WoW corners more than half of the mmo market

Hell, I got bored of it so damn quickly. Minute you get can tell it's going to be a hell of a grind.
Infoceptor said:
Hmmm... lets do some basic math here. 6,500,000 X $15 = $97,000,000, Thats around $100 million that they are getting every MONTH. Every year, its easily over a $1 billion. Yes, they have to maintain servers, pay admins, programmers and staff but do they really need $100 million every month to do this?

That $15 you pay every month doesn't guarantee anything new either. At least with an expansion pack, you know what you are getting and can choose to buy it or not aka. Guild Wars. Blizzard can afford to sit around and add something new every so often, the majority of the people won't unsubscribe.

This is why i hate MMOs. And people wonder why Blizzard isn't making Starcraft 2 or Diablo 3. They don't have any incentive to. Why should they? It won't be anywhere as profitable as another MMO. If they do make a sequel, its going to World of Starcraft or World of Diablo to draw more subscribers in.

Why the hatred for Blizzard when they've released 11 patches in 1.5 years which account for ALOT of content per patch. Aside from actual area's they've probably doubled the game in content easily since it came out for a mere £9 a month and still people complain.

How can you say they aren't making Starcraft 2 or Diablo 3? You seem to think that even though they have more money now than they will ever gain from a non-mmo game they have no need to make more games. Of course they will still make games..just like the richest company (at least owned by the richest person) will still be making Windows but much less frequently than Blizzard release content patches. Microsoft are far worse than Blizzard or any games company for milking the shit out of peoples money and most probably you use Windows like your friends do, like your school does and nearly the entire PC population.
Suicide42 said:
You mean, give it about 20-30 days of solid play. That's how long it takes to get bored of WoW. And by 20-30 days I mean 480 - 720 hours. How much playtime did Half-Life 2 give you... maybe... 18 hours? 20 if you're slow? WoW is an immensely fun game which keeps you playing for ages, and to simply say "you'll get bored eventually" isn't saying anything. I mean, if you played Half-Life 2 for over 500 hours you'd end up completing it about thirty times, and you'd probably kill yourself in the end. It's amazing that WoW can hold people's attention for so long.
But with HL2 you get a shitload of Mods and CSS which can occupy you for a very very long time, and you do not have to pay a monthly fee for it. Plus it's really an unfair comparison, you should compare it to a RPG. Now lets take SWKotor, if bioware put as much grind in KOTOR as WoW had Kotor would have lasted as long as WoW had a better story, and would only have costed you 50,-. Hell Baldur's Gate had 400 hours of gameplay without much grind and only cost 50,-.
Wold of Warcraft is pretty cool, I just hate the fact that it is destroying the Warcraft storyline.
Those of you who remember the "Draenie incident" know what I'm talking about.
I think that they should make a new Star Wars game that is an MMORPG for KOTOR i would buy that the day it came out.

Is star wars galexies good?
It used to be an average MMO - I played a 2 week trial and it seemed kinda fun (though nothing to get excited about). I loved the economy, it was completely reliant on the players. Then they introduced this weird patch that just changed everything for the worse and drove all the players away. Now it's crap.
Problem: you get bored of WoW.
Solution: Play on an RP server on the opposite side (Alliance if you've been playing Horde/vice versa). :D

Problem: you get bored of WoW again.
Solution: Stop paying for half a year then start again.

WoW's not just for Christmas - it's for life. D: