wow stupid people at gamespot (the members, not the gamespot itself)

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koopa said:
Ok, I guess all posts should be about how great HL2 is then. That's gonna get boring real quick. I suppose we should agree to differ on this one, I absolutely don't agree with that particular kind of 'censorship'.

Did I say that? Did you read what I said? I said COMPARISON threads, not threads that criticize HL2.
mortiz said:
Did I say that? Did you read what I said? I said COMPARISON threads, not threads that criticize HL2.
It's going to be pretty difficult to have threads that are critical of something without making comparisons against other games.
koopa said:
It's going to be pretty difficult to have threads that are critical of something without making comparisons against other games.

There's a difference between explicitly comparing two things, i.e. "Half-Life 2 vs Halo 2" and implicitly comparing a game with all those that have come before it, the former of which is what I meant by a comparison thread. You shouldn't criticize a game because of one other game either, you should criticize it based on the grand scheme of where it stands.
I'm not one to usually get involved in these little petty arguments, but I feel I need to say my part in defense of Warbie...

mortiz said:
Woh, spot the Halo 2 fan boy, the thing that make's the Half-Life 2 fan boys more respectable than you warbie is the fact that this is a Half-Life 2 forum so they're allowed to be fanboys, people just don't want to here about how you like Halo 2 because no one cares. If you want to go on about how Halo 2 is great go to the Halo 2 forums, I'm sure they'd welcome you, but please refrain from the Halo 2 fanboi'sm while you're here.

Oh bloody hell, he said he loved HL2, how does that make him a Halo 2 fanboy? Because he's the only one on these forums that feels the need to defend the game against the rabid HL2 fanboys present?

There's a difference from expressing an opinion and making posts in such a way that'll obviously cause flames. It's ok to say "I think this aspect of Half-Life 2 could be improved" or "This part of Half-Life 2 was weak", but when you start saying "Halo 2's combat is far superior to HL2 omgomgomg!" that's obviously going to lead to flaming (maybe not in so many words, but that's what it came across as). I don't believe Halo 2 and Half-Life 2 should be compared because they're on different platforms meaning they both appeal to different audiences.

Making comparison posts are useless anyway, what do they try and acheive? It's not like a developer is going to come on look at one and say "HELL YES!! Let's use this really intelligent discussion in this thread to improve our next game!". Comparison threads always lead to flames in the end, and if you're going to post against the grain of the forum, well, you're just feeding the fire.

Oh, so now you're say he's trying to cause flames, when all he's doing is defending a game he happens to really like. To call him a fanboy for that is just rubbish; you might as well attack the other posts in this thread attcking Halo 2, they're much more critical and venemous. But you're not; you're attacking the only guy defending Halo 2, who is doing so in a calm, non-troll like manner. I wonder why? Warbie's one of the nicest people I know on this forum, and here you are accusing him of trying to start flame-wars, just because he thnks Halo 2 had better combat.

Honestly, sometimes I don't know why I stay on these bloody forums...they've gone downhill so quickly, it's ridiculous...
KagePrototype said:
Oh bloody hell, he said he loved HL2, how does that make him a Halo 2 fanboy? Because he's the only one on these forums that feels the need to defend the game against the rabid HL2 fanboys present?

Oh, so now you're say he's trying to cause flames, when all he's doing is defending a game he happens to really like. To call him a fanboy for that is just rubbish; you might as well attack the other posts in this thread attcking Halo 2, they're much more critical and venemous. But you're not; you're attacking the only guy defending Halo 2, who is doing so in a calm, non-troll like manner. I wonder why? Warbie's one of the nicest people I know on this forum, and here you are accusing him of trying to start flame-wars, just because he thnks Halo 2 had better combat.

Honestly, sometimes I don't know why I stay on these bloody forums...

I am attacking the other posts, I don't agree with people saying "Halo 2 sucks!!" or "Half-Life 2 sucks!!" what-so-ever, it's just that you can understand why people on a Half-Life 2 forum would be saying why they don't like Halo 2 even though they shouldn't be compared so explicitly. What I'm saying is that people are making comparison's, people on both sides of the fence mind you, that are going to lead to flames and no one wants that.

It's fine with me to criticize HL2, hell I've made a few of my own criticisms, but to criticize it based on one other game, not even another PC game mind you, and forming opinion's of one game based on another one, is making ill-informed opinion's. I'm speaking generally here, this is not specifically aimed at warbie it's just that I saw an example of it in this thread.

For instance I wouldn't even think about going onto another game's forum, FPS or not and saying how Half-Life 2 does this that and the other better. I love DooM 3, but I wouldn't go onto a DooM 3 forum and say how Half-Life 2 has better physics or gameplay, and it makes more sense to compare DooM 3 and Half-Life 2 than HL2 and Halo 2!!
koopa said:
But if you read the post as a whole, do you think he was trying to be inflammatory? Note the number of concilliatory points he makes about HL2 designed to calm the more rabid people down. I don't think he was trying to start a flamewar, just expressing his honest opinion.

Thank you.

KagePrototype said:
Oh, so now you're say he's trying to cause flames, when all he's doing is defending a game he happens to really like. To call him a fanboy for that is just rubbish; you might as well attack the other posts in this thread attcking Halo 2, they're much more critical and venemous. But you're not; you're attacking the only guy defending Halo 2, who is doing so in a calm, non-troll like manner. I wonder why? Warbie's one of the nicest people I know on this forum, and here you are accusing him of trying to start flame-wars, just because he thnks Halo 2 had better combat.

Awwww :)

Right back atcha big guy :thumbs:
mortiz said:
I don't agree with people saying "Halo 2 sucks!!" or "Half-Life 2 sucks!!" what-so-ever, it's just that you can understand why people on a Half-Life 2 forum would be saying why they don't like Halo 2 even though they shouldn't be compared so explicitly. What I'm saying is that people are making comparison's, people on both sides of the fence mind you, that are going to lead to flames and no one wants that.

It's fine with me to criticize HL2, hell I've made a few of my own criticisms, but to criticize it based on one other game, not even another PC game mind you, and forming opinion's of one game based on another one, is making ill-informed opinion's.

I can certainly understand that you're against judging two games that aren't on the same platform etc. etc. What I don't understand is calling Warbie a Halo 2 fanboy for saying Halo 2's combat is better than Half-Life 2's. Honestly, how did you come to justify that? He said he loved both games, and that both do different things better than the other. But once he says Halo 2 does better combat, he's branded a fanboy.

I'm sorry if I'm coming off as harsh or too direct, but I just can't stand it when people get unfairly accused in such a manner.
Because Warbie said...

Warbie said:
Woh, spot the HL2 fanboy ;)

(and btw - I found the fighting in HL2 to be repetitive. Still think it's a great game though)

Which kind of made him look like a fanboy and also the way in which he made his posts were very erm, "omg Halo 2 > Half-Life 2" which did annoy me slightly, because as I've said I don't like those comparisons, so I hit back :)
I don't see the big deal anymore. I've not played Halo2 but i've played Halo and thought it was the most terrible game i've ever played(and halo2 is supposed to be almost the same game). I've played HL2 and HL1 as well...i like HL2 but i still think HL1 is better and would rather play FarCry over HL2.
mortiz said:
Because Warbie said...

and then went on to say he though Halo 2 the better game, which kind of made him look like a fanboy. He started the whole fanboy calling business off!

I don't know if you knew this, but a ;) usually means a joke or friendly poke. You accused him of igniting flame-wars and fanboyism because he said Halo 2 had better combat.
KagePrototype said:
I don't know if you knew this, but a ;) usually means a joke or friendly poke. You accused him of igniting flame-wars and fanboyism because he said Halo 2 had better combat.

the ;) is not generally used for what it was intended, trust me on this, I've seen it used numerous times to flame someone and try and avoid the repurcussions by making it appear as a joke. His post didn't come across as a joke. Read my edit, I've posted why I actually perceived him to be a fanboy, it was just the style of his posts.
mortiz said:
the ;) is not generally used for what it was intended, trust me on this, I've seen it used numerous time's to flame someone and try and avoid the repurcussions by making it appear as a joke.

We're not talking about some mindless, anonamous troll, we're talking about Warbie here. He's probably as far away as you can get from a troll or fanboy. He's nice, level-headed, and down to earth. Not soeone looking for a bout of verbal fisticuffs. Again, I'm sorry if I'm being too direct, but I just found it incredibly infuriating...
Amorphous said:
As for me, I enjoyed it, but the combat is so much more mindless its not entertaining in the least bit. They throw hordes and hordes of enemies at you without much thought, and I just held down the trigger trying my best not die within seconds.

Yes I agree. The combat is so mindless and I don't know why people think it's the greatest fps ever.

In HL2, you're given a room full of enemies and assorted objects. How you manipulate the enviroment to help you beat those enemies is up to you. You can pick up barrels and use them for cover from gunfire, you can fling sawblades into them to chop them in two, you can push a washing mashine onto a combines head, knock the supports out from where a combine is standing on and send him to his death, ect..

In halo/halo 2, the developers throw wave upon wave of enemies upon you and basically say ok just shoot them while we play cool music. It is a very arcadey style of gameplay. It almost seems like a chore at times just to kill all the enemies rather than fun. In HL2, I'm having fun while I'm killing enemies unlike Halo 2 where I'm saying "OMG is this stupid fighting finally over?". Also they give you dual guns to try and make Halo 2 seem unique when in fact it has been done in many other games before.
KagePrototype said:
Not soeone looking for a bout of verbal fisticuffs.

I'm not sure how you can say something along the lines of "Halo 2 is better/has better combat than Half-Life 2" and not expect "verbal fisticuffs" on this forum at least, but there we go.
mortiz said:
I'm not sure how you can say something along the lines of "Halo 2 is better/has better combat than Half-Life 2" and not expect "verbal fisticuffs" on this forum at least, but there we go.

When I say verbal fisitcuffs, I mean a flame war, which is entirely avoidable, even on these forums. I've seen much larger criticisms of the game, said so in less flattering terms, and people simply dismiss them rather than start an argument over it. He's defending the game, not starting the argument; there are better candidates to throw these accusations at in this thread, than Warbie.
come on, man. Everyone knows by this time that gamespot sucks the root. They always bash great games, and give biased reviews, interject personal grudges, compare games to other games (which tehy also bashed....lamers). Don't even go there, it'll just piss ya off.
Personally, I give HL2 an 11 out of 10. That's the GAME mind you, not teh steam "feature". But it's unfair to hold steam against the game itself, which is brilliant.
KagePrototype said:
When I say verbal fisitcuffs, I mean a flame war, which is entirely avoidable, even on these forums. I've seen much larger criticisms of the game, said so in less flattering terms, and people simply dismiss them rather than start an argument over it. He's defending the game, not starting the argument; there are better candidates to throw these accusations at in this thread, than Warbie.

You're probably right, but there're so many people on these forum's that post crap about how other games suck or whatever that it's best just to ignore them. The reason I picked up on what Warbie had said was because I respect him as a forum poster.
mortiz said:
Because Warbie said...

"Woh, spot the HL2 fanboy ;)

(and btw - I found the fighting in HL2 to be repetitive. Still think it's a great game though)"

Which kind of made him look like a fanboy

You have got to be joking. Seriously.

Did you read the guys post I was a responding to? (in that context it makes perfect sense, and has obviously nothing to do with being a 'fanboy') ....... or just have a quick look through mine in an attempt to find "omg Halo 2 > Half-Life 2" to back up your weak arguments.

This isn't the first time you've flamed me with accusations of being a fanboy,either :/

(really - who is the fanboy here? I doubt anyone would think it was me. I've been accused of being a HL2 fanboy by Halo loonies recently. Is it possible to be a Halo 2 and HL2 fanboy at the same time? ...... surely the world explode or something? /o\)

And yes, I did meen the ;) as Kage mentioned - which is screamingly obvious.
Warbie said:
You have got to be joking. Seriously.

Did you read the guys post I was a responding to? (in that context it makes perfect sense, and has obviously nothing to do with being a 'fanboy') ....... or just have a quick look through mine in an attempt to find "omg Halo 2 > Half-Life 2" to back up your weak arguments.

This isn't the first time you've flamed me with accusations of being a fanboy,either :/

(really - who is the fanboy here? I doubt anyone would think it was me. I've been accused of being a HL2 fanboy by Halo loonies recently. Is it possible to be a Halo 2 and HL2 fanboy at the same time? ...... surely the world explode or something? /o\)

And yes, I did meen the ;) as Kage mentioned - which is screamingly obvious.

The guy's post you responded to was rather idiotic, but there're better and more constructive ways in dealing with idiots like that than telling us all why you think Halo 2 is the better game, which is bound to get a rise out of him and cause him to flame you, as well as any other of these mindless fanboys. Again I'm not really talking about Half-Life 2 when I'm saying all this, I'm speaking about lots of games forums in general.

I'm sorry if you thought I was flaming you, because you like Halo 2 or whatever, I was saying that what you said in reply to the original poster was only going to draw more in for a flame war and no one want's that, this is a Half-Life 2 forum remember, you'll have more backing the original poster than backing you. I'm as guilty as you though when it come's to feeding this thread, which certainly doesn't deserve this many replies.

The best thing you can do is if someone flames Halo 2 on a HL2 forum, let is slide, if someone flames HL2 on a Halo 2 forum, let it slide. You've responded with this defence of Halo 2 to several posts of this nature, surely you must be sick of it by now? Responding in defence of Halo 2 doesn't serve any real purpose does it? You won't change people's minds. Which is again something I need to learn to do as well.
mortiz said:
The guy's post you responded to was rather idiotic, but there're better and more constructive ways in dealing with idiots like that than telling us all why you think Halo 2 is the better game, which is bound to get a rise out of him and cause him to flame you, as well as any other of these mindless fanboys. Again I'm not really talking about Half-Life 2 when I'm saying all this, I'm speaking about lots of games forums in general.

eh? Did I even mention Halo 2 in that thread? It seems you either put words in my mouth or ignore the majority of what I say. I think the fighting in HL2 is rather repetitive full stop, and won't shy away from saying so just because this is a HL2 forum. (that isn't flame bait either. Just an opinion. It's the ppl who respond with flaming that are the children/idiots/fanboys here)

mortiz said:
I'm sorry if you thought it was flaming, because you like Halo 2 or whatever, I was saying that what you said in reply to the original poster was only going to draw more in for a flame war and no one want's that, this is a Half-Life 2 forum remember, you'll have more backing the original poster than backing you. I'm as guilty as you though when it come's to feeding this thread, which certainly doesn't deserve this many replies.

If ppl start to flame each other for no reason that isn't my fault. There have been some good discussions on this forum (even some Halo 2 v HL2) - but there's always someone who jumps in and starts throwing the word 'fanboy' around (which was you in this thread) and ruins it.

You were obviously flaming, and you know it ....... and it's getting a little annoying.
So if I added a ;) I wouldn't have been flaming then?

Oh please, that means jack. You started the flame war mate, not me, so I don't know what you're getting annoyed about. "Rabid PC fans" isn't a flame?

Don't say it was the original poster either, it takes two to start a flame war, if no one had responded to him there wouldn't have been one in the first place.

I also believe "fanboy" was being thrown around before I entered the thread. You just can't seem to stop trying to defend Halo 2 can you? Halo 2 is a good game as you've told us, it shouldn't need defending, especially not from the people on this forum!

So what does that make you?
There's a big difference between my playful dig at someone and you're umpteen posts of accusations towards me.

Adding a ;) in your posts would be completely out of context - as you're obviously trying to get a rise out of me.

There's no way I started the flames in this, or that, thread.

And no, "rabid PC fans" isn't flaming.

(i'm not even flaming you in this thread)

//edit why can't I defend Halo2 ? :p
Warbie said:
There's a big difference between my playful dig at someone and you're umpteen posts of accusations towards me.

Adding a ;) in your posts would be completely out of context - as you're obviously trying to get a rise out of me.

There's no way I started the flames in this, or that, thread.

And no, "rabid PC fans" isn't flaming.

(i'm not even flaming you in this thread)

Adding a ;) meant nothing in your context, because it's obvious you really think he's a fanboy by the way you went off on your Halo 2 defence.
mortiz said:
Adding a ;) meant nothing in your context, because it's obvious you really think he's a fanboy by the way you went off on your Halo 2 defence.

oh ffs, you are so wrong. I meant nothing by that, nothing at all (certainly not what you're suggesting) I think most would agree with me.

Did I even go off on a Halo 2 defense in that thread?
ktimekiller said:
i can tell, because they are always comparing hl2 with like halo2 and stuff.

Ironically, that's exactly what everyone is doing here.
Half life 2 seems to be focus more on adventure and story, where as halo 2 focuses on combat. Halo 2's combat is the best out of any game, except for the original halo... which was a lot funner :). Only being able to carry 2 guns makes you have to think about what you're going to do. I liked hl2's campaign a lot more than halo 2's(because microsoft has taken over halo basicly... halo 2 was supposed to be the last halo game, and then microsoft got involved, and the story just went down hill) but they both have their strong points. Stop comparing them, and enjoy both of them. If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all ;) Didnt your mother ever tell u that?
repetitive is a stupid reason to hate any fps. EVERY fps is repetitive in the way that you point at stuff and shoot it. Halo fanboys are mad because deep down they know hl2 is a better overall game. i dont see how anyone could say h2 had better graphics than hl2. the aspect of gameplay that halo 2 might have better than hl2 is its vehicle system. single player only ofcourse... who knows what kind of vehicle mods are coming out in the future...

EDIT: i dont think halos story went downhill because of microsoft... i think more along the lines of it has a bad story because its halo.

and combat wise... thats just a matter of opinion: halo to me is runaround-rambo-****-you-up-with-my-super-laserbeam combat. half-life is way more cautious gameplay. depends on what youre into
riles said:
repetitive is a stupid reason to hate any fps. EVERY fps is repetitive in the way that you point at stuff and shoot
That's like saying books are repetitive because they all have words in.
Halo fanboys are mad because deep down they know hl2 is a better overall game. i dont see how anyone could say h2 had better graphics than hl2.
Yes, there's no way anyone could possibly have a valid opinion that wasn't the same as yours.
Minerel said:
Steam overall has nothing to do with HL2 itself, thus it can't be considered when playing Hl2 onless it makes a direct hit on some part of Hl2 which it dosn't.

Mm, I can't agree. You can't play HL2 at all without Steam (legitimately), so it is very much a part of the whole experience. Just like bugs in a game's loader will reduce that game's score (because the behavior of the loader code is an integral part of a user's game experience, just like the rendering code's, or control code's), so must Steam be an integral part of how HL2 fares in a review.
I can't believe people are arguing about winking! ;)

Halo 2 is a great game. Half-Life 2 is a great game.
And they all lived happily ever after!
I like how everyone in this thread are calling others fanboys and making fun of their games... Just forget them and play HL2 :D
riles said:
and combat wise... thats just a matter of opinion: halo to me is runaround-rambo-****-you-up-with-my-super-laserbeam combat. half-life is way more cautious gameplay. depends on what youre into

... and what difficulty setting you play on. On Legendary Halo 2 is a far more cautious and tense experience than HL2 on hard (which is more 'runaround-rambo-****-you-up-with-my-super-laserbeam combat' in comparison :))
ARGH FANBOYS MUST DIE!!!!!!! EMO KIDS, HL2 FANBOYS, HALO2 FANBOYS, Nvidia FANBoys, Radeon, hardcore, FGRAGHAIRJ@!!!!!!!!11

I really never understood these sentiments. Look at the sentence above stupid is it not? That is in essence the anti 'fanboy" argument. No matter how you put it thats usually what it boils down to. I mean If i took a piece of shit put a nice dress on it gave it a wig put on some makeup and named it thelma Its still a piece of shit. which is what the usual argument is composed of.


When did KTIME get banned?

Ktimekiller was banned today for a week. Hopefully he will learn to act civilized and not post mindless rantings. Several of you should learn as well.

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