WOW! HL2 = 1984 big time!


Jun 16, 2004
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Wow! i know this has been said before but there are direct things in hl2 that describe Orwells 1984. Kind of like a video game bringing the book to life :-D

this was a good read especially down towards the end where he mentions the "benefactor" lol that sounds familar :-D

i gotta read 1984 now :-P
Valve arnt hiding the links to 1984, war of the world, etc, they are deliberate, it mixes together alot of cool ideas which dont usually get explored within games, at least not in this detail.
aeroripper said:
Wow! i know this has been said before but there are direct things in hl2 that describe Orwells 1984. Kind of like a video game bringing the book to life :-D

this was a good read especially down towards the end where he mentions the "benefactor" lol that sounds familar :-D

i gotta read 1984 now :-P
so then why did you say it agian?

I completely agree with you on the two being related. On an added note, read the book, it's really excellent.
Yea it kind of seems this might be a slightly more intellectual game to play (well, in the idea of it, not the rambo run and gun stuff)
Yeah HL2 and Nineteen Eighty-Four are exactly the same... what with the aliens and all.
striders are a total rip off of war of the worlds,city 17 is a behind the iron curtain in the soviet union.
They're not linked by the aliens.. yeesh. They're linked by the oppressive overseers, the Combine. Citizens kept like prisoners, policed to the Nth degree, one step out of line and you've got a shockstick up your nose......
ant lions are from starship troopers too.

Also, the civilians on city 17 even use those blue jumpsuits from the 1984 movie

I really wonder how's Alyx gonna fit into that grim, opressive world :-/
rrm said:
ant lions are from starship troopers too.

Also, the civilians on city 17 even use those blue jumpsuits from the 1984 movie

I really wonder how's Alyx gonna fit into that grim, opressive world :-/
1984 had a sexy seductress lady in it.
The question is: Are Valve warning us of the coming Police State, or are they desensitizing us so that we will accept it when it comes?

(Boston DNC "free speech zone" cages, Patriot Act, military troops acting as police, the coming Draft which includes "Homeland" service, the list goes on...)

Hopefully the former, since there are freedom fighters....
Kern802 its a fictional game and they arent preparing us for anything. Dont try to turn this into a political argument where none exists.
I was just kidding on the aliens thing, but Nineteen Eighty-Four was more about one mans rebellion and how the rest of the nation would never rebel. In HL2 there are people openly expressing their feelings towards the combine. :)
SupaKoopa said:
1984 had a sexy seductress lady in it.

It also had a very old woman with no teeth in it :E wonder if therell be someone similar in HL2.
seinfeldrules said:
Kern802 its a fictional game and they arent preparing us for anything. Dont try to turn this into a political argument where none exists.

mmm... you have a good point... Thanks for your response.

and since when are things getting original???

Best suggestion.

Read. 1984, 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep', Animal Farm (if you haven't been forced to already), and read lots. You'll be amazed at how much is borrowed from Orwell, Lapham, and whoever wrote DADES. All excellent books.
The question is: Are Valve warning us of the coming Police State, or are they desensitizing us so that we will accept it when it comes?

(Boston DNC "free speech zone" cages, Patriot Act, military troops acting as police, the coming Draft which includes "Homeland" service, the list goes on...)

Hopefully the former, since there are freedom fighters....

woah woah woah, the coming Draft... homeland service?? i heard stuff about a new draft but is there a link with info or anything???
Duuuudes look around, It already is 1984---just "britany spear style" especially in Kanadar
Octavian said:
Best suggestion.

Read. 1984, 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep', Animal Farm (if you haven't been forced to already), and read lots. You'll be amazed at how much is borrowed from Orwell, Lapham, and whoever wrote DADES. All excellent books.
Agreed. And 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' was written by Philip K. Dick. A lot of his stuff is extremely interesting, and much of it has directly inspired, or been adapted into, films.
There's a saying, "There's nothing new under the sun."
Meaning that either people are stealing ideas from each other, or it's impossible to come up with anything that hasn't already been said or done.
Odd, that. I did instantly think 1984 when I saw Gordon led into that room on one of the vids.
Thanks for the save, Logic. I could barely remember the initials, but I wasn't sure what they were.

Blade Runner was a good film from DADES- which is a rare case since both book and the film were excellent.

What else has he done that was turned to a movie?
woah woah woah, the coming Draft... homeland service?? i heard stuff about a new draft but is there a link with info or anything???

The talk of a draft was actually begun by many of the far left liberals (Democrats) in the Senate. I believe it is just a ploy to make the Bush Administration's foreign policy seem scary. They want to have a mandatory draft in which you serve for X amount of time in a specialized field or do some type of community service. Its all politics, there will never be a 1984 type situation in America.

I apologize for adding the politics when I yelled at someone else for doing so, but he asked :devil:
"What else has he done that was turned to a movie?"

Both "Minority Report" and "A.I." were based on stories by Phillip K. Dick.

Also, I think the novel "Brave New World" represents a good inspiration for Half Life 2.
i wish we were reading 1984 in LA right now, but were just reading stupid ol Homers Odyssey. i tried reading 1984 once but i gave up on like the 5th chapter but now im willing to give it another try.
I recently finished 1984, a great book but the ending didn't sit well with me. A good ending yes, but there was something about it I didn't quite like.
Its like Kill Bill. 90% is obviously taken from other movies, for the reason of paying homage to said movies.
The writing style, or the discomforting ending?
seinfeldrules said:
The talk of a draft was actually begun by many of the far left liberals (Democrats) in the Senate. I believe it is just a ploy to make the Bush Administration's foreign policy seem scary. They want to have a mandatory draft in which you serve for X amount of time in a specialized field or do some type of community service. Its all politics, there will never be a 1984 type situation in America.

I apologize for adding the politics when I yelled at someone else for doing so, but he asked :devil:

No, there is a far more subtle manipulation occuring here. Those in the know are aware that because of current military deployments and planned deployments (Iran is next, btw. Read the neocon's own plan for global domination at: a draft is a logical necessity. In order to gain bi-partisan support for the draft, the Democrats crafted bills that exploit the leftist's tendencies towards class warfare. Since the draft is coming, anyway, why not preemptively introduce bills that close the loopholes that allowed the wealthy and privileged to evade going to Vietnam? That's right, you will be drafted even if you are attending college.

seinfeldrules said:
Its all politics, there will never be a 1984 type situation in America.

Then how do you explain away the Patriot act? The FBI can obtain a secret search warrant in a secret court to search your home and not tell you. If the FBI requests the records of a business, for instance their customer information database, that business is forbidden from notifying anyone. The FBI can request from libraries and bookstores what books you read. Why does the FBI need to know what books you read? The Patriot act is a tool of oppression. Section 802 of the Patriot act defines terrorism as any "acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State." That's right, break any law and you are a terrorist and can be prosecuted under the Patriot act. I could go on and on....
aeroripper said:
woah woah woah, the coming Draft... homeland service?? i heard stuff about a new draft but is there a link with info or anything???

Here you go, you can read S89 for yourself at:

The draft is for those between the ages of 18 and 26, and now includes females.

Expect this to be passed after the election.
The FBI can obtain a secret search warrant in a secret court to search your home and not tell you.
Have they so far? I thought so. Not even the extreme left groups can find examples of Federal agents taking advantage of it. If you would rather have more 9/11s than to search a terrorist's home than so be it. I have nothing to hide, they can search my home anytime.

Why does the FBI need to know what books you read?

Well if you are renting books on "How to Make your Own Weapons", "The Explosive Properties of Fertilizer" and other such wonderous titles, then the FBI may want to be checking in on you. Who knows though, maybe your kids like listening to that before they go to sleep.

"acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State." That's right, break any law and you are a terrorist and can be prosecuted under the Patriot act. I could go on and on....

You missed the "acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of criminal laws"

Make that decision on the draft for yourself. The bill sponsor was none other than Sen. Charles Rangle (one of the most liberal politicans in America). The only way I see this bill being enacted is if John Kerry is elected and he allows his party to run all over him.
seinfeldrules said:

Make that decision on the draft for yourself. The bill sponsor was none other than Sen. Charles Rangle (one of the most liberal politicans in America). The only way I see this bill being enacted is if John Kerry is elected and he allows his party to run all over him.

John Kerry has seen the horrors of war with his own eyes during the vietnam conflict, he will NOT enact the bill.

Bush on the other hand is straining his military resources and requires more personel to fight in the upcoming wars (that is if the elections are rigged)

If Bush is elected, don't say I didn't tell you so