Wow- Down the crapper.


Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
(You can skim this if you want as it does have good information and points. If I had more time id make a better draft and plan this out but I have 3 exams tomarrow. Ive read quite a few posts of the wonders of wow and I just wanted to put my two cents in for all you wondering how and why what is happening, is happening.)

First came nerfs, those were done by blizzard.

Then came the exploits...

Then came the people that need to get a life... Seriously...

As has been going on now for quite some time. A Speedhack unlike the ones of past mmrpgs. Could you imagine? A Server asking your client WTF you are? or How fast are you going?

Blizzard made one of the worlds most enjoyable games to only let it be plagued by hacks worse than diablo II.

Like any other MMRPG wow has more and more botters every day as it is a easy thing to do with all the scripting programs and such running rampent. Quite frankly I dont care about botting, what I do care about is how all these things put together if not corrected soon by blizzard is going to be a problem.


Blizzard knew that there game was going to be big, they just didnt relize that they were going to have such a demand as it does. With over 600k players in the USA and I belive a even greater number than that in eurpope, wow is expanding faster than they can handle the game. They are already manning a chinese beta and I belive they just recently announced some other places as well.


Literaly just a few days ago players started to see signs of life on the WOW webpage. They hadent untill recently updated the webpage with any type of information as to what we could expect to see in WOW or when. The last patch that changed anything was in december.... here it is march and they just now have a content patch going live.

It added ONE THING of content that everyone can enjoy. The MEETING STONES as its horrible in the upper lvls to find a group to do quests.

Also with this ever expanding world of theres they seem to be over looking what is happening to the world.......


What seems to be the biggest time sink in most MMRPGS is getting around. This game had and has some of the most pointless detuors known to man. In some cases its literaly quicker to ride your horse than to take the bird. BUT!!! This is how it was...

How it is for some people know is listed below in a post on the WOW fourm by a GM.

Yes, they are banning people allright.

-First off, they arent tracking it unless you have been reported for doing such a activity.

-Secound I CANT BELIVE THEY HAD THE CLIENT RESPONSEABLE FOR THIS CRAP! Who would think to look for this in the client side? IT SHOULDNT BE THERE! This is like a halflife server asking where you are on the map.

Why is this such a issue? Whyll the teleport hack does have some nice uses, its a CHEAT HACK and is being used for a even bigger exploit.

Ive mentioned two cheats so far, BOTS and TELEPORT hack.

Now imagine being able to not only to teleport to locations like a house or a dungen, but literaly ABOVE or BELOW the world? This is in this game.

It was pictured from even back in beta of people useing the teleport hack to float into the air and be above everything, killing them for xp and loot. What does this cause?

Imagine a AOE "Area of effect mage" casting spells that do area damage.... Mages do a ton of dmg one on one. Mages with AOE can do massive dmg in a area, but the downside in most cases is they cant move and are weak. IF THEY CANT GET HIT THAN THEY CAN KILL ALL THEY WANT AND LEVEL AT A INSANE PACE!

So lets take this in order for those of you scanning this thread.

I quit wow in febuary as I saw this crap comeing. Im just letting people know what they are getting into joining wow at this point in time. IT IS A FUN GAME- But the economy fluctuates more than our gas prices.

-Use teleport hack to setlocations to lvl a charecter ANY CHARECTER to lvl 10 within 20 minutes whyll AFK.
That teleport hack allows them to move REALLY fast and going to a new area grants you xp. If you have the coords for darn near everywhere then just imagine going at 600x to a game that has hardly any loading...

From level ten on these peopel need to level theselvs to 18.

At 18 they are going to VC or the deadmines as they are called.

HOW DID I SAY BLIZZARD WAS CATCHING THESE PEPOPLE? Blizzard is catching them by people reporting them. You can report someone that is in a instance by themself.
*Being in a instance is like a private dungen*

From then on they can macro till there hearts content killing the boss or what ever else they like in the level.


Also its being used to teleport through instances to get chests that spawn and on the world itself the chests in areas.


PEOPLE ARE COMBINEING THIS! With the other hacks to make fully working, hacking, cheating, bots! Bots that FARM, LEVEL, and do this all safely above or below the world.

Another hack these people are useing is one that even I thought blizzard should have been smarter to do something with considering Diablo II gave them the first taste of people with exploritive eyes....

The games ingame radar map for the hunters can display information about the surrounding area like, people monsters and chests. This information is currently being sent to all clients.... IT DOESNT CARE IF YOU ARENT A HUNTER! With this hack these people see literaly everything that the radar could display at all times.!!! Even the hunters in this game cant see more than one thing at a time!


Blizzard is spreadings its resources to think in a attempt to steamline there game to the world. Focusing on getting new prophets instead of keeping the ones they have. They are trying to correct this by hireing new people to work for them, but those people will need time to train with the software.

My advice is to wait untill things like this are squased before joining this awsome game.

****Please belay comments like, learn to speak english and such like that as quite frankly, I didnt type this to be part of a report. I typed this to let people who need to hear it from someone who puts all the thoughts in there head down on the paper for all to see.

In the end of the day im just trying to help you, the customers and fellow comrads of the internet out by letting you know what is going on******
Key Points for a easyer understanding of my long, weird, post.

-Teleport hack
-Speed hack
-Radar hack

Nothing being done to fix the problem, they are just trying to remove the probelm's and not the cause.
(You can skim this if you want as it does have good information and points. If I had more time id make a better draft and plan this out but I have 3 exams tomarrow. Ive read quite a few posts of the wonders of wow and I just wanted to put my two cents in for all you wondering how and why what is happening, is happening.)

First came nerfs, those were done by blizzard.

Then came the exploits...

Then came the people that need to get a life... Seriously...

As has been going on now for quite some time. A Speedhack unlike the ones of past mmrpgs. Could you imagine? A Server asking your client WTF you are? or How fast are you going?

Blizzard made one of the worlds most enjoyable games to only let it be plagued by hacks worse than diablo II.

Like any other MMRPG wow has more and more botters every day as it is a easy thing to do with all the scripting programs and such running rampent. Quite frankly I dont care about botting, what I do care about is how all these things put together if not corrected soon by blizzard is going to be a problem.

All of these comments are worthless because EVERY mmorpg has them.

The rest of your post is about teleporting exploits. I'm sorry this one thing does not make WoW 'down the crapper'.

WoW is the best of its kind out there and this is also proven by all its reviews and the amount of people that play it.

Try comparing the good points with the bad points, the good outnumber the bad by a lot.
I really don't like posts like this. If you EVER worked somewhere with ALOT of demand for service/stuff and very few employers you'll KNOW how hard it is to do even the most easy stuff, and you easily forget to do stuff/forget customers.

STFU and let them handle their job. Don't like it, don't use it.
When the growth slows down they will be able to handle stuff, right know it feels like everyone there is running around like crazy trying to fix everything.
I've been playing since Jan and haven't witnessed any of these things. I also don't see how it effects you personally. Yes, it is unfair that these players are leveling at a faster rate than you or me but how does it really effect your gameplay? Let blizzard handle these things and try to enjoy the game. The only problem I have with World of Warcraft at the moment is the insane amount of lag in Ironforge. Otherwise, great game.
I'm playing on a Euro PvE server and all is fine there. I have some lag in the big cities, but my ping never passes the 180 mark. I'm not sending my copy to the crapper.
This effects everyone as the economy is ruined by such things. Money in this game is a commodity. If someone can macro 24x7 to make money and floods the market with it, then the value of $ decreeses.

If a player is useing a teleport hack and a bot to kill the same boss over and over to get items. Just think of the non bind on pickup weapons that he could flood the market with. Good in that you can buy the weapon cheaper, bad in the fact that if you kill this dude and get that item and cant use it and go to sell it, no one will buy yours for whats its worth becuase the dude that cheated to kill the dude 40 times a hr is selling 6 of those for 2g each.
You sir are full of shit,those problems u mention every MMORPG has them
You quit february, so you really can't complain. EVERYTHING on the blizzard forums is exaggerated 100x's the problem really isnt that bad.
I've played WoW for 1 free month, and it wasn't as bad as you put it.

OT: Your grammar and spelling is horrible. You don't know how to spell "while" so you write "whyll," and "easier" as "easyer." I hope you don't live in the USA. Not that people should make any grammar mistakes. But... give me a break.
I was thinking about buying WoW, but since they have a server prob, i cant buy it be4 april.

What u stated in ur post was what worried me from day 1 i heard about the game. I used to play alot Diablo2/Lod, i loved that game..nothing like Pking in HC. But as always with Blizz products, the crappy little kids and theyre warez, just pop out of the woodwork. And blizz has a slow patch, fix rate, even idiotic nerfs and balance probs.

Your post, defined me fears, and i hear you. Some people say, weeeell you dont have to use the hacks ur self, or why should u mind people bot farm and sell at low prices etc. Well it shiets on the economy (i enjoy selling my hard fought items at a price worth my time), do i even dare to say town kill?

I swore after waiting for patch 1.10 that i would never play blizz games again (thank you 4 reminding me m8).

EQ2 here i come.
RRunner said:
I was thinking about buying WoW, but since they have a server prob, i cant buy it be4 april.

What u stated in ur post was what worried me from day 1 i heard about the game. I used to play alot Diablo2/Lod, i loved that game..nothing like Pking in HC. But as always with Blizz products, the crappy little kids and theyre warez, just pop out of the woodwork. And blizz has a slow patch, fix rate, even idiotic nerfs and balance probs.

Your post, defined me fears, and i hear you. Some people say, weeeell you dont have to use the hacks ur self, or why should u mind people bot farm and sell at low prices etc. Well it shiets on the economy (i enjoy selling my hard fought items at a price worth my time), do i even dare to say town kill?

I swore after waiting for patch 1.10 that i would never play blizz games again (thank you 4 reminding me m8).

EQ2 here i come.
Believe me it is nowhere near as bad as Diablo 2 became and no where near as bad as Mayro is making it seem. Also its really only your loss if you don't want to play any Blizzard games again just because they took a long time for one patch.
WoW is a great game.

I thought EQ & EQ Frontiers for PS2 was a better game, but WoW has alot of nice user-frienldliness and slightly improved graphics.

Im sure EQ 2 for the PC will be alot better than EQ or (complete engine upgraded) Frontiers for PS2

So when my subscription is over Ill be buying EQ 2.

WoW just made me realize I should have been playing EQ2 all along.

WoW is definately an awesome game. Im majorly addicted to it and love it alot.

EQ Frontiers is even better in almost every way. The melee abilities, all special abilities and magical looking special effects from EQ were just as good if not much better than those in WoW, I can only dream of how awesome EQ 2 should be.

EQ and EQ Frontiers had little to no cheating. They would patch things fast, But to be fair- I wouldn't think there would be that much hacking from PS2 users,
Lemonking said:
You sir are full of shit,those problems u mention every MMORPG has them
wow that sounds really terrible if every mmorpg has it. Why bother playing them if it's just a cheat fest?
nutcrackr said:
wow that sounds really terrible if every mmorpg has it. Why bother playing them if it's just a cheat fest?
Every MMORPG has those problems, however they don't have them nearly as wide spread or as badly as Mayro makes it seem.
VirusType2 said:
WoW is definately an awesome game. Im majorly addicted to it and love it alot.
*looks at general gaming forum, see's "WoW - definately not wow" thread created by VirusType2 could've fooled me
The Mullinator said:
Believe me it is nowhere near as bad as Diablo 2 became and no where near as bad as Mayro is making it seem. Also its really only your loss if you don't want to play any Blizzard games again just because they took a long time for one patch. let him go with EQ by all means. Less noob dumbasses who are "feared" but a post on a HL2 forum about a MMORPG the better. You can tell from his post alone hes to much of a dumbass, almost as much as the person who created this topic.

ggnextmap. :dozey:
The Silhouette said: let him go with EQ by all means. Less noob dumbasses who are "feared" but a post on a HL2 forum about a MMORPG the better. You can tell from his post alone hes to much of a dumbass, almost as much as the person who created this topic.

ggnextmap. :dozey:

hmm i can see that the quote is mine...hmm dumbass and noob, why thx you.
Can see that you know what your talking about. this was a flame m8, i really do think im intilted to what ever opinion i have on Blizz (they dont really have that great a rep when it comes to patching, or you have expirienced otherwise?). R u another little Blizz moonie?, well feel free to sit and wait 1,5 years for a patch and balancing, im only that stupid once, but by all means sitt and cradle ur brand while be laughed at.

I really feel tempted to break the rules and flame u right back.
RRunner said:
hmm i can see that the quote is mine...hmm dumbass and noob, why thx you.
Can see that you know what your talking about. this was a flame m8, i really do think im intilted to what ever opinion i have on Blizz (they dont really have that great a rep when it comes to patching, or you have expirienced otherwise?). R u another little Blizz moonie?, well feel free to sit and wait 1,5 years for a patch and balancing, im only that stupid once, but by all means sitt and cradle ur brand while be laughed at.

I really feel tempted to break the rules and flame u right back.

Please Flame Me FEEL THE BURN "m8" :bounce:
mayro said:
Key Points for a easyer understanding of my long, weird, post.

-Teleport hack
-Speed hack
-Radar hack

Nothing being done to fix the problem, they are just trying to remove the probelm's and not the cause.

Funny. Do you know the week ago a Blizzard developer put down all the myths about a roll hack? He even took the time to explain that they don't use a probability alogrithm.

Seems like they are doing something to me. Not to mention I haven't seen anybody blatantly hack on my server. This seems like you want to justify the reason why not to play WoW. It personally seems like a poor justification. That or you got banned for hacking. One or the other, I don't really care.

However, Blizzard needs to focus more on their servers than anything else. I'm tired of having my main server constantly go down. They even replaced the hardware on my server (Hyjal) yet it still crashes. Now that is worthy of complaint.