WoW loser confesses addiction on Tyra Banks


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
this guy is the ultimate loser:

World of Warcraft is in the seat of blame again - this time on the Tyra Banks Show, where a concerned wife has been telling tales of woe about her addicted husband.

Two particularly bad examples of his 'dependency' were delaying his birthday dinner to get "just five more minutes," and leaving his wife in labour whilst he got a quick fix.

"Also, when I was in labour with my daughter it took a while," the wife told a concerned Tyra Banks. "So he went home to take a shower and he ended up getting on the computer and playing for about three hours, and then came back to the hospital before I gave birth."

Mister husband claimed that he didn't want to get too emotionally attached to his daughter in case Sudden Infantile Death Syndrome (SIDS) struck.

what an idiot! the best thing she could do is leave him right this instant ..for the good of their daughter ....dead beat dads need to be beat dead

here's the videos from the Tyra banks show:

WoW loser #2

..I dont have a link for this one but it was mentioned on the pcgamer podcast for the last few weeks or so

the gist of it: guy gets his wife interested in playing WoW, they join guild ..she runs off with guy from guild, he doesnt touch WoW for a year

/me makes L shape with fingers and puts to forehead


this guy in comparison is the coolest person ever!!!

ok maybe not
Oh Tyra teach me some tough love :LOL: wtf why would you immediately think to goto Tyra Banks about something like this? lol

Jerry Springer is the obvious choice.
They eventually shred the game CD's. Which is useless because you can play WoW without them. They should have deleted his characters ...
"Mister husband claimed that he didn't want to get too emotionally attached to his daughter in case Sudden Infantile Death Syndrome (SIDS) struck."

Hmmm.. that may look awful, but its understandable. Some people are just fragile, and you must already know this, stern. There have been worse things done in life, though.
yes I do realise this however not wanting to show your new born affection because it may die of SIDS is idiotic not too mention selfish, cowardly and detrimental to the well being of his daughter a father I can attest to the fear SIDS brings but if anything you want to be more involved because of it, not less he was just being selfish and used that as an excuse
That is almost impossible to believe but seeing as it's WoW.
They eventually shred the game CD's. Which is useless because you can play WoW without them. They should have deleted his characters ...

That's what I was thinking. Oh well, best of luck to them and their relationship.
Muwahahha, I don't mind them on WoW all the time. They stay out of my way!
lol, "Other people do stuff with REAL human beings, not with just a computer" It's online lol.

but yeah it was a good video.
She has obviously not played WoW.

Seriously though... thats pathetic!
Rofl, They shred the CD's OH NO!!!! They shredded the CD's!! how is he going to play again!!?!?

For wow noobs -> you dont need the CD to play the game at all.
The comments are funniest on the page, it's WoW players bashing each other..

jhiller87 (38 minutes ago)
For the HORDE! What a tool def an Alliance member - Yes, because if he was playing a horde character, he wouldn't be such a "tool"

Vladdyboy (33 minutes ago)
Yeah, because the Horde kicks ass 24/7 not like you nooby alliance players.

Kolyatron (8 minutes ago)
Go Kael'thas! This guy is from our server, Alliance side. <3 You can tell from the guild tags.
wth is tyra banks making that kind of show,she is a dumb whore

tyra banks:"oh yeah I care for the people"
just like she cares for the girls in the top model american show

this guy in comparison is the coolest person ever!!!

ok maybe not

lol thats kind of cool
"ya so I had to defend myself by ramming my blackberry into the bitch's face"
I stand behind my opinion that Tyra's a dumb bitch, that Doctor fellow is a moron, and if the wife had taken it upon herself to lose a few pounds and give the guy head while he played that everything would have been alright.

But no, instead we get more drivel on TV. Obviously the guy's gonna be a deadbeat dad, she should've just dumped him and gotten him to pay child support.
If one more comment is made about the woman's weight, I'm going to start cracking puppy skulls.

It's incredibly hard for a woman to lose weight after she's had a baby, and it disgusts me that that would even enter the conversation.

The guy is a moron, and that was the biggest waste of the Staples Mailmate shredder I've ever seen.
If one more comment is made about the woman's weight, I'm going to start cracking puppy skulls.

It's incredibly hard for a woman to lose weight after she's had a baby, and it disgusts me that that would even enter the conversation.
We definitely need the sarcasm tags back.

Since it wasn;t obvious, I was being completely sarcastic. Well, except for the fact that Tyra's a dumb bitch. That part's true.
If one more comment is made about the woman's weight, I'm going to start cracking puppy skulls.

It's incredibly hard for a woman to lose weight after she's had a baby, and it disgusts me that that would even enter the conversation.

The guy is a moron, and that was the biggest waste of the Staples Mailmate shredder I've ever seen.

Yea the whole weight thing was kinda overblown on the YouTube comments. My first thought was the "just having a baby" thing too.

Not that she was incredibly big to begin with.
That kind of shit - any non-physical dependence, that is, or even physical ones, because they start off this way - is entirely the fault of the person for not being responsible for themselves, not the fault of World of Warcraft.
Not trying to defend the guy's actions, but to be fair he may have some sort of associated mental illness. That doesn't excuse what he did, but there is often more going on behind the scenes than meets the eye.

A person in a healthy state of mind doesn't ruin their life over a video game.
Not trying to defend the guy's actions, but to be fair he may have some sort of associated mental illness. That doesn't excuse what he did, but there is often more going on behind the scenes than meets the eye.

A person in a healthy state of mind doesn't ruin their life over a video game.

Define ruin, because I'm sure a lot of people on here have played video games more than they should have in the past which could jeopardize their futures.

This obviously takes it to an entirely new level, though.
o I see

Anyways I managed to find the thing in question, I had the episode on my computer:


So great :D
Yea I took it myself.

<3 Power DvD

I was gonna cut out the entire scene but I figured the screen would do.
Define ruin, because I'm sure a lot of people on here have played video games more than they should have in the past which could jeopardize their futures.

This obviously takes it to an entirely new level, though.

By "ruin" I merely meant to affect their life in a seriously detrimental way. For example, if a person is missing job interviews or not eating healthy because of a video game than it's most likely that there is a larger problem in thier life that is the cause of it.
I got SIDS when I was younger, it isn't pleasent let me tell you.