WoW suggestions

Raz said:
Don't play a paladin or a druid. They're the slowest classes in the game.
My druid out leveled all my other classes. (Feral Druid, man, they are fun!)
ة الأسئلة الشائع said:
Yeh but with the new patch their armor looks the most pimp out of all of the other morphemes on that game.

They look like ****ing ninja's of death! D: They're meant to be baking cookies and playing in the lakes with the youngins' :/ Then BAM! They turn into evil ninjas of death.
I have one of the most hated classes becuase they refuse to die....55 Orc Hunter

I'm a hordie. I hate alliance (usually) becuase they outnumber horde 3 : 1 on Icecrown. It's funny how none of the alliance are skilled and they always lose in the BGs
There are four horde guilds on Icecrown who have killed Ragnaros. No alliance guild has. I hate paladins.

Glirk - I strongly disagree with you about rogues being shitty at high levels.

Stern - best way to make money is to take up mining and get mithril/copper/iron and sell stacks of 20 bars. Take a few laps around thousand needles before you log, you'll have money in no time. I had money for a mount in 2 levels.
I have a 60 rogue. I can only kill most classes when I have my cooldowns. When I don't(vanish, blind mostly) then I am screwed. If it is a 2v1 I am screwed. If I get hit I am screwed. Rogues can't take dmg worth crap. Using my vigor/seal fate build I can deal out tons of dmg starting off. Almost as much as a mage or warrior. However after the first few hits my dmg is severely slowed and most often after a few hits I am dead. Granted I am talking about BGs. Once I nail a mage in the back or someone they will freeze me/kite me/run and snare me or whatever. So I better be lucky that guy is a nub or too slow to escape in time.
Insignia of The Horde/Alliance should dispel the frost nova.
Horde it does but alliance no. The alliance trinket removes fear, polymorph and stun effects. So frost nova screws my dwarf rogue. However...stone form owns as a rogue. It even removes blind amazingly.
Horde ftw. =]

Back on topic for suggesting what class/race for the thread starter.
I'd say, since he only has ten days with it, to just choose whatever he thinks is cool. He's not gonna get into PVP or anything in that time, so there's no sense in try to go for some uber class that won't even make it to a high enough level to make a difference. Personally, knowing the classes as I do now, if I had only ten days to play I would go with a Warlock. They get a pet at level 3, and plenty of fun spells to play around with, so for someone who only has limited time to play I think they offer more fun than a class where you need to be level 10 or 20 before they even start getting decent skills (Priests and Warriors and Hunters, for instance). Just my thoughts.
When I started leveling my warrior it was terrible, but this was also a year ago now and things have changed somewhat, but my understanding is warriors are still not very good from 1-59. My warrior is decent because I am somewhat well equipped, and only for that reason. Warriors are very gear dependent.

Anyways, pick a'll have a lot of fun at lower levels.

Oh, wait...hunters!

Hunters are absolutely retardedly easy to level, especially once you get a pet. My friend made a hunter alt and he was saying how he could kill three level 20 mobs at level 17!!! Which is crazy...

So.....hunter or rogue!
Glirk Dient said:
I have a 60 rogue. I can only kill most classes when I have my cooldowns. When I don't(vanish, blind mostly) then I am screwed. If it is a 2v1 I am screwed. If I get hit I am screwed. Rogues can't take dmg worth crap. Using my vigor/seal fate build I can deal out tons of dmg starting off. Almost as much as a mage or warrior. However after the first few hits my dmg is severely slowed and most often after a few hits I am dead. Granted I am talking about BGs. Once I nail a mage in the back or someone they will freeze me/kite me/run and snare me or whatever. So I better be lucky that guy is a nub or too slow to escape in time.


Well Suicide42 (rogue) can wtfpwn almost anything in PvP within reasonable limits so either you suck or the alliance that Sui fights suck or[/o] the Horde are just awesome.
Guys, somewhat off topic but is WoW good? i'm thinking about reporting my stolen social security number to the police so I can play. Its complicated but if WoW is good....
Make a horde rogue, the horde have a ton of lowbie quests that will make the game more fun
Horde has too many rogues! ><'

(Well at least on Blackrock)
Who doesn't have a 60 rogue? :(

So common. I have a 60 rogue alt...just for instances though, my warrior is for PvP.

Here's my two characters:



I think the gear is up to date. I wear different bracers on my warrior now though, it gives me 5k health instead of 4800.

I use a sword on my rogue because it's better than heartseeker for instancing, since as you can see from my build, I'm purely damage spec.
Danimal said:
They look like ****ing ninja's of death! D: They're meant to be baking cookies and playing in the lakes with the youngins' :/ Then BAM! They turn into evil ninjas of death.
LOL that baking cookies thing had me rolling!
Sulkdodds said:

Well Suicide42 (rogue) can wtfpwn almost anything in PvP within reasonable limits so either you suck or the alliance that Sui fights suck or[/o] the Horde are just awesome.

No...I can own any class 1v1 warriors and paladins being pretty hard and borderline luck. However in group PVP I die so fast that I can't do very much DMG since I can only take on cloth wearers in the back and once I ambush one they freeze/poly me and all of them kick my butt and I die right away. Granted I am able to still take 1 out usually before they all own me. So it's not like im a nub...just rogues have zero survivability and I can't imagine any rogues without a vigor/seal fate build getting anywhere.
glirk, i dont think warriors are overpowered, you need to take time with them. most rogues think they can go toe to toe with warriors, and go all out at once, and die in a few hits. you need to take your time, restealth, and such, not blowing all your cooldowns in 10 seconds helps alot.

60 warlock and 60 rogue gorgonash
I can own warriors...stun lock them an entire fight but they have too much armor and hp and if 1 of my stuns gets dodged/reisted I am screwed. Another problem is any warrior with decent gear will last long enough that they become immune to gouge and it is game over for me at that point as it only takes a few gouges.

Here is my plan for warriors.

Open with cheap shot
back stab sinister strike

expose armor(-2500 armor with imp expose armor)

then cheap shot
thistle tea backstab
cold blood eviscerate

That is the best plan I have vs a warrior. However it isn't a true stun lock so they are often able to kill me. If I stun lock any more than that they will dodge/resist my stuns too often and I die. This is the best dmg/stun ratio I have found. The problem is if any of those misses or I get stunned or they have more hp/armor than what I have dished out I am dead. Warriors will kill me in 3 hits with overpower since I dodge most of their attacks. Fact is rogues have gotten nerf after nerf since beta and other classes have been buffed. Warriors are one of the classes that have gotten a buff patch and now they can own any class with ease. Especially rogues.

Restalth can only occur when your not doted. Thankfully I am a dwarf and stoneform will remove the dots they put on me. That allows me to vanish once which makes me able to take on a warrior. No other race can take out a skilled warrior. I can re stealth after gouge but that requires good timing and warriors can just use their AOE fear to pull you out of it then charge and own your face. So really a skilled warrior can take on a rogue with ease as it only takes a milisecond of not being stunned to turn the fight around and kill the rogue.
meh, i get picked off by rogue stun locks a lot, but then i'm proc spec'd not boring CC. (switching to fury soon). I also have pretty bad equipment for a lvl 60.
Is it only me, or do others also think of an Orc head on a silver platter when hearing "WoW Suggestions" ? :|
Baal said:
Hunters are absolutely retardedly easy to level, especially once you get a pet. My friend made a hunter alt and he was saying how he could kill three level 20 mobs at level 17!!! Which is crazy...

So.....hunter or rogue!

At level 46 I could handle three level 50s. It would always be a close call but as long as I had full mana I'd win.


i hate other alliance..just not myself, i'm horde at heart, that's why i don't pvp loads :P
I usually recommend hunters or paladins to first time players if they don't know what they want. Although if you play a paladin and try a different class later you will find it harder since hardly anything could easily take you down before. But at the same time you end battles a lot faster. =p

I have a 60 Warlock and love it. I've tried full affliction and full demonology before. I'm currently MD/Ruin spec. I'm currently playing a 40 druid and also having fun being like a rogue or warrior with cat and bear forms.
Danimal said:
Horde has too many rogues! ><'

(Well at least on Blackrock)
On Blackrock, 19% of players for the Horde are rogues actually...well, atleast my census says so. :dozey:

EDIT: Actually that might be the percentage of Undead. I'm too tired to check.
Glirk Dient said:
I can own warriors...stun lock them an entire fight but they have too much armor and hp and if 1 of my stuns gets dodged/reisted I am screwed. Another problem is any warrior with decent gear will last long enough that they become immune to gouge and it is game over for me at that point as it only takes a few gouges.

Here is my plan for warriors.

Open with cheap shot
back stab sinister strike

expose armor(-2500 armor with imp expose armor)

then cheap shot
thistle tea backstab
cold blood eviscerate

That is the best plan I have vs a warrior. However it isn't a true stun lock so they are often able to kill me. If I stun lock any more than that they will dodge/resist my stuns too often and I die. This is the best dmg/stun ratio I have found. The problem is if any of those misses or I get stunned or they have more hp/armor than what I have dished out I am dead. Warriors will kill me in 3 hits with overpower since I dodge most of their attacks. Fact is rogues have gotten nerf after nerf since beta and other classes have been buffed. Warriors are one of the classes that have gotten a buff patch and now they can own any class with ease. Especially rogues.

Restalth can only occur when your not doted. Thankfully I am a dwarf and stoneform will remove the dots they put on me. That allows me to vanish once which makes me able to take on a warrior. No other race can take out a skilled warrior. I can re stealth after gouge but that requires good timing and warriors can just use their AOE fear to pull you out of it then charge and own your face. So really a skilled warrior can take on a rogue with ease as it only takes a milisecond of not being stunned to turn the fight around and kill the rogue.

You know warriors have an immune to gouge and sap skill right?

If you rely on gouge what so ever, you're finished. If you're seal-fate dagger, I recommend ambush, backstab, kidney shot, try to get him in battle stance then gouge.

Basically if you use gouge and he's in beserker stance, then you try to run away, it's game over. Intercept, bleed effect, hamstring, and that's it!
I'm not alliance hater, but I am horde.

Might be automatic :/
Vigilante said:
At level 46 I could handle three level 50s. It would always be a close call but as long as I had full mana I'd win.



I hate Alliance. More than you.
I like Alliance, but only the Dwarfs and Gnomes. As for Horde, Trolls all the way!
Baal said:
You know warriors have an immune to gouge and sap skill right?

If you rely on gouge what so ever, you're finished. If you're seal-fate dagger, I recommend ambush, backstab, kidney shot, try to get him in battle stance then gouge.

Basically if you use gouge and he's in beserker stance, then you try to run away, it's game over. Intercept, bleed effect, hamstring, and that's it!

Yeah I know.

If I open with ambush then backstab I do 1-1.5k combined dmg if his gear isn't very good. Then I can kidney shot and he is stunned for 4 seconds and ill get another backstab off 2 seconds after that is done. After that it is game over.

The strategy I posted is the only way to take out a skilled warrior. The point is to take him out quickly, however any skilled warrior will really own your face which further proves rogues aren't overpowered but the opposite.
The 10 day trial comes with the game, so ask a friend of yours who has the full game for it.
You might consider going to and start looking at all the class and race bonused to see what you like. There are a few tid-bits of info I know.

Shamans are bastards and were recently given a new totem that decreases the chance enemies will attack them. Create one if you like being an overpowered asshole.

30% of the entire goddamn server I used to play in were rogues. :O

Paladin's damage dealing tech trees were recently annihilated. They're now basically half-priests in armor.

Yesh. Warriors are pretty good, if you like a tough close quarters fighter. I enjoyed a warlock and a hunter. Warlocks get 1337 pwnage like controlling infernals at level 60. Druids are hard, but good if you use one right. Not too strong overall, but have incredible versitility. In regular form, you can be a spellcaster/healer, switch to bear form if the situation calls for a warrior, and be a cat to gain the traits of a rogue. A skilled group of druids could tackle quite a bit.

I just created my first mage, and I have to tell you, it's one of the funnest classes I've ever played. Yes, as someone said, they suffer a lot when they get hit, but they really dish out the damage. And they do have the abilities to keep melee fighters from getting too many hits on them.
Danimal said:
The 10 day trial comes with the game, so ask a friend of yours who has the full game for it.
You can't just download it? :hmph:
Glirk Dient said:
I can own warriors...stun lock them an entire fight but they have too much armor and hp and if 1 of my stuns gets dodged/reisted I am screwed. Another problem is any warrior with decent gear will last long enough that they become immune to gouge and it is game over for me at that point as it only takes a few gouges.

Here is my plan for warriors.

Open with cheap shot
back stab sinister strike

expose armor(-2500 armor with imp expose armor)

then cheap shot
thistle tea backstab
cold blood eviscerate

That is the best plan I have vs a warrior. However it isn't a true stun lock so they are often able to kill me. If I stun lock any more than that they will dodge/resist my stuns too often and I die. This is the best dmg/stun ratio I have found. The problem is if any of those misses or I get stunned or they have more hp/armor than what I have dished out I am dead. Warriors will kill me in 3 hits with overpower since I dodge most of their attacks. Fact is rogues have gotten nerf after nerf since beta and other classes have been buffed. Warriors are one of the classes that have gotten a buff patch and now they can own any class with ease. Especially rogues.

Restalth can only occur when your not doted. Thankfully I am a dwarf and stoneform will remove the dots they put on me. That allows me to vanish once which makes me able to take on a warrior. No other race can take out a skilled warrior. I can re stealth after gouge but that requires good timing and warriors can just use their AOE fear to pull you out of it then charge and own your face. So really a skilled warrior can take on a rogue with ease as it only takes a milisecond of not being stunned to turn the fight around and kill the rogue.

Theres your problem, your trying to kill him before anything can happen. This works VS most classes, but against something like a paladin, or a warrior, you need to take your time. Be smart, dont try to out tank a warrior, you just die. Try a more indirect combat, like restealthing plenty of times, try not spamming all of your stuns all at once. always stay away from melee, but not too far for intercepts. Try cheapshotting, then gouging right away for some extra time to restealth, then wait for the diminishing returns to go away. Cheapshot again for a 5 point, then expose. From there, usually instinct take over, and I tend to go different ways everytime.

Trick with warriors, take your time, take your time! take your damnmed ****ing time!!!!