wow stupid people at gamespot (the members, not the gamespot itself)

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Companion Cube
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
for the people that did their own reviews that gave hl2 under 8, there was 2 main reasons. one, they didnt like the stabllity, they didnt like steam, stuff like that, which i am fine with. two, they are halo2 or other game fanboys. i can tell, because they are always comparing hl2 with like halo2 and stuff. some, was just pathedic, this guy says there is too much and too long load time, even though he has a radeon 9800. A ****ING graphics card doesnt effect the FUXCKING load time!!!! they are saying bs like, repetitive, how is it repetitive? there is no parts of the game thats exactly the same! what the **** are they smoking! they are like, omg! halo 2 looked better, right.... thats why everything was all blurry in halo2. halo2 had a better story, right, thats why you switch places between master chief and the aliens. seriously, halo2 looks so bad, its worse than halo on pc! ****ing fan boys!!! makes me mad! i didnt feel bad for the people that give arounds 8 because of steam, and stuff because i didnt like it too. but i just cant stand fan boys. they say repetitive, they say bs, bs and more bs.

just had to let it out, so go ahead and flame me. got me flame suite on
Everyones allowed there opinions in a free enviroment, the universal nature of forums makes peoples views meaningless, dont let it get to u.
ktimekiller said:
for the people that did their own reviews that gave hl2 under 8, there was 2 main reasons. one, they didnt like the stabllity, they didnt like steam, stuff like that, which i am fine with. two, they are halo2 or other game fanboys. i can tell, because they are always comparing hl2 with like halo2 and stuff. some, was just pathedic, this guy says there is too much and too long load time, even though he has a radeon 9800. A ****ING graphics card doesnt effect the FUXCKING load time!!!! they are saying bs like, repetitive, how is it repetitive? there is no parts of the game thats exactly the same! what the **** are they smoking! they are like, omg! halo 2 looked better, right.... thats why everything was all blurry in halo2. halo2 had a better story, right, thats why you switch places between master chief and the aliens. seriously, halo2 looks so bad, its worse than halo on pc! ****ing fan boys!!! makes me mad! i didnt feel bad for the people that give arounds 8 because of steam, and stuff because i didnt like it too. but i just cant stand fan boys. they say repetitive, they say bs, bs and more bs.

just had to let it out, so go ahead and flame me. got me flame suite on

Woh, spot the HL2 fanboy ;)

(and btw - I found the fighting in HL2 to be repetitive. Still think it's a great game though)
Steam overall has nothing to do with HL2 itself, thus it can't be considered when playing Hl2 onless it makes a direct hit on some part of Hl2 which it dosn't.
I havn't every crashed once with HL2.

this guy says there is too much and too long load time, even though he has a radeon 9800
I can agree that guy is pretty dumb.

Think of it like this.
There is a ton of your favorite food.
Now lets say, someone dosn't want any.
Rather than keep telling them how great the food is, just say "Well more for me".
why is it repetitive? its always in different places, not like doom3 where monsters hide in obious places, and textures are nice, but are same throughout the WHOLE game
I didn't find anything repetitive. The game is great..they are just people that don't understand a real game..
I like fanboys of games that haven't even been released. They base all their opinions on screen shots and such.

Don't get into arguments with 'em, because only fools argue with fools. Halo 2 is a good game, but I haven't played it anywhere nearly as much as HL2.
If you are getting worked up over that, maybe it is time to find a new hobby! :O
Ah we get this post from ktime every week complaining about g-spot.

I wonder what he'll say next week :LOL:
ill prolly compain about the new commers complaining about thid game
Original Halo was repetitive. They "copies and pasted" large sections of environment presumably so it would fit on console! Haven't played Halo 2 yet though. Doom 3 was repetitive for sure - environments changed but nothing else did (much) - honestly, felt like I was playing a pretty quake 2.

Overall HL2 is the best of the bunch - but I won't know for sure until Halo 2 gets released on PC and I can come to a view.

(btw: its nearly 'effing impossible to play an FPS with a console gamepad! How the hell do games like that sell!???).
Burnhard said:
Original Halo was repetitive. They "copies and pasted" large sections of environment presumably so it would fit on console! Haven't played Halo 2 yet though. Doom 3 was repetitive for sure - environments changed but nothing else did (much) - honestly, felt like I was playing a pretty quake 2.

Overall HL2 is the best of the bunch - but I won't know for sure until Halo 2 gets released on PC and I can come to a view.

(btw: its nearly 'effing impossible to play an FPS with a console gamepad! How the hell do games like that sell!???).

Let's not go down this route again.

I get sore fingers trying to defend Halo agaisnt rabid pc fans :(
Gamespot didnt give a good review, why give a low score because of steam? If they are not happy, just review the RETAIL version or just wait for Valve to release a stand-alone version which does not require internet.

If you ask me, Halo 2 is nothing different from Halo 1. (From what i have seen so far)
Lol halo fanboys have no right to call ANY other game repetitive
Comparing Half-Life2 to a weak fps like Halo2 offends me and should offend Valve for spending 6 years on a game to get it compared to a standard console game.
DrkBlueXG said:
Comparing Half-Life2 to a weak fps like Halo2 offends me and should offend Valve for spending 6 years on a game to get it compared to a standard console game.
Quit being a fanboy. You do know the Halo people are wondering why everyone is getting so worked up about a dated, overly linear FPS with no MP mode, right? And there's a lot more of them than of us.
koopa said:
Quit being a fanboy. You do know the Halo people are wondering why everyone is getting so worked up about a dated, overly linear FPS with no MP mode, right? And there's a lot more of them than of us.
Haha, just wait til Halo3 comes out using the Source Engine :cheese:
koopa said:
Quit being a fanboy. You do know the Halo people are wondering why everyone is getting so worked up about a dated, overly linear FPS with no MP mode, right? And there's a lot more of them than of us.

And halo isn't linear? And if overly linear means being able to solve the same problem in a different way, then I like this "overly linear" game. Not to try to sound like a fanboy, but HL2 has much more replayability than Halo 2 and obviously much more advanced gameplay. HL2 surpasses halo 2 in almost every way, shape and form.

Halo 2 vs HL2

Graphics: Are you kidding? HL2.

Physics: see above...

Characters: There are other characters besides the master chief and that alien guy you play as in halo 2?

Story: All a matter of opinion there.

Gameplay: Hmm dual wielding (been done many times before) for Halo 2. Has physics based gameplay been done yet before hl2? Can you pick up a barrel in halo 2 and use it as cover while moving toward your enemy? I didn't think so.

BTW I haven't even gotten started on mods. Is halo 2 going to have a huge mod community that will make many free add ons? Don't count on it...

No mp mode huh? Oh what's that? Oh it's counter strike source, a multiplayer game at least 3x as good as Halo 2 on xbox live (I know because I have it). Yay for ignorance!
i have and played through the entire halo 2 sp and let me tell that it is a big dissappointment, it's pretty much like playing the first halo game except for the levels that you are on Earth, everything else is basically the first halo game at night time, playing it on Xbox Live on the other hand was a blast, there are numorous modes and matches you can play it on ,and i know that CS:S and CS has mircophone capablities, but the xbox one is a lot clearer, belieave me from someone who played both games, HL2 was 100x better, in fact, after i figured out how halo 2 would end, i just rushed through it just so i wouldnt have to worry about finishing it before hl2
Zeus said:
Not to try to sound like a fanboy, but HL2 has much more replayability than Halo 2 and obviously much more advanced gameplay. HL2 surpasses halo 2 in almost every way, shape and form.

I definately disagree with that.

HL2 is a very cool game - but it is easy and the combat is simple and rather repetitive.

The combat in Halo 2 is far more involved, asks more questions of the player, allows more experimentation, and is bloody hard. When it comes to tense, exciting fighting, HL2 can't even begin to compete (luckily, HL2 has never been about just fighting - and is amazing in the areas that matter)

I've finished HL2 twice on hard, and loved every second :) - but probably won't go back to it for a while (waiting for mods). I still play Halo 2 most days on Legendary, online and in co-op.

While it lasted, I probably enjoyed HL2 more. Short but sweet. Halo 2 is more a 'slow burner' and offers more variety (co-op, online) and challenge (which encourages practise and gives a great deal of replayability)

Of course HL2 excels in many areas too - but everyone here knows them, so there's little point stating each one again.

Notice I haven't said which game I prefer - because it really doesn't matter. The need to side with 'the best' is a trait normally shared by the young and the slightly dense (as can be seen in many of the posts in this thread)
I played through some of Halo and Halo 2 just yesterday to compare them...and wow, I can't even believe people compare them to HL2 and 1. It is a boring game filled with rooms and bridges followed by identical rooms and bridges, while you get attacked by the most uncreative and repetative monsters ever conceived. You can carry two weapons at a time (REVOLUTIONARY, I KNOW!!!), and I think the Halo weapons are especially boring compared to the HL ones.

Next of all, my friend and I noticed how much of a ripoff Halo seemed of HL when we played it yesterday. There are these little immitation headcrab things that attack you en-masse, and these all-too-similar zombies that take swings at you. Bungie even tried to title the levels like HL.

They tried to pull of that whole "cinematic storyline" everyone raves about and I think they failed miserably. The story is pathetic. The unbelievably crappy cut-scenes make me embarrassed to even be playing the game.

So in conclusion.....I cannot even understand why people rave about these games so much. The gameplay is fun--but repetative and unorigional. How are so many people proclaiming these games as the greatest things ever??!
Warbie said:
I definately disagree with that.

Notice I haven't said which game I prefer - because it really doesn't matter. The need to side with 'the best' is a trait normally shared by the young and the slightly dense (as can be seen in many of the posts in this thread)

I liked some of your points in defense of Halo2, but let's be honest: there's no problem with claiming one game is better than another. Do you think when Bungie and Valve are making this they aren't each trying to produce the best fps yet? It's human nature to compare one thing to another, and while it will depend on each person's guidlines, most people will declare one better than the other. And it doesn't mean they are dense. Get over yourself.
Player 17 said:
I played through some of Halo and Halo 2 just yesterday to compare them...and wow, I can't even believe people compare them to HL2 and 1. It is a boring game filled with rooms and bridges followed by identical rooms and bridges, while you get attacked by the most uncreative and repetative monsters ever conceived. You can carry two weapons at a time (REVOLUTIONARY, I KNOW!!!), and I think the Halo weapons are especially boring compared to the HL ones.

Next of all, my friend and I noticed how much of a ripoff Halo seemed of HL when we played it yesterday. There are these little immitation headcrab things that attack you en-masse, and these all-too-similar zombies that take swings at you. Bungie even tried to title the levels like HL.

They tried to pull of that whole "cinematic storyline" everyone raves about and I think they failed miserably. The story is pathetic. The unbelievably crappy cut-scenes make me embarrassed to even be playing the game.

So in conclusion.....I cannot even understand why people rave about these games so much. The gameplay is fun--but repetative and unorigional. How are so many people proclaiming these games as the greatest things ever??!
Well If your a long time bungie fan like myself, you'd know level titling was done by them way before half life was even thought of. Marathon anyone?

Regardless, HL2 BLOWS any Halo game out of the water. Played both of them a lot, and I can't even compare them at all. My friend and I rented Halo2 and started playing it together co-op, after 15mins he realized he hated it and gave up. As for me, I enjoyed it, but the combat is so much more mindless its not entertaining in the least bit. They throw hordes and hordes of enemies at you without much thought, and I just held down the trigger trying my best not die within seconds.
Im easily way more of a Bungie fanboy, and HL2 just owns the crap out of those Halo games.

Ed: Ya, the cutscenes in Halo and Halo2 are abyssmal.
I like them both for diffrent reasons.

I personally feel Halo 2 is an arcade version of hl2 with a diffrent story.

HALO 2 - Drastically dumbed down physics, no puzzles, confusing maps, and fast paced one minded gameplay (aka, arcade). Once you know how to beat an enemy, it becomes almost second nature, as they are highly predictable (arcade). The same stratagies from the beggining of the game can be used on the end of the game (arcade). There is normally only pathway to get through a level: kill all the badguys in your way, hit a switch or two, make it to the end (arcade). Many Many times you are requried to kill the badguys, (arcade).

HL2 on the other hand requires thinking to beat the enemys / maps. The enemies are always presented to you under diffrent curcumstances, and not simply ploped down in front of you like little baracades to get through. The game is puzzle based, not maze based, and will require more congnitive thought then simple maze following. It even rewards you for thinking of creative ways to do things, if only with big explosions and self satisfaction. The pathway is more convoluted because the nature of the system, you can be sneaky setting off traps or diverting enemy attention, or you can run in full force trying to kill them all, or you can even make your way around them subverting the fight altogether.

They both were short as hell (story wise), and they both have an alien "combine/covanent" written all over it. They both have pretty fun vehical physics. Gordon and the mastercheif both wear a type of hev suit.

For replayability though, hl2 pwns halo 2 all the way, I mean, think of MOD and you think half-life. Plus, the physgun is awsome.

With that said:
me and my step bro were playing halo 2 campaign multiplayer. I was driving a tank down a long stretch of highway while these ghosts kept flying their little hovering buts straight toward us. There wasn't enough room on the tank for my step bro to sit, so he jumped up top and shot at the ghosts, while I bombed them with the tank turret. about half way through, my tank blast shot a car over in the middle of the road. We were all like "cool, physics, hl2 wannabies!". A few seconds later another ghost came zooming up, and I shot it point blank with my cannon. Low and behold, it fliped up into the air, bounced of the car, and flew straight into my step brother on the top of my tank, killing him instantly. It was so awsome that we laughed for an hour.

Those types of experiances happen much more offten in hl2 though. Its as if the game was made to be that way.
Player 17 said:
I liked some of your points in defense of Halo2, but let's be honest: there's no problem with claiming one game is better than another. Do you think when Bungie and Valve are making this they aren't each trying to produce the best fps yet? It's human nature to compare one thing to another, and while it will depend on each person's guidlines, most people will declare one better than the other. And it doesn't mean they are dense. Get over yourself.

You obviously haven't played much of Halo - but are convinced that HL is 'better'. Maybe calling ppl dense was a little bit strong, but at least experience what each game has to offer before making a decision.

I agree that Halo/Halo 2 on normal difficulty, and below, isn't always impressive - these are basically training levels. Try playing Halo 2 on heroic or Legendary, you will then see how much more involved, satisfying, and enjoyable the combat is in comparison.
(the game is literally transformed)

HL2 has its strengths - but this certainly isn't one of them.
Amorphous said:
They throw hordes and hordes of enemies at you without much thought, and I just held down the trigger trying my best not die within seconds.
Im easily way more of a Bungie fanboy, and HL2 just owns the crap out of those Halo games

Each to their own - but come on :)

Playing on the harder settings is what makes the Halo series stand out. It demands practise and rewards skill. That sounds simple, but virtually no single player shooters do it - certainly not HL2, Doom, Far Cry etc.

You make Halo 2 sound like Serious Sam, which couldn't be further from the truth (infact HL2 has more in common with SS when it comes to fighting). You have to constantly be behind cover (even a weak Elite will kill you in seconds on Legendary, let alone 5 strong ones), choose the right weapons and use them well (it's a million miles from 'holding the button and hoping not to die') and most importantly, think fast and react (which is somthing you find in online gaming, but not single player ...... except in the Halo series)
ktimekiller said:
for the people that did their own reviews that gave hl2 under 8, there was 2 main reasons. one, they didnt like the stabllity, they didnt like steam, stuff like that, which i am fine with. two, they are halo2 or other game fanboys. i can tell, because they are always comparing hl2 with like halo2 and stuff. some, was just pathedic, this guy says there is too much and too long load time, even though he has a radeon 9800. A ****ING graphics card doesnt effect the FUXCKING load time!!!! they are saying bs like, repetitive, how is it repetitive? there is no parts of the game thats exactly the same! what the **** are they smoking! they are like, omg! halo 2 looked better, right.... thats why everything was all blurry in halo2. halo2 had a better story, right, thats why you switch places between master chief and the aliens. seriously, halo2 looks so bad, its worse than halo on pc! ****ing fan boys!!! makes me mad! i didnt feel bad for the people that give arounds 8 because of steam, and stuff because i didnt like it too. but i just cant stand fan boys. they say repetitive, they say bs, bs and more bs.

just had to let it out, so go ahead and flame me. got me flame suite on

You're talking about "****ing Fanboys"...So what the hell are you? People are entitled to their own opinion, and you being a Half Life 2 fan boy decided "Hey...they're criticising my game..i'll tell everyone at" and now you're crying..

Fanboys are like emo kids...they're over emotional, emo kids cry about losing there girlfriend, half life 2 fanboys cry over people not liking there game.
Zeus said:
And halo isn't linear? And if overly linear means being able to solve the same problem in a different way, then I like this "overly linear" game. Not to try to sound like a fanboy,
Yes, you do sound like a fanboy :) There aren't that many places in HL2 that you can solve the same problem in a different way. I think even Gabe would admit to you that HL2 is a story based, linear game. I've not played Halo 2 that much to comment, but I suspect it is also pretty linear.

Gameplay: Hmm dual wielding (been done many times before) for Halo 2. Has physics based gameplay been done yet before hl2? Can you pick up a barrel in halo 2 and use it as cover while moving toward your enemy? I didn't think so.
Ok, let me pick up on this 'been done many times' before thing. There is *very* little about any game that is original - and especially HL2. The point is not 'is it new', it's 'is it good'.

No mp mode huh? Oh what's that? Oh it's counter strike source, a multiplayer game at least 3x as good as Halo 2 on xbox live (I know because I have it). Yay for ignorance!
Well, since CS is an independent mod that's been around for years and it was available before HL2, then I'd say HL2 didn't ship with an MP mode. A lot of people find CS pretty dull.

I'm fine with you thinking that HL2 is a better game than Halo 2 (I'd probably agree). But there's no objective way of comparing these things. It doesn't make you wrong or stupid or ignorant if you think Halo 2 is better. Halo 2 is clearly a classy game - if we're honest I don't think many of us are going to dispute that - so all this mindless namecalling every time someone mentions it is just dumb. Can't we just accept they're both good games without all this hating?
whoo, you're gonna get flamed for having a different opinion! ;)
Warbie said:
I definately disagree with that.

HL2 is a very cool game - but it is easy and the combat is simple and rather repetitive.

The combat in Halo 2 is far more involved, asks more questions of the player, allows more experimentation, and is bloody hard. When it comes to tense, exciting fighting, HL2 can't even begin to compete (luckily, HL2 has never been about just fighting - and is amazing in the areas that matter)

I've finished HL2 twice on hard, and loved every second :) - but probably won't go back to it for a while (waiting for mods). I still play Halo 2 most days on Legendary, online and in co-op.

While it lasted, I probably enjoyed HL2 more. Short but sweet. Halo 2 is more a 'slow burner' and offers more variety (co-op, online) and challenge (which encourages practise and gives a great deal of replayability)

Of course HL2 excels in many areas too - but everyone here knows them, so there's little point stating each one again.

Notice I haven't said which game I prefer - because it really doesn't matter. The need to side with 'the best' is a trait normally shared by the young and the slightly dense (as can be seen in many of the posts in this thread)

Woh, spot the Halo 2 fan boy, the thing that make's the Half-Life 2 fan boys more respectable than you warbie is the fact that this is a Half-Life 2 forum so they're allowed to be fanboys, people just don't want to here about how you like Halo 2 because no one cares. If you want to go on about how Halo 2 is great go to the Halo 2 forums, I'm sure they'd welcome you, but please refrain from the Halo 2 fanboi'sm while you're here.

Personally I've heard the single player aspect of Halo 2 is the weakest aspect, that being in that it's inferior to the originals in that it's nothing really different, even for the X-Box, so there we go.
mortiz said:
Woh, spot the Halo 2 fan boy, the thing that make's the Half-Life 2 fan boys more respectable than you warbie is the fact that this is a Half-Life 2 forum so they're allowed to be
Absolute rubbish. The fact that you're on a HL2 forum means you probably like and want to talk about HL2. You don't have to have 'I LOVE HL2' tattooed on your forehead, and you are allowed to think the game isn't perfect. The last thing I want is fanboys because they're boring and stupid and lame.

I'm sure they'd welcome you, but please refrain from the Halo 2 fanboi'sm while you're here.
Yes, please refrain from expressing alternative opinions in my presence, it might break destroy my already weak grip on reality. Which bit of what he said was Halo 2 fanboyism - he bent over backwards to show how reasonable and fair he was being and how much he liked HL2? Be *specific*.
koopa said:
Absolute rubbish. The fact that you're on a HL2 forum means you probably like and want to talk about HL2. You don't have to have 'I LOVE HL2' tattooed on your forehead, and you are allowed to think the game isn't perfect. The last thing I want is fanboys because they're boring and stupid and lame.

Yes, please refrain from expressing alternative opinions in my presence, it might break destroy my already weak grip on reality. Which bit of what he said was Halo 2 fanboyism - he bent over backwards to show how reasonable and fair he was being and how much he liked HL2? Be *specific*.

There's a difference from expressing an opinion and making posts in such a way that'll obviously cause flames. It's ok to say "I think this aspect of Half-Life 2 could be improved" or "This part of Half-Life 2 was weak", but when you start saying "Halo 2's combat is far superior to HL2 omgomgomg!" that's obviously going to lead to flaming (maybe not in so many words, but that's what it came across as). I don't believe Halo 2 and Half-Life 2 should be compared because they're on different platforms meaning they both appeal to different audiences.

Making comparison posts are useless anyway, what do they try and acheive? It's not like a developer is going to come on look at one and say "HELL YES!! Let's use this really intelligent discussion in this thread to improve our next game!". Comparison threads always lead to flames in the end, and if you're going to post against the grain of the forum, well, you're just feeding the fire.
pr0nking said:
Fanboy alert ^^^ :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Not fanboy, just common sense. It's like a Halo 2 fan will try and defend Halo 2, for instance saying that they think Halo 2's combat is better. When a Half-Life 2 tries to defend Half-Life back, saying they think Half-Life 2's combat is better it's ok for the Half-Life 2 defender to get labelled as a fanboy but it's not ok for the Halo 2 defender to get labelled as one?

I was just speaking in general terms.
mortiz said:
There's a difference from expressing an opinion and making posts in such a way that'll obviously cause flames. It's ok to say "I think this aspect of Half-Life 2 could be improved" or "This part of Half-Life 2 was weak", but when you start saying "Halo 2's combat is far superior to HL2 omgomgomg!" that's obviously going to lead to flaming (maybe not in so many words, but that's what it came across as). I don't believe Halo 2 and Half-Life 2 should be compared because they're on different platforms meaning they both appeal to different audiences.
But if you read the post as a whole, do you think he was trying to be inflammatory? Note the number of concilliatory points he makes about HL2 designed to calm the more rabid people down. I don't think he was trying to start a flamewar, just expressing his honest opinion.

Making comparison posts are useless anyway, what do they try and acheive? It's not like a developer is going to come on look at one and say "HELL YES!! Let's use this really intelligent discussion in this thread to improve our next game!".
That's not really what it's about - and in some cases this kind of good feedback *does* get taken up by developers.

Comparison threads always lead to flames in the end, and if you're going to post against the grain of the forum, well, you're just feeding the fire.
They always lead to flames because some people in the forum can't take any real or implied criticism of their favorite game. To me, that's a fault in them, not in the original post. If you start going down the lines of 'Don't post anything that compares this game to anything else' you're unnecessarily restricting some good threads. Granted, posting 'OMG HL2 SUCKS' is just asking for trouble (although we should ignore the trolls), and I'd agree with you that is feeding the fire. Where we disagree is whether warbie was doing that. In my opinion, the whole thread has been pretty sensible so far.

I'd rather have zero tolerance of fanboyism. It's the irrational thinking of those who won't listen to any contrary opinions that causes harm to the community and scares newbies away. It's the idiots we should be getting rid of, not the good people.
koopa said:
But if you read the post as a whole, do you think he was trying to be inflammatory? Note the number of concilliatory points he makes about HL2 designed to calm the more rabid people down. I don't think he was trying to start a flamewar, just expressing his honest opinion.

That's not really what it's about - and in some cases this kind of good feedback *does* get taken up by developers.

They always lead to flames because some people in the forum can't take any real or implied criticism of their favorite game. To me, that's a fault in them, not in the original post. If you start going down the lines of 'Don't post anything that compares this game to anything else' you're unnecessarily restricting some good threads. Granted, posting 'OMG HL2 SUCKS' is just asking for trouble (although we should ignore the trolls), and I'd agree with you that is feeding the fire. Where we disagree is whether warbie was doing that. In my opinion, the whole thread has been pretty sensible so far.

I'd rather have zero tolerance of fanboyism. It's the irrational thinking of those who won't listen to any contrary opinions that causes harm to the community and scares newbies away. It's the idiots we should be getting rid of, not the good people.

I'll put it this way, on this forum specifically, comparison thread's rarely if ever lead to intelligent discussion, so people should just refrain from them.
mortiz said:
I'll put it this way, on this forum specifically, comparison thread's rarely if ever lead to intelligent discussion, so people should just refrain from them.
Ok, I guess all posts should be about how great HL2 is then. That's gonna get boring real quick. I suppose we should agree to differ on this one, I absolutely don't agree with that particular kind of 'censorship'.
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