Wow these people on servers


Aug 19, 2004
Reaction score
I was on a server and I got in a Argument with this guy(or kid because thats what he was acting like) and he told me that he was going to hack my computer or freeze my internet or something. I told him to go to hell and i just kept whooping his ass.
hehe its true

arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics, even if you win your still retarded :)


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I thought it was in very bad taste to be honest, and kinda cruel.

I hate the way most people seem to spend more time complaining about being killed by some guy with a 'speed hack' (apparently all the best players are cheaters), than actually playing and improving.
I mean seriously..... Cant admins get rid of these people? ... Skate punks or wiggers who are just reaching puberty and are to imature to keep their mouths shut or control what they say to adults who are trying to have fun. Notice this kind of activity dont happen at CPL... or CAL... Why? They are all adults. So its obvious these shit talking doucheys are under 16 or if they arent they still live with their parents. Im starting my own server within the next few months and ill let you guys in on it. If you "t4lK |_yk3 Th1$" you will get banned. 56kers are welcomed for the less fortunate people who cant control it. You talk shit to 56kers u get banned. You wine about kills u get banned. So if anyone wants to play in a server where its nothing but mature adults looking to kill time..... Ill keep that in mind
redneck24 said:
I mean seriously..... Cant admins get rid of these people? ... Skate punks or wiggers who are just reaching puberty and are to imature to keep their mouths shut or control what they say to adults who are trying to have fun. Notice this kind of activity dont happen at CPL... or CAL... Why? They are all adults. So its obvious these shit talking doucheys are under 16 or if they arent they still live with their parents. Im starting my own server within the next few months and ill let you guys in on it. If you "t4lK |_yk3 Th1$" you will get banned. 56kers are welcomed for the less fortunate people who cant control it. You talk shit to 56kers u get banned. You wine about kills u get banned. So if anyone wants to play in a server where its nothing but mature adults looking to kill time..... Ill keep that in mind

What billy joe bob... you can't control them yourself? I deal with YOUR kind all day on the phones.. .you ****ing retarded rednecks.. why don't you all just die... please... really... common, you're too goddamned dum to be on this here internet.. go find yer own gosh damed internets... hell... maybe you can even get four or 5 of them suckers. .. ... get the **** out of my world. AND KEEP YOU GODDAMNED MOUTH SHUT BOY.
Hold up, bitches, I'm 15 and I have a liscense to whine. If you're 20 or older, go to work, get paid, find a woman. You have no right to intrude on OUR time, which is so friggen precious.
morire: If the internet is your world then you really do need a life. Also, contradicting yourself shows that you are indeed stupid. Saying that rednecks are stupid then go onto say that they could have 4 or 5 of their own internets. It takes more than a genius to come up with 1 internet. Think (if thinking isn't beyond your mental capacity) how much intelligence would be needed to create 4 or 5 internets. redneck24 has a good point, but unfortunatly, on most servers there isn't always an admin online. It's great when they are online, then they can kick and ban as they please. But if it's just the players, all that can be done is moan. Or just tk the bastards so they can't play. We did that the other day, my score went down to -3 at one point because of it though :p
Unfourtunatly annoying people are just a part of society. People that just can't handle the game and take it out on other people shoulden't be playing. I dont understand why that in a Basket ball game or a soccer game if you scream things like "F*** YOU A**Hole YOU SUCK S***" that will get you disqualified pretty quick but online the rules of society seem to change. People just forget that it is still a community online with real people on the other end. Sure taunting is fine but when it starts to get just plain rude and annoying then steps have to be taken. A "vote to ban" feature would be very useful.
I'm 15... I don't have license to whine, I either eat bullets like a bitch or make others eat them. No more, no less.
As for redneck: I would actually like your server if you did not state blatant stereotypical statements. Just because my shoulders are 15 years old doesn't mean my head is a turnip. Also: Learn to spell.
Notice this kind of activity dont happen at CPL... or CAL...
CPL and CAL players are playing to compete, most of the time the people playing in public servers are there to goof off and have fun. No one says you have to listen to them, or even read the text.
redneck24 said:
I mean seriously..... Cant admins get rid of these people? ... Skate punks or wiggers who are just reaching puberty and are to imature to keep their mouths shut or control what they say to adults who are trying to have fun. Notice this kind of activity dont happen at CPL... or CAL... Why? They are all adults. So its obvious these shit talking doucheys are under 16 or if they arent they still live with their parents. Im starting my own server within the next few months and ill let you guys in on it. If you "t4lK |_yk3 Th1$" you will get banned. 56kers are welcomed for the less fortunate people who cant control it. You talk shit to 56kers u get banned. You wine about kills u get banned. So if anyone wants to play in a server where its nothing but mature adults looking to kill time..... Ill keep that in mind

Weeeell on my server anyone who doesn't play nice gets kicked, anyone who cheats gets kicked, and anyone with 200+ ping gets kicked. Respect is #1 rule. We keep it clean and fun.
I have a server with my m8s that has a 20 age limit :)
all whiners will be banned
offtopic: btw how old are u peeps? I'm 24, 25 in may... it would be cool to know more adult servers in css :)
TrippyG said:
I have a server with my m8s that has a 20 age limit :)
all whiners will be banned
offtopic: btw how old are u peeps? I'm 24, 25 in may... it would be cool to know more adult servers in css :)
Our clan has our own server, which is pretty much always admined (UK time, so after 12 it most likely isn't except on weekends). We have pretty good rules:
Cheaters get banned
Smacktards Get pretty much kicked, then banned if they come back on and ruin everyone's fun.
Friendly fire is on quite a bit
Team-killer's get an insta-kick, then a ban if they repeat.

Also, all our admins, though older, like to have fun. We have the mani-admin installed and we regularily cater to as many peoples tastes of play as possible.

Our site is if you want to join us.

Edit: I'm 15, by the way. It's always good to see more mature people playing.
Yep, all hackers are skate punks or wiggers.... retard
Just tell the kid that your IP is or something :p (The one that routes him back to his own machine.
Whats the point in having insta-kick for tking if friendly fire is on
To kick the people that tk. Not accidently shoot someone once and only take some of their health off. That makes it more realistic. But when you get the random ****s who shoot all the team at spawn, you need some sort of automatic system in place.
Mouldy Punk said:
To kick the people that tk. Not accidently shoot someone once and only take some of their health off. That makes it more realistic. But when you get the random ****s who shoot all the team at spawn, you need some sort of automatic system in place.

Needs more lashback on servers. I've found people get a desert eagle at start, shoot their teammates twice in their legs (Which brings them down to 24-26% health). And because their not killing them, they don't get kicked unless an admin is around to do it manually..
Well if someones on, say 10 health and you accidentaly shoot them, or they run into a nade by accident, and u get kicked, it sucks big time, especially when its not even your fault.
Most servers I play on make you "sit out" the next round rather than kick you. Which isn't too bad, there was another server I went on (great server, its a shame I cant remember which one) where if your team mate kills you, you can forgive them (nothing happens to them), blind them (they spend the next round with everything dimmed so they can't see anything) or you can slay them, which means they have to sit the next round out. I wish more servers had that mod :)
Freyar said:
Just tell the kid that your IP is or something :p (The one that routes him back to his own machine. is the one

I don't think it should matter about the age of the player as long as they are having fun. Why should someone be excluded from playing a game because of age? There are smartarses and twats of all ages, not just the "kids that just hit puberty".

And since you asked, i'm 17.
I think the weather man in "Anchorman" best described this thread when he said "LOUD NOISES!!!!!"
Bleeder said:
I think the weather man in "Anchorman" best described this thread when he said "LOUD NOISES!!!!!"
LOL "I stabbed a man in the heart!"

I love that movie :).
and speed hacks are VERY hard to use, seriously if you see somebody zooming around with a normal ping, you'll realise that they cant hit shit because the amount of recoil they get for going so fast it takes bout 20 seconds for their reticle to settle and all the best players arent cheaters, all the best players and the best players.