WoW Guild Ambushes a Funeral


Dec 18, 2005
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ShoutWire said:
The second "reality" check was when this group of Warcraft players otherwise known as a guild interrupted a memorial service. Apparently, some dude dies in real life who is a popular WoW player. The people in the game think it would be nice to have a memorial for the player so they log into his account, take the character to a lake, and set it up for everyone to come pay their respects.

A bunch of dudes decide this would be a great time to ambush everyone so they run over a hill, kill the dead guy's character, and then wipe out everyone who was there to show their respects. They filmed the whole thing and put it on the net for everyone to see.

Disrespectful? Tasteless? Yeah ... but I still found the video pretty damn funny regardless. I'm sure the guild's got it cut out for them when it comes to retribution, but what they did was priceless.

Video (bad language warning)

The source article.

The video had a segment of a forum post that's too blurry to see, so if anyone can find it and post it here it'd be nice, I'm curious what that post said. :)
OMG. What is the world coming too? A service in WoW? It may show respect for the player, but this game has gone a little to far I think.
dream431ca said:
OMG. What is the world coming too? A service in WoW? It may show respect for the player, but this game has gone a little to far I think.

That's crazier than that wedding in WoW.

(Though I think that one was fake...)

Edit(after watching it): Wow, those guys got owned.
dream431ca said:
OMG. What is the world coming too? A service in WoW? It may show respect for the player, but this game has gone a little to far I think.

Yah I agree this game is getting a little rediculous. I mean seriously are there people out there that really have nothing better to do, and really have no life whatsoever! Im a gamer myself but I must say that if there is one game out there that is "bad" for people to play its WoW!
Agent.M said:
Yah I agree this game is getting a little rediculous. I mean seriously are there people out there that really have nothing better to do, and really have no life whatsoever! Im a gamer myself but I must say that if there is one game out there that is "bad" for people to play its WoW!
Asfor these people not having lives..... Bingo.
Agent.M said:
Yah I agree this game is getting a little rediculous. I mean seriously are there people out there that really have nothing better to do, and really have no life whatsoever! Im a gamer myself but I must say that if there is one game out there that is "bad" for people to play its WoW!

It's not the game that's bad, it's the people who get ingulfed by it. It's the person's fault for playing the game, not the game itself.
well, i guess the people that attended the 'funeral' think WoW is the real world... O.o
They had it coming, anytime you want to do anything in a game that you consider somewhat important, just forget about it, someone will always come and pwn you (especially this, I mean, lolololololol!)
Hey it's not that bad. Guy dies in real life, no possible way for most of those other players to come pay respects in real life so they do it in the game world where they all knew him and all could attend. It's a good idea and I can imagine the one who died would be rather happy they decided to do it.

The only stupid thing I can see is that they decided to hold the funeral in a contested area. If they didn't want to get attacked they should have held the service in their territory to avoid the problem.
That video has to be the funniest I've seen in a while. It was a total slaughter. And maybe I'm an asshole as well, but having a funeral in a game just makes me laugh. They don't actually know the person, and yet they're grieving? That's just utterly ridiculous.
Lol..I feel bad for the death of the player..but this vid was hilarious
That was prety ****ed up, but also pretty damn funny.
If i had an online funeral, id be laughing in my grave if this happened. I want a fragfest.
Dunno what to think.

People who are doing the funeral probably little to into this game. Seems weird. The people who killed everyone seem like little immature kids.
The idea of a funeral in WoW is very creepy. The guys who set the ambush are still complete tossers, though.

Not funny.
Warbie said:
The idea of a funeral in WoW is very creepy. The guys who set the ambush are still complete tossers, though.

Not funny.

It's not funny, but it's completely silly at the same time.
Not funny. Not at all.

I didn't think this was difficult for you guys to undertand but I guess it is. Some players play with their guild for years, moving from one game to another. To claim that they didn't know the guy is ridiculous. Some guilds form close bonds and while they may not know each others faces they can still chat over teamspeak or in game, tell each other about their daily lives, etc. I mean, there are guys I have played online games with for years and I know them very well and I would be very sad if I lost one of them. It is no different then losing a friend, because they are friends. I don't have the money to visit a friend in Britain who dies, but you can be damn sure we will do something in game to remember him, because that is where I knew him and that is where the memories lay. This doesn't just happen in WoW.

I don't find this video funny and I can't believe this concept is so hard for some of you to understand. If Bliink or some other known forumer were to suddenly die I am sure there would be a post mourning her passing, this is no different. You post and talk about her, they gather in game and talk about him. Except in this case people come into the thread and start insulting her.
Cooper said:
Not funny. Not at all.

I didn't think this was difficult for you guys to undertand but I guess it is. Some players play with their guild for years, moving from one game to another. To claim that they didn't know the guy is ridiculous. Some guilds form close bonds and while they may not know each others faces they can still chat over teamspeak or in game, tell each other about their daily lives, etc. I mean, there are guys I have played online games with for years and I know them very well and I would be very sad if I lost one of them. It is no different then losing a friend, because they are friends. I don't have the money to visit a friend in Britain who dies, but you can be damn sure we will do something in game to remember him, because that is where I knew him and that is where the memories lay. This doesn't just happen in WoW.

I don't find this video funny and I can't believe this concept is so hard for some of you to understand. If Bliink or some other known forumer were to suddenly die I am sure there would be a post mourning her passing, this is no different. You post and talk about her, they gather in game and talk about him. Except in this case people come into the thread and start insulting her.

I don't want to offend you or anything but to me, it seems like you're taking this concept way too serious.

Uriel said:
If i had an online funeral, id be laughing in my grave if this happened. I want a fragfest.

^ My sentiments exactly!
Raziel-Jcd said:
Dunno what to think.

People who are doing the funeral probably little to into this game. Seems weird. The people who killed everyone seem like little immature kids.

i agree, they were too into the game to do such a thing, but the idiots who attacked, its just sad.
Ok, here's what I'm gonna do:

Buy WoW.
Become well known.
Become friends with a guild that ISN'T mine.
Make secret plans with them to crash my funeral like these guys did.
Get myself killed somehow.

it shall be perfect.
I actually think it is a cool thing... the funeral and all...

I don't know guys... IMHO as the games evolve and evolve, and let us interact more and more, it is expected that players will present social behavior ingame... I think that some time from now, we will see a lot of people trying to take the "blue pill"... or I am just as f*cked up as those attending the service.

And yes, the video was damn funny!
I laffed my ass off. That was hillarious.

Walk walk walk..SLAUGHTER *hell rains down*

oh yeah, classic.
It was funny for me.

Why? Because I'm heartless? Maybe. Look, obviously this guy had a bunch of close friends which I can understand. I have friends from this site that I would actually like to meet IRL. They're really cool people and, if they went to my school/were in my area, I'd hang out (read: buttsechs) with them. I'm sure this was kind of the same thing in WoW. Too bad he died and this was their way to grieve, I guess. I just went to a funeral a week ago and they put some of his favorite things in the coffin like his hat and such. Why? Probably because that's a couple things they remember him by. This video proves no different in WoW. They knew him from WoW so what would be better than having a WoW funeral?

On the other hand, the video was completely hilarious and I LOLd a few times.
dream431ca said:
It's not the game that's bad, it's the people who get ingulfed by it. It's the person's fault for playing the game, not the game itself.

Yah thats true, WoW sure does seem to "ingulfe" people on a new lvl.
Cooper said:
Not funny. Not at all.

I didn't think this was difficult for you guys to undertand but I guess it is. Some players play with their guild for years, moving from one game to another. To claim that they didn't know the guy is ridiculous. Some guilds form close bonds and while they may not know each others faces they can still chat over teamspeak or in game, tell each other about their daily lives, etc. I mean, there are guys I have played online games with for years and I know them very well and I would be very sad if I lost one of them. It is no different then losing a friend, because they are friends. I don't have the money to visit a friend in Britain who dies, but you can be damn sure we will do something in game to remember him, because that is where I knew him and that is where the memories lay. This doesn't just happen in WoW.

I don't find this video funny and I can't believe this concept is so hard for some of you to understand. If Bliink or some other known forumer were to suddenly die I am sure there would be a post mourning her passing, this is no different. You post and talk about her, they gather in game and talk about him. Except in this case people come into the thread and start insulting her.

Yes, we would make a thread saying "we'll miss you bliink".

No, we won't put a corpes in the middle of the hole in Karkand and all crowd around it crouching.
Cooper said:
Not funny. Not at all.

I didn't think this was difficult for you guys to undertand but I guess it is. Some players play with their guild for years, moving from one game to another. To claim that they didn't know the guy is ridiculous. Some guilds form close bonds and while they may not know each others faces they can still chat over teamspeak or in game, tell each other about their daily lives, etc. I mean, there are guys I have played online games with for years and I know them very well and I would be very sad if I lost one of them. It is no different then losing a friend, because they are friends. I don't have the money to visit a friend in Britain who dies, but you can be damn sure we will do something in game to remember him, because that is where I knew him and that is where the memories lay. This doesn't just happen in WoW.

I don't find this video funny and I can't believe this concept is so hard for some of you to understand. If Bliink or some other known forumer were to suddenly die I am sure there would be a post mourning her passing, this is no different. You post and talk about her, they gather in game and talk about him. Except in this case people come into the thread and start insulting her.
While I can understand what you're saying, I do not feel the same way in the least. There's plenty of people I've gotten to know very well online, but I don;t think I would ever mourn over them IRL. Maybe it's just my way of thinking, but I don't see a point in mourning the dead anyway, because they're supposed to have gone to a better place, so why cry over that?

Anyway, the video itself was put together in a way that is hilarious, even if you don;t like the idea of what is going on, the presentation itself is funny. At least, that's what I think.

Edit: And if someone on this forum was to die I would never talk about it in some thread. They're not going to know about it anyway.
Btw, who's that song by?

sinkoman said:
Btw, who's that song by?

I believe that might have been The Misfits. That song was the only reason I enjoyed watching the video.
I'm crying

...with laughter. The music, the fact that you knew what was coming...oh jeez. Ahem, I assume the deceased player's guild had a thread on their forum honouring him, so why need a "memorial" in game? They were just setting themselves up to get killed. What would you do if you were just wandering around in Azeroth when suddenly you come upon a swarm of Alliance just sitting there *almost* defenceless :D (Though I know they set this up...I'm implying that they were setting themselves up to be killed).
They posted that they were going to hold the funeral in contested pvp territory and politely asked no one to interfere. That's asking for it, folks. Did they not expect anything to happen, given the amount of punks and jerks on the Internet?

It's not the mourning I object to, it's the ridiculous ingame stunt. You can feel sorry and mourn someone's passing without making yourself an easy target and creating all kinds of stupid drama by taking an online game too seriously (they chose the location they did because the girl liked the soothing sound of the water nearby).

EDIT: Yeah, that was the Misfits. Awesome song!
dream431ca said:
OMG. What is the world coming too? A service in WoW? It may show respect for the player, but this game has gone a little to far I think.

And how about the people who attacked them? I know it is a bit odd to have a service on an mmo game, but it is still respectful.

What do you expect the guild to do, travel half-way around the world to the funeral, have a 5 minutes silence session (Like that ever works). They knew this guy, and they did what they think is right

Still, the video is funny as hell, and I agree with Uriel, I want a fragfest for my funeral too!
Nice Video.
Feel sorry for the guy who died and, his family, but like others have said, isnt having an ingame funeral taking it a bit too far?
Well... in some ways, it's probably the only way the knew him - through the game. If they knew him/her well enough to show up and pay their respects, then that was the only way they could - i don't think he/she would've been into throwing his/her real name, phone no. etc. around.

Perhaps an ingame funeral is taking it too far. But perhaps expressing emotion via electronic means is taking it too far.

What the guild did, was immature.

(and funny)

Wait - after finishing that video, i have to say while it was absolutely cool to watch a virtual massacre, it wasn't funny because there was no readable reaction.
LMFAO, that video is the definition of PWNED. Hilarious.