Wow starship troopers 2


May 20, 2003
Reaction score
Sucked as bad as the 1st one did!

I mean it was cool and bloody but the acting and story sucked. Special effects where cool but didnt redeam it. It gets 3/10.

Anyone elce see it yet?
Saw it in HMV the other day and didn't know they were even making a sequel plus the fact it was a straight-to -DVD affair it was bound to be pretty crappy. Besides isnt it suposed to be a satire of the sci-fi genre?
I loved the book. It was a great story and very interesting political and military commentary by Heinlein.

The movies, on the other hand, are just horrible. The missed the point of the book completely.
Movies that don't make the big screen (read: video only releases) are guaranteed to suck, remember that
Sprafa said:
I didn't knew that movie existed.....

It was a straight to DVD release. It was complete shit, couldn't stand more than 15 minutes of it. The acting was terrible, all the soldiers were walking stereotypes - it was like a cheap imitation of another film with stereotypical marines: Aliens. I mean, right down to the cowardly lieutenant and the tough soldier chick. It was embarrassing.
I think Aliens actually borrowed a bit from Heinlein, so thats to be expected. Did they actually put some exoskeletons in this one, or does it just build upon Verhoven's ideas?
I thought the only good thing out of the whole film was the bit where the withered body said- "Hello Guys"....Mind you, I was drunk at the time.

Did anybody notice they started giving the arachnids emotion (WTF). I thought they missed the plot completely in that film, shit....
Starship Troopers 1 was ****in' A.

I thought it was good.. but I feel this straight-to-video sequel will be crusty pants.

You knows it.
I thought Starship Troopers 1 was Ace as well, although when I first saw it I thought a bit of gore was like "ub3r c00l!1111!1111!eleven"
Shuzer said:
Movies that don't make the big screen (read: video only releases) are guaranteed to suck, remember that

hmmm, what bs :p
Did you know 2 sequels of from dusk till dawn were made? I didn't have a clue until i rooted around the dvds at work.....needless to say i didn't rent them out
The CGI cartoon was the best adaption of the book I have ever seen. And It was darn good CGI too. You can buy them online, obviously I have them all.
r4z0r_bl4d3 said:
The CGI cartoon was the best adaption of the book I have ever seen. And It was darn good CGI too. You can buy them online, obviously I have them all.
I was a monstrous fan of the cartoon. It shows its age a little now, but considering how old it is its amazing. Marauder power!
KagePrototype said:
At least in Aliens, the stereotypical soldiers were entertaining.

That's because they weren't stereotypes when Aliens came out. :p
Nearly every 'soldiers versus aliens' movie since has been 'inspired' by Aliens.

I also agree that they did a good job with the 'toon.

And there are some good DTV movies:
- Pi
- Dog Soldiers
- Um... did I mention Pi?
Mechagodzilla said:
That's because they weren't stereotypes when Aliens came out. :p
Nearly every 'soldiers versus aliens' movie since has been 'inspired' by Aliens.

I also agree that they did a good job with the 'toon.

And there are some good DTV movies:
- Pi
- Dog Soldiers
- Um... did I mention Pi?

i loved dog soldiers.
i saw this for sale... but the fact it hadnt been advertised anywhere told me to STAY AWAY!!! i was obviosly right....
Dog Soliders wasnt direct to DVD, I saw it in the cinema! (and I now own the DVD!)

Also, Tremors 4 was a direct to DVD film that was great, on a par with Tremors (1), and much better than Tremors 2 and 3

hmm that probably says more about my taste in movies than it should...
Mechagodzilla said:
That's because they weren't stereotypes when Aliens came out. :p
Nearly every 'soldiers versus aliens' movie since has been 'inspired' by Aliens.

I also agree that they did a good job with the 'toon.

And there are some good DTV movies:
- Pi
- Dog Soldiers
- Um... did I mention Pi?

Pi was NOT direct to DVD, I saw it at a local theatre that shows independent movies.
I liked the first one...I must see the second one (even if it does suck).
me and my friends watch the first pone at 4 in the morning, after playing halo all night.

it was the funniest movie ever.
The cartoon was great. It was aimed for the younger crowd but they ended up making it being good for the older crowd too. It was on par with the movie (if not better because it was a series that continued on and on)
The best Direct to video is a movie called "Boondock Saints." I am serious, next time you are in Blockbuster, look for that title. It is worth renting it. 99% of all theatrical releases are not as good as Boondock Saints.
In the first one I liked how the enemy player kept rushing the marines with aliens :) Very much like the games I play. And the CG was good.
Boondock saints is indeed a great film! I saw it on dvd, but I thought it had a cinema release?
Shuzer said:
Let me rephrase that

Sequels that don't make it to the big screen

sorry :)

they are loads of anime films that have sequals that don't make the big screen :p

Infact... theya re many good films that don't make the big screen. Its just not many people know about them. Quiet a lot of them are japanese and from other cultures. Hense why they are good :p normally anything from america sucks balls. I am not saying dust till dawn 15 and star shiptrooper 2 will be good. I am just saying they are many good films that never make the big screen. They normally have a lot more meaning as well. Compared to shit like the matrix and LOTR.
IchI said:
They normally have a lot more meaning as well. Compared to shit like the matrix and LOTR.
*Eyeball starts twitching* :O
The store at which I work at does a '50 fantastic DVDs!' boxed set - filled with lots of obscure B-Movies, and terrible cash-ins. I mean, one of the films is 'Alien Intruder' - and it even copies the font of Alien!

I might have to buy it, just to have some *calculates* 150 hours worth of straight-to-DVD classics.

-Angry Lawyer
IchI said:
they are loads of anime films that have sequals that don't make the big screen :p

Infact... theya re many good films that don't make the big screen. Its just not many people know about them. Quiet a lot of them are japanese and from other cultures. Hense why they are good :p normally anything from america sucks balls. I am not saying dust till dawn 15 and star shiptrooper 2 will be good. I am just saying they are many good films that never make the big screen. They normally have a lot more meaning as well. Compared to shit like the matrix and LOTR.

I've never once seen a solid made-for-DVD sequel to a movie.
Angry Lawyer said:
The store at which I work at does a '50 fantastic DVDs!' boxed set - filled with lots of obscure B-Movies, and terrible cash-ins. I mean, one of the films is 'Alien Intruder' - and it even copies the font of Alien!

I might have to buy it, just to have some *calculates* 150 hours worth of straight-to-DVD classics.

-Angry Lawyer

How much is that?
£50. That means, you're getting one B-Movie per pound you spend. But it's in England, which makes it difficult for most of you guys. The store I work at, 'Argos', tends to deal in many forms of shite.

-Angry Lawyer
blahblahblah said:
The best Direct to video is a movie called "Boondock Saints." I am serious, next time you are in Blockbuster, look for that title. It is worth renting it. 99% of all theatrical releases are not as good as Boondock Saints.

Saw it in a theater with my sister.
lol, by far the best thing about the sequel was the cover.....the way they reeeeeeally badly photoshopped the new actors head into the helmets off the original cover.......sheer genius.
blahblahblah said:
The best Direct to video is a movie called "Boondock Saints." I am serious, next time you are in Blockbuster, look for that title. It is worth renting it. 99% of all theatrical releases are not as good as Boondock Saints.

Brilliant movie, I recommend it to everyone.