
Originally posted by Cr@zY T3rr0r!$t
Alxy's weapon
monkey wrench: No
tire iron: No
socket wrench: Yes!

So we,ve confirmed that this is a socket wrench. great...
I still think the crowbar 0wns that wrench. although... the wrench from Op4 was cool.
btw the wrench from Op4 was a monkey wrench.(a new wrench to argue about):devil:
The one in OP4 was a pipe wrench... Probibly one of those 24 inch 10 pound ones. That could do some serious hurting.
3 full pages on the classification of wrenches, class

really......who ****ing cares what kind of wrench it is....the next person who says "wrench" is gonna get one shoved up there ass...
Guys the real reason she has the wrench is this because its a movable jaw that can be
adjusted for grasping nuts
dident you get a wrench in Opposing forses!! i think shes been sleeping around and took a certain someones wrench
Originally posted by switch
she needs the wrench from op4, now that had some meat to it. You could almost feel the force of the secondary attack.

That thing looks too girlie ;)

a girlie socket wrench for a girl? wow.. i think we stumbled upon something here! :O :upstare:

Originally posted by nw909
Keep it away from gordons nuts plz.

okay... lets keep the smut talk out of this please..lol
pfft.. socket wrench ain't gonna kill no aliens. They aren't that heavy. Even the heavy duty ones arent that heavy. Not enough power.

Now big-ass crowbars on the other hand, those are heavy and can really **** someone up :X

Ratchet wrenches need different sized sockets to be attached to it according to the size of the "bolt" or "Nut" that you or Alyx are trying to screw in or un-screw.

The Creator of the Ratchet wrench was a man by the name of Robert Owen, Jr (1881 - 1956). Owen received a patent on September 9, 1913. U. S. Patent number 1,072,980.

Look here at: http://www.armstrongtools.com/catalog/products.jsp?groupID=4

They show a picture of a smaller version of Alyx wrench.

These wrench come in 3 different Socket sizes are used through out the world.

1. - Milimeters
2. - Inches
3. - Combinded

I have personally have had long use with a ratchet wrench and I feel that it is jus as deadly towards monster as a crowbar would. Alyx wrench has a heavy blunt end which would be good for cracking skulls and knocking out victims.
personally i think she looks sexier with the little ratchet wrench.i mean...if she had some big crowbar it would be ok but that little wrench....oh God,I'de pay for some nice poses with that thing.Yes...Alyx.....baby....OK OK sorry ill stop there.

But seriously,how is a little cutie gonna swing that big bad crowbar?the wrench is probably easier to ....... manuever.she might fix things with it too.
She has a robot, do you think it just takes care of, or built its self. Heck no. I dont think shes gona use it for combat.
Originally posted by SnowBall
The one in OP4 was a pipe wrench... Probibly one of those 24 inch 10 pound ones. That could do some serious hurting.

Yeah, the Op4 one is similar to the one commonly called a monkey wrench.
A drawing:

Also known from the title of the famous and highly acclaimed book I never read:

For the record, I'm not sure if and monkey wrenches are featured in the book.

BTW, why was the pipe-wrench even in Op4?? it was so useless! i think it had within 20% the same damage as the knife, but was like 4 times slower... !?!?!?

I was known by the alias 'TorqueWrench' for quite some time, quake2 and b5,6,7 CS. Sometime during that, I looked one up, and lo... it's a fairly gay looking implement. So, I'm TorqueWrench no longer, now going by slightly less immasculating and stupid a name (hah hah hah. who am i kidding).

I would agree that it is most likley the case that Alyx has the wrench for repair work on DOG.

Does anyone remember the scene in Day of the Dead (the one in the shopping centre) where the goodie uses the screwdriver on the zombie ? That was one of my favourite scenes from the old time zombie flicks. *hint hint valve

Personally I think valve should go into tool manufacturing. I can see a freeman range of tools hitting the hardware shore shelves anyday now. You never know when a bright shinny crowbar will come in handy.
i think it would be sweet to be able to just pick up anything and use it as a weapon... i mean... rocks, hammers, rotten apples, zombie heads, toothbrushes, chainsaws, dirty laundry, liquer bottles, chopsticks, broken furniture, hedge clippers, cases of cheap icelandic import singles... and just use them until they broke, or you found something better. Actually, i bet that would make a killer mod, since im well nigh positive that you wont be able to in the game proper.

day of the dead. sweet movie. need to re-watch, /methinks.

Op4 wrench useless?! My god, I killed over 3/4 of the baddies with that thing! Just lure some alien over a corner and welcome him with a wrench. It'd even kill those shocktrooper pests.
LOL, man o man....4 pages about wrenchs and bolts.....I love these forums!
Originally posted by Phisionary
i think it would be sweet to be able to just pick up anything and use it as a weapon... i mean... rocks, hammers, rotten apples, zombie heads, toothbrushes, chainsaws, dirty laundry, liquer bottles, chopsticks, broken furniture, hedge clippers, cases of cheap icelandic import singles...
It's called the Manipulator.
And it's here to seduce you and have your babies.
yay! baby manips' pitter patter on the floor!!

wait! what in the hell are you talking about?


i see your point, yes. but i mean stuff you can swing and use more like, also.
