Wow, this is the hardest game of all time.


Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
I don't know what the secret is, but I just played that game for about and hour and a half to two hours, and guess how many kills I got?


That game is unbelievably difficult. I don't know what the proper strategy is besides point and shoot (and moving strategically, obviously,) but I can not hit anyone. I'll have a pistol and some asshole will run up a foot away from me with his rocket launcher not even shouldered. I'll start shooting at him and make a perfect outline of his body while he slowly loads a rocket and blasts me in the face with it. WHAT THE **** IS WITH THIS GAME.

I suck - so therefore it's NOT fun and I HATE it. I'm extremely sad that I paid money to have zero fun at all.

Does anyone else just find it mind-blowingly hard?
It's because those people have played for a long time. I'm almost positive that if you were to play it long enough, you would be able to get loads of fun out of the game.
I don't think it's impossibly hard. I had only played the regular DoD once or twice, so it took me a while to get used to the recoil (I'm used to CS 1.6). I've been hosting a 12-man server for several hours, and I got the hang of it quickly. Been at the top of the scoreboard all night. :)

It's just like any shooter... you just have to get used to it. Once you do, you'll love it.
I've only been having trouble because of all of the release day lag going around. I'm sure after a few days you'll catch on. DoD is pretty fast paced, so it takes some time to hone your skills.
everyone sucks the first time they experience a game. ive been playing dod for years so i sort of have the advantage in knowing the weapons and the maps and grenade priming etc... i find dod source to be REALLY easy. i cant think of a game where i wasnt the top 3 that i played in the last 3 hours.
Ive never played it, well I played the orgional for like 5 mins and didn't like it. But when I played this after like the first few games I was able to get like 48-32 or somthing of that ratio. But I play alot of css, even though they are so completely different games I still got used to it.
I was horrible for about 30 minutes, but after that, I was pwning noobs in no time :thumbs:
And also - you HAVE to learn the maps - its VITAL to flank the enemy at every opportunity possible.
i get better gfx and a beter fps on dod1.
i cant believe i bought a game that plays at 10 fps. hdr ruined my fps, it will only cost me 600 pounds to upgrade my comp... or i could save half the money, buy a 1 shot and put myself out of misery :x
I noticed strange things as well, like your rocket launcher kill.
I aslo had bad lag sometimes with different servers i am hoping after a week things will calm down.
I was pwning the second I fired the game up.

I'm one of those people that's had retail DoD for several years.

Retail because for some odd reason, the free version chose to not work with my old crapstack HP. They fixed it in a couple of updates, but I absolutely positutely had to have my DoD NOW :E
Use your sprint key to dash across alleyways/streets if you know there is going to be opposition covering the street with MG and sniper fire, otherwise you should save the sprinting for running away from a battle where you need to reload or running to a battle to help an ally. Keep an eye on your map for friendlies so that you don't throw a bad nade. If you're in a fix, you can hit the prone key while running and you'll dive to the ground.
gh0st said:
everyone sucks the first time they experience a game. ive been playing dod for years so i sort of have the advantage in knowing the weapons and the maps and grenade priming etc... i find dod source to be REALLY easy. i cant think of a game where i wasnt the top 3 that i played in the last 3 hours.

Yes, it's a bit different to other shooters in that you have very little health so you have to change the playstyle to reflect that. Being used to this I also found it surprisingly easy - kills just wouldnt stop rolling in lol. Switch to machinegunner, go near a hotspot (not right into it), deploy behind some cover while maintaining clear view and just wait for them to come, then just mow them down :)
I wouldn’t say the game is very difficult, just difficult to get use too.

The recoil, well I hope they fix it by not making it so big. It would be good if you fire, get recoil, then the gun automatically pulls down a little bit so it’s not as hard to fire at someone more than once.
I've got considerably better after about 3hrs play I reckon.

I played the original once or twice, this is so good though, gameplay, physics, graphics, everything keeps amazing me :D
Glo-Boy said:
I don't know what the secret is, but I just played that game for about and hour and a half to two hours, and guess how many kills I got?


That game is unbelievably difficult. I don't know what the proper strategy is besides point and shoot (and moving strategically, obviously,) but I can not hit anyone. I'll have a pistol and some asshole will run up a foot away from me with his rocket launcher not even shouldered. I'll start shooting at him and make a perfect outline of his body while he slowly loads a rocket and blasts me in the face with it. WHAT THE **** IS WITH THIS GAME.

I suck - so therefore it's NOT fun and I HATE it. I'm extremely sad that I paid money to have zero fun at all.

Does anyone else just find it mind-blowingly hard?

you just need time to get used to it ...I played for days before I was able to get as many kills as deaths ..even though I've played DoD for over a year I died a heck of a lot yesterday round it was 16 deaths to 2 kills ..but by the end of my playing I was getting 15 kills to 5 deaths ..the trick is not to run and look for death but rather wait for it to come to you
The first time I played DoD I had a 1:1 ratio. :p
On my third round I took out an entire squadron with my sniper riffle. :E
pfft you're using the sniper rifle ..if you cant get tons of kills with the sniper rifle you have no business playing fps ...try to kill an entire platoon with the shovel and then we'll talk :)
i would imagine you could have been unlucky enough to have been on a really bad server, i experienced axactly the same thing as you last night.

merrily playing along, meet an enemy, shoot, die, repeat, check console, no hits....... and i know my aim isn't that bad, so i changed server and soon enough i was 14-6 and having a great laugh, it would just appear that some of the servers around last night were very laggy and seemed to have no reg, but once you find a decent server i would imagine that it will be a different story,

i say give the game another chance
Yeah when you throw in excelent players who have played regular DOD for ages and brand new players you are going to have really easy kills and also really hard to get a kill depending on which one of those you are. Not to mention firstdayofrelease lag.

Just keep playing, find your good weapon whether it be rifle or shovel. =p
And get to know the map, the ins the outs or where this meets up. Sometimes you just need to move up to each place of cover. Othertimes you will want to camp a spot to hold it.