Wow I was right.


May 20, 2003
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On my stance of not getting married. Ever.

Some do not apply to me.


Why men should not marry.

All the older guys I know, guys that are 55 and older are telling me the same story; don't do it. It just turns to crap no matter what you do. They'd rather be independent. At best it's a tedious bore. At worst a living hell with financial ruin thrown in for good measure. The problem is that when you're young, you just naturally fall into this mind set where your whole self image is based on how women regard you, and so you spend all your money and energy trying to make yourself acceptable to them. Then later in life the shine wears off and you finally realize that you've wasted yourself on a bunch of crap. Children - "the ultimate human experience"
I couldn't even begin to list all of the older folks i know from work or through my family with kids they either don't get along with, are disappointed in, or are so distant as to not even be a factor in each other's lives.
I'm really skeptical about the idea of children as "the ultimate blessing." How many friends do you have with little or no meaningful contact or relationships with their parents?
I would wager the statistic for happy child/parent relations would be as bad, if not worse, than the marriage numbers. Who wants to deal with TWO bitter, unfulfilling relationships?!

A few years ago I went through a major depression over this until I started talking to all the older guys I knew...and they all said the same thing; "don't do it, it's shit. Even when it's not bad, it's shit". You end up being closely tied to an old woman. Think about that. I can go to Europe or the south seas tomorrow. If I was married I wouldn't have the money and I'd have to ask HER permission. Don't get married unless you are absolutely religiously in love with her. Like carry her sick aged body to the toilet and wipe her ass and be happy to do it kind of love.
What I'm saying is that human beings are nasty weak treacherous creatures that are for the most part totally untrustworthy. Experience is my basis for this statement, both mine and others who I know or who have written reliable histories. If you can find a woman to be your companion who is not treacherous, a deceitful little actress, a sly whore or a manipulative nag or a shrieking hag, then you are among the lucky few. Congratulations. I hope your luck continues to hold out.

Ok, assume that you will end up divorced and won't see your kids and lose half of your assets, how different is that from being married?
Most married guys I know are working their asses off to pay bills, rarely to get to spend time with their families, mediocre or no sex life, and have wives that spend as much of their money as absolutely possible.
My problem with marriage isn't a fear of divorce; it is that the whole thing sucks divorce or not.

What security is there for men in marriage?
If I cheat on my wife, she gets half my shit.
If she cheats on me, she still gets half my shit.
Why the **** should i get married?

**** it man, it's easy to get depressed about not being married when we live in a society that constantly feeds us the image of the happy couple. It's one big lie. The happiest person alive is someone who isn't a prisoner dependent on another human being... We only have 80 or so years on this rock to achieve true freedom

Very few marriages last nowadays, and even guys older than me are telling me not to even think about it... It's a grossly overrated source of happiness. And for the 80% that do go through divorce, it will financially ruin you for life. Period. You can take your best 10 earning years from say, 35 to 45 and take all the wealth you would have accumulated and flush it down the toilet. Because it will go to her and her lawyer. If it happens naturally and it's good then great, good luck. But the worst thing is to force it, to make gross exertions and ignore all sorts of red lights going off just to be hooked up and "normal". Get some hobbies. Relax. Hang out. Enjoy. Take life as it comes.

As men, we all know that a woman's primary objective is to marry. After years of experience I've discovered their most commonly used strategy. here it is:
1. Girl pressures guy for marriage.
2. Guy delays.
3. Girl gradually starts destroying guy's self-esteem and eliminating his friends.
4. Guy becomes too weak and too much of a loser to find something better than what he has.
5. Girl starts to limit sex. In effect controlling the only good thing in the guy's life.
6. Guy is in despair. Capitulates to marriage.

Then 5-10 years later the guy is an empty shell of his former self. Girl is a ruthless manipulating machine. Girl divorces loser husband. Girl takes 80% of guy's stuff because the guy is too brain dead to find a good lawyer. Girl lives happily ever after. Guy becomes bald alcoholic who dies of heart attack at 45 years old.
eh, not everyone over the age of 50 hates marrige and if you want children then it's the best way to do it.

If you don't want to get married then don't.
Originally posted by thenerdguy
What I'm saying is that human beings are nasty weak treacherous creatures that are for the most part totally untrustworthy. Experience is my basis for this statement, both mine and others who I know or who have written reliable histories.

this is the reason for the article. this is for some reason a "way out" for people to justify being lazy and treating their fellow humans like shit.

people can justify being lazy and being an asshole as long as they convince themselves that everyone else is a piece of crap too. it's a childish way of dealing with problems.
Someone is bitter.

If the next person guesses who it is correctly they get... their post count incremented.

If you are wrong... well... you still get your post count incremented.

It's a win-win situation!
I know i would rather have married and been through shit and got divorced than not got married at all. Just imagine how cool it must be to know you are coming home to someone that loves you...w00t :)

*edit i know you dont have to be married to come home to someone you love, but it makes it official ;)
Whoever wrote that has issus. Only one person in my family (Out of over 60 imidiate members) ever had marital problems.

the rest have all been happily married.

i plan on marrying as well... Its just a matter of finding the right girl, not the first one that sleeps with you.
Yea some people have a few bad experiences with women and consider them all bad, which is short sighted considering how many people there are in the world. He just has to realise he has bad taste in women.

Not you thenerdguy i mean the author of the book.
Well, I have given up on american girls. I just might get a mail order bride from singapore or mexico. :)
"What I'm saying is that human beings are nasty weak treacherous creatures that are for the most part totally untrustworthy."

i'm loving it. that's almost good enough to be my new sig. (hear that, i'm in the market for a new sig so sharpen your witty response pencils).

i don't want to get married either, for pretty much the same reasons as this article has outlined. it's not that i hate women, i just think they all need to realise that not all men are willing to be wrapped around their evil twisted little finger. i know this is a little sexist and will probably offend, but i think it's quite apt: "what does a prawn and a woman have in common? the head is full of shit but the pink bit tastes great."

anyway, i know there are guys who've found the right person, is she still gonna be the right one in 20 years time? you can never tell, so it's a real gamble.

EDIT: wait thought of another one that applies: "what does a woman and a condom have in common? always in your wallet and never on your dick." of course apologies for anyone i've offended, just trying to make a point
Dosnt England have like the highest devorce rate in the world?
I used to be just like you thenerdguy, but now I realized just how wrong I was. Yeah not being married is good if you're a "playa" or something, but lets face it, us nerds don't exactly have an easy time getting dates. So if you find someone hold on to her. (yeah marriage is not perfect, I know, but its better than nothing)

And remember, the longer you fight the system, the harder it will strike back later. :x
another piece from the same website:
A huge percentage of American women are selfish, flighty, insecure, needy and psychotic, and quite capable of concealing those traits during the dating phase.

White 'career' American chicks are the bottom of the barrel marriage-wise.

Foreign women from South America, Eastern Europe, and Asia are at the top. Only guys who travel (in other words, guys who are successful and ambitious enough to travel a lot) find these. But they never, ever go back.

Foreign-born women living in the US are the next best. They get married early...they are highly sought-after by American guys for their wifely skills (hell, any women who has ANY ability to be a wife is better than your average American chick, who knows NOTHING about being a wife)

Bottom of the barrel---white American chicks. Yecch.

Here's a story: I knew a guy who was Hungarian (parents emigrated) who tried for 15 years to find a half-decent women to marry. He's a doctor, by the way. Finally after 8 psycho-weirdo US chicks, he went back to the 'old country' to find a wife. The people there were lining the women up for him to meet...he's a rich American guy...they are considered the best husbands in the world.

just ... LoL ...

also, LD, I disagree. If she's not right for you, she's just not right for you. Marriage is not about being married. It's about you and her.
Better than nothing shmetter than shmotting
If she's not right, you're just losing your time. And that's worse than wasting it. You can't pretend forever anyway. Wait for the right one.

just my .02 tho...
The thing is if I do find a girl she would have to never stranger than I am to put up with me.
She would have to be drunk yet sober all the time to sain around me and not go homicidal and kill every one.