wow some people just amaze me

FeliX 450

Jan 24, 2008
Reaction score
If you have the opinion that all people are stupid, stuff like this is helpful. It just reinforces those opinions, and makes you feel good about yourself.
I thought Bioshock was better. But Bioshock is also newer.

now see that cool. im sure you beat both games. this kid says that half life sucks because it can give you a stroke while being chased by a helicopter or something stupid like that :O
That forum layout with the how the quotes work is horrible.
Meh. It's just one man's opinion, and he's obviously missing out on THE GREAT HALF-LIFE EXPERIENCE. So too bad for him. But comparing Half-Life 2 to Bioshock is like comparing apples and oranges or crowbars to snarks. They both serve their own purposes while both being extremely satisfactory in their execution.
Honestly i wasnt able to get through bioshock.. I liked where the story was going and all, and it was good game play.. but there just wasnt enough there to keep me going.. or i suppose it would be keener of me to say there was to much going on for me to be interested.. i need a game with simple game play and good story. Half life is easily that game.
yep i'll agree i dont like when there is TOO much going on at the same time in a game all the time. i hate when im being forced to do something when i dont really want to. kinda hard to explain but oh well. :x
I just dont like RPG elements in my games.. granted i like getting weapon addons ( a suppressor, laser pointer, nade launcher ).. but my shot gun causing electric damage? I mean.. thats all good and fun.. but frankly i dont want all that crap.. i just want a gun to shoot at F*#kers!
Someone on the playstation's official forums has displayed below average intelligence? STAWP T' PREZZES!

The games are very different. I like them both for different reasons. I like Half-Life 2 more for the thoroughly illogical reason that Bioshock isn't System Shock 2.
Bioshock was great the first time through, but was boring after that. HL2 wasn't.
The whole what is better thing is getting rather old, and im hoping this recent trend will fade away... Until then, people are stupid and say stupid things. A guy told me once that Half Life 1 was the worst game he ever played because he got stuck in the elevator before office complex... Just ignore troll-like people who say that stuff, and dont make vs. thread because they can get real dirty...

On a more opiniated note, hl2 is much much better, but Bioshock was definitly an ahcievement.. Well designed, and atmospheric, but its one of those games that gets such a huge reaction when its first released and in the next few years it will be nothing... Where as half life 2 has been out for nearly 5 years and it still a hot-topic... Parts of bioshock felt like chores and were boring... Both good games, but one is a classic, while the other is well-crafted game...
That man had a stroke whilst playing through the canals.

Holy shit, that forum is shit. The layout is awful. I clicked "Next thread" instead of "next page" and began wondering why they were talking about COD 4 and Army of 2 and that.

****ing sucks.
I like Half-Life 2 more for the thoroughly illogical reason that Bioshock isn't System Shock 2.

Right on. You could probably compare System Shock 2 to Half Life 2 much more easily. Actually HL1 and SS2 probably compare even better because, IMO, HL1 was a little more horror focused than HL2.
No... Half Life 2 is the WORST game I have ever played... Stupid canals filled with random things that kill you, and usually not much ways to avoid them, repetivity, not knowing where to go next, stupid helicopters that shoot you down... and so on... BORING, and FRUSTRATING!

hahahahahahahahahahahhhahhahahahaaahahahahah the funniest thing I've ever heard.