Wow, I Just Realized...

Originally posted by Idolon
Join me and you too shall have such power.
The immense power of the dark side! :devil:

*breath in sound* *breath out sound*...

*breath in sound* *breath out sound*

I am your father!

*simmo bows down to Idolon
I called her and she said she wanted to meet with me. Oh my God. W00t! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
/me waves arms about in the air. Thats right guys, do 50 push ups and phone any lass you want and they will go out with you !!
But exhausting.

I just use the mind trick.
"You will come home with me".
Originally posted by The Mullinator
So that means if I do 100 pushups I could get 2 girls at once? hmmm...

Thats quite right. Don't hurt yourself tho or it shall backfire.

Originally posted by Idolon
But exhausting.

I just use the mind trick.
"You will come home with me".

What if the mind trick doesen't work an they call you a wierdo and slap you? ;)
There is hope for us geeks yet. Just keep doing push ups and mowing the lawn and keep in mind there is SOMEONE out there who will like you.
Just a friendly reminder to anyone who thinks sweating around in a gym is for idiots only: your sex life depends on your physical fitness, you can't expect to last 2 hours if you don't work out every once and then. making an' eating sandwiches do NOT count lol : )
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Just a friendly reminder to anyone who thinks sweating around in a gym is for idiots only: your sex life depends on your physical fitness, you can't expect to last 2 hours if you don't work out every once and then. making an' eating sandwiches do NOT count lol : )

LOL when I actually get up to the "sex" stage of life I think I'll manage somehow
What if your so good in bed that you get all the exercise you need from sex? Now that would be amazing.
I dont go to a gym or anything like that. I eat properly, so i dont really put on weight and i do a lot of active things. Such as skating and playing hockey and basketball.
Anything else you would like to add ferd? Just posting one word like that really has no point and wastes space.
actually far more than three bytes considering to show his post, it has to show his avatar, sig, all the little buttons on the bottom, date, time, do the table thing for it. yeah. ferd, yyou re quite the byte-waster.

grats on getting a girlfriend. so its true, geeks CAN have them! :p

as for me, I don't exercise much(read: at all), but hey. as long as I look morbidly anorexic when I stretch I'm fine. ...and I do.
I play hockey... That's it. I can't last a lot of ice time though.
Oh and I can do 3 push ups stuggling...:dork:
I remember once in PE, they had us doing push ups...against the wall.

Kinda pointless, although i was funny when one guy pushed himself over.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
There is hope for us geeks yet. Just keep doing push ups and mowing the lawn and keep in mind there is SOMEONE out there who will like you.

oi you forgot making sandwitches :LOL:

Man, you guys are so lucky.

I live alone, in the basement of my house. I don’t have any friends, I don’t brash my teeth, I don’t take a shower. Actually, I lied, my only friends are rats, I like them, they are so furry.

Anyway, sometimes I need to go out of my cave, but it is usually at night, naked. Because if you run naked, nobody can see you, robots have it. I mean, my love from Ghost in the Shell told me so, when we had cyber-sex. I run to the market, get myself some food, and run back, without paying, because I can hack security with my advanced mind.

I also have beard, it helps me to store food. I download anime all day long, because anime is only truth. It’s another reality, everything is so alive there.

One time, policeman came to my house, because he somehow saw me running around town naked. So I used Kamehameha wave on him, but he dodged it. Thanks god for a shovel, it went right through his head. After that I drank his blood, to get internal life. But now Hellsing organization hunting me down, I need to run somewhere.

Guys help me, I need to stay with someone, who wants to take me in? I understand that my beauty can blind you, but I will try being not so sexy.
Originally posted by Idolon
But exhausting.

I just use the mind trick.
"You will come home with me".
You will come back to my gingerbread house.