It was when we were getting a group together to go into the Deadmines instance... you were on some other name, but Deadline said it was you. That ended up being the best part of the stress test, though... doing that instance... we made it all the way through and killed that bastard... took next to forever, though. :P I went into that instance weakish... and came out god-like! :O
Letters said:
It was when we were getting a group together to go into the Deadmines instance... you were on some other name, but Deadline said it was you. That ended up being the best part of the stress test, though... doing that instance... we made it all the way through and killed that bastard... took next to forever, though. :P I went into that instance weakish... and came out god-like! :O

deadmines? errr... i never went questing in the deadmines lol... i DO remember speaking to you as a night elf, but i was on the OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET!!!

i remember now. Dedalus told you guys (who needed as many people as possible to go to the deadmines) that i could help, when in fact i had no intention of helping becuase i was on the night elf starting location and it would have taken ages to get there (and i mean about 3 hours). i spoke to you breifly, but you didnt realise it was me or soemthing. anyway, i never quested with you, and the only trouble i could have POSSIBLY caused is leaving you without a party member...
Arrr, that explains it! :P Night Elf land...

That place sucked. Hard. The only good thing about it was that it was next to some Horde lands to go fighting... but only after running forever. :hmph: