knows how to do is make great games. What one of their games has ever done poorly?

Thats what I thought.

Once they decided to even think about the MMORPG market....well it was theres...
Hmmm... lets do some basic math here. 6,500,000 X $15 = $97,000,000, Thats around $100 million that they are getting every MONTH. Every year, its easily over a $1 billion. Yes, they have to maintain servers, pay admins, programmers and staff but do they really need $100 million every month to do this?

That $15 you pay every month doesn't guarantee anything new either. At least with an expansion pack, you know what you are getting and can choose to buy it or not aka. Guild Wars. Blizzard can afford to sit around and add something new every so often, the majority of the people won't unsubscribe.

This is why i hate MMOs. And people wonder why Blizzard isn't making Starcraft 2 or Diablo 3. They don't have any incentive to. Why should they? It won't be anywhere as profitable as another MMO. If they do make a sequel, its going to World of Starcraft or World of Diablo to draw more subscribers in.
Hell, I just went out and bought the game.

And I can see why it's doing so good.
It's ****ing fun.
Qonfused said:
Ehh, I'm really surprized that EQ2, FFXI and SWG isn't higher. I know that EQ2 and FFXI has more than a million suscribers each. I doubt this graph. If WoW is about 50% and my numbers are correct, that would mean about 50 million people suscribe to WoW. I don't think so.

This is true. Both FFXI and EQ2 have well over a million current subscribers.

The graph is wrong. LAWL.

WoW is so terrible, I'll never understand its popularity.
Meh, I guess WoW is truely a love it or hate it game, amongst most in this forum.

I personally love it.
And people wonder why Blizzard isn't making Starcraft 2 or Diablo 3. They don't have any incentive to. Why should they? It won't be anywhere as profitable as another MMO. If they do make a sequel, its going to World of Starcraft or World of Diablo to draw more subscribers in.
How do you know they arnt?

Blizzard is split into 3 damn companies!
Blizzard North makes RPG like Diablo, Diablo 2, and WoW the MMORPG. North I have no idea what there all working on. I do infact doubt North is big enough for making 2 games. I see D3 being worked on after WoW: Expansion is being completed or just started after WoW was done. This is also another reason why I believe several employees including Bill Roper left Blizzard North.

Blizzard HQ makes RTS's like...Wc and Sc Series. They havn't announced anything since Wc3:TFT. I wonder what there working on? Hmm...could it be...Sc2?
Blizzard Console makes Console Games! Like they were making Sc:G....
Shadow-warrior said:
Give it time...

You mean, give it about 20-30 days of solid play. That's how long it takes to get bored of WoW. And by 20-30 days I mean 480 - 720 hours. How much playtime did Half-Life 2 give you... maybe... 18 hours? 20 if you're slow? WoW is an immensely fun game which keeps you playing for ages, and to simply say "you'll get bored eventually" isn't saying anything. I mean, if you played Half-Life 2 for over 500 hours you'd end up completing it about thirty times, and you'd probably kill yourself in the end. It's amazing that WoW can hold people's attention for so long.
Shadow-warrior said:
Give it time...

Still liking it after more than a year of playing it. It becomes an entirely different game though after such a while.

Why I still play it? Dunno, why is there people still playing CS after all those years?

You mean, give it about 20-30 days of solid play.

My main has just exceeded 100 days of play, sad but true >_<

Fortunately I can claim half of that time is spent AFK in IF ^^