Wow, Suggestion to Valve, release Half Life 2 within two weeks or Suffer HUGE losses.



If the full pre-gold release does get leaked it will take about 2 weeks for tens of thousands of gamers to get it on IRC. HOWEVER, if Valve gets their act together and starts production of the game within a few days, even if its single player only, the majority of people that would have downloaded it will instead wait and buy the retail version.
yeah, I do think this post is useless and the title sucks, but I do agree. Valve need to release everything now! If they do it now they can patch things up and destroy this source problem. When it is out few people will care, and anybody who cares enough will be hunted down and destroyed. Plus, who cares if you have source when doing anything with it will get you sued? If Valve releases it now, they keep their fanbase, make some money, and secure the source leak. That is if the game's actually finished enough to sell it.
how can you think its useless but agree? You sir just dont make sense. Hey at least I cant type in a grammatically correct manner unlike 90% o f the other posters on this board. (not you ^ , just some other people)
Valve are going to make a huge amount of money over this you do realise? Look at home many posts and forums there are on the release of half life 2. A pre-gold or beta wont dent the sales much. Everyone is still going to buy the game.
wow ^ , thanks for proving me right about the grammar statement: "Valve are going to make..." lol, too funny.
Originally posted by rluto
how can you think its useless but agree? You sir just dont make sense. Hey at least I cant type in a grammatically correct manner unlike 90% o f the other posters on this board. (not you ^ , just some other people)

Hmph. If you are harrassing someone on their usage of vocabulary, you're a dumbass... Just look at other threads and people with opinions like you get nailed.
Second, it seems every post made on this forum so far tends to be uselss or support an idea already stated in a different thread, so I have two choices: leave the forum, or just go with what I have and I think my choice is obvious.

And noboddy neds yor opinioun okey?
Well they can't release it if it isn't done yet, now can they? And judging by the latest beta, it most certainly isn't.
Ah well, hoping for the best :)
That's assuming the stolen beta is an accurate representation of the game as of a month ago.

According to statements made by Gabe Newell and Doug Lombardi, they were primarily working on final polishing and language support.
If i knew for a fact that valve was going to do this within a a month or less i would delete halflife 2 right now. But I do agree if they dont get this game out soon people are going to patch this game themselves and do mods for it. Id rather have Valvesoftware do this.... Looks like the tables have been turned... From what i saw in this game it was far from finished so i dunno.
Valve is being stupid. nuff said...

They should've released the game when they found out the game was stolen not pull it back 4 months!
Same shit was going down for SWG, which I am ashamed to say I played. But in the end, with all the failed release dates, and broken promises. Those bastards still made a boat load of cash. And still are, for what I consider to be a bland and mediocre game. I will buy half-life even if I need to wait till next year, even with the crappy code floating around with those prepubescent users out there. Like someone said. It is just a game, My God people. Can't wait until reality and life hit you like a load of bricks. Perspectives are truely skewed on these forums. Smoke a joint, lay back. And enjoy life. Get laid or something, Yeesh!
no! they must not release it! they should start remaking the code so that the source ode that was stolen would be useless
They should've released the game when they found out the game was stolen not pull it back 4 months!

why? So hackers with the source code could ruin multiplayer and make the cheats 10x worse than CS?
Remaking the code would do what? Abso-****ing-lutely nothing. They'd just wait time. If they rewrite it that allows hacker who know what they're doing to make actuall games. Screw the cheating side of things, the community can take care of that.
Amen! God CS is a joke, I threw my copy away. Tired of people who lack any combat skill or decent reflexes using and creating hacks to play a game to inflate their shrivled EGOS! Go upstairs out of your basement/room and make love to your mother who you live at home with. Yeesh, friggin Hackers. I have respect for Samurai, but not hackers.
"Remaking the code would do what? Abso-****ing-lutely nothing. They'd just wait time. If they rewrite it that allows hacker who know what they're doing to make actuall games. Screw the cheating side of things, the community can take care of that."

Big deal if they make games. They won't be able to publish it. If they rewrite the code then hackers can't use the same loopholes in the engine.
Good point. I must not know what I'm talking about (hey, i'm only human). I just don't see what the big deal is if valve creates a patch.
the main reason they delayed the game is because ***** and the fag 9 realesed the source,and having the source makes wrighting hacks and cheats much easier.But I dont thinks they needed to re-wright the hole code and delay for 4 mothes.They should realease the game because 3/4 of gamers in the world will buy this game anyway no one will care about the stupid pirated beta and source.Valve should release in november just like they said they would.

those are my 2 cents

dont flame me cause of grammer i dont stay on my god dam computer all day typing,like a stupid geek.
Valve will lose very little money.

I think people assume everyone knows about all of this stuff going on and everyone has the "beta" and/or stolen code. The fact is the people on this board (and others around the net) are a very very small percentage of the people who will buy the game. And the warez community is also a very very small percentage of people out there.

Sure they will hurt valve in a small way, but it won't be some huge amount or crippling effect.

I'd bet money that most people buying the game will have very little idea (or won't care in the least) about stolen code or "beta's".

Whenever Valve releases the game, it will sell millions and they know this and can take a hit of a few months in a delay. Of course they want to make the best game possible though for future sales and future releases....who wouldn't? The object is to make money after all. But I doubt they're shaking in their boots for fear of losing money over this.
Originally posted by Someone
Valve will lose very little money.

I think people assume everyone knows about all of this stuff going on and everyone has the "beta" and/or stolen code. The fact is the people on this board (and others around the net) are a very very small percentage of the people who will buy the game. And the warez community is also a very very small percentage of people out there.

Sure they will hurt valve in a small way, but it won't be some huge amount or crippling effect.

I'd bet money that most people buying the game will have very little idea (or won't care in the least) about stolen code or "beta's".

Whenever Valve releases the game, it will sell millions and they know this and can take a hit of a few months in a delay. Of course they want to make the best game possible though for future sales and future releases....who wouldn't? The object is to make money after all. But I doubt they're shaking in their boots for fear of losing money over this.

good point. alot of people who will just start out gaming in the future will look at halflife and think "wow, what a great game" having no clue about all the source leak crap and whatnot, where as if Valve are rushed because of the source nonsense, then future gamers (not to mention gamers who dont go on forums, and trust me, there are ALOT of those out there) would say 'wow, they shouldve taken much more time in this, they mustve rushed it." a very very small percentage of the people who will play HL2 go on forums, and have the beta.
Whether or not Valve changes the source code, the game is going to have hackers. People will still find ways to make cheats and others will download them. I guess the source code could cause widespread hacking, right? But really, if you think about it, Half-Life 2 will probably have plenty of hackers. Half-Life 1 did, and they didn't have the source code, unless I am mistaken.:cheese:

EDIT: Unless ValvE had better anti-cheat technology ready to protect HL2 from hackers.
we want this game to be the BEST it can be!

not rushed
The games not ready, if the beta is a build from a few weeks ago they've got some serious work todo.

However if the hackers telling the truth then we might see a real gold version tomorow and we'll see how far valve is.
I agree with this man and this post rocks.

Its true if I d/led the game and then 1 month later it comes out I won't get.
Not till good mods come out year later i buy it for cd-key or nick one off me mate lol

but i wont be d/ling it do count me out.
but if i did thats my feeling.

Valve will loose loads over this.. of course saying that don't mean "ohh no valve wont even make 100 quid profit! its leaked!!"

They still probley make millions.. but not the millions as they would if the leak wasent out.

they ****ed in a way of just loosing alot of profit
Wow Gold version tomarrow ? hehe when does this stop ? Ive already deticated a entire fast harddrive to halflife2 , it has all the goodies and now it looks like more stuff is to come :x. All people wanted was a demo or a benchmark , now we are getting more then we ever could of handled.
i dont think ppl realize that the leak also affects all the games that would be made with Source code.Thats were Valve will lose money now that the code is out everyone can have a look.