Wretched Abandon: Talent needed

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Project Name:
Wretched Abandon HL2 Total Conversion
The world of 3050 is much different from the world we live in today. Earth has become a vast city, crawling with crime and violence. Anarchy is the key to survival, and death is on every citizen’s mind.
The Moon and Mars have had Atmospheric Processors built on them to make the planets livable.
Mars is a desolate waste land of dust storms and acid rain. Guerrilla warfare reigns supreme and only the smart survive.
The Moon is a hyped up Eden garden. Technology and lifestyle is of the highest quality, and the peaceful citizens are unaware to the dangers that lurk under their noses.

Fantasy war has never been so real.

Wretched Abandon is multiplayer mod that thrives off team play and squad based tactics. Three distinctly different teams will compete using class based combat to complete various objectives, such as holding points, kill counts, hacking and more. Each class having their own speed, armor and weapons with an item kit of their choice to combat the best possible way to win. Despite the fantasy setting combat will play out in a realistic tone, with location based damage and accurate fire arm portrayal.

The goal is to take a complete fantasy sci-fi setting and provide a suitable realistic war gameplay.


Talented Needed:
Lead Programmer, Texture Artists, 3d Character modelers and prop modelers, animators



Jarrod- Lead Designer, 2ND Lead, PR
Gabriel (wiredgear)- Team Lead, Web Guru, Lead 2D Artist
Andrew- Programmer
Mathew- Programmer
Roman- 3d Artist (character modeler)
PaulH- Level Designer
Shawn- Level Designer
Graham- Level Designer
Chris- 3D Artist, 2D Artist (weapon modeler)
Dave- 3D Artist (weapon modeler)
Jason- 3D Artist (weapon modeler)
Benjamin- Concept Artist, 3D Artist
Kelli- Environmental Artist
Alejandro- Concept Artist
Espen- Concept Artist
Marios- Music Producer
Roland- Sound Engineer

Wretched Abandon Website

Team Lead Contact
[email protected]

Application Submission

Brief Story introduction:

To reflect on history is to reflect on destruction. Plaguing mankind is a past of violence, genocide, treachery, and an uncanny desire to massacre their own species. Among all this is the constant belief it will change. Technology advances with the image that it will solve more problems than it will cause and after war it is viewed that it was good for the progress of mankind.
Each of these beliefs has been proven false.

The world of 3050 is no different from the countless centuries that are behind it. Greed and corruption still reigns supreme, and violence always seems the most logical solution to all of mans problems. The advancements in technology have also caused problems, dividing the people and simply pointing out who are more worthy than others.

The citizens of Earth are left to fend for themselves in their pit of despair, living in a violent urban nightmare, fed up of fighting for survival every day of their lives. Those living on Mars are tired of the backstabbing, the treachery, and the inhumane treatment of behind left for dead. Above them all stands Eden Moon, a place of power and destruction, disgusted by second class citizens of other worlds and striving to eliminate the filth.

War is looming over every human’s hopes and dreams. Earth has already launched terrorist strikes on the Moon, whilst stealing technical equipment from Mars and backstabbing that trading life. Mars’ desire for knowledge has sent them on dangerous missions for information theft from the Moon and manipulation of Earth organizations. The Moon, displeased with the treatment from the two other planets, is taking this as an advantage to finally have a reason to go to war and destroy the opposition, leaving behind only the rich and power.

Welcome to war of the year 3050. Welcome to Wretched Abandon.

Wretched Abandon: Recruitement
The Wretched Abandon team is on the look for a few talents to join the team. We are in greatly desire for texture artist and character modelers at this time but other talents are acceptable.

If you you can help the Wretched Abandon team, please register in our forums and read our application guideline rules before posting an application or even better, contact me through Msn Messenger and we can discuss it there. My msn contact is [email protected].


Here's a few things that will be released for our next media update:

- Map Screenshot

- Finished (Model, Skin, Normal-Maps) Moon Assault Rifle (EM-CAR).

- Finished (Model, Skin, Normal-Maps) Probe

- Finished (Model, Skin, Normal-Maps) Mars Assault Rifle (MRS-AR)

- Finished (Model, Skin, Normal-Maps) Light Weight Urban Sub-Machinegun (LWU-SMG)

- Finished (Model, possibly skinned) Eden Moon Standard Side-arm (EM-SS)

- Finished (Model, possibly skinned) Eden Moon Ranged Combat Rifle (EM-RCR)

- Few finished prop models (Model, Skin, Normal-Maps)

- Character Model of Mars Demolitions Unit.

- Environmental Art.

- More item concepts and item models

- Song Track

- Released Item information, different gameplay modes and some Vehicle information.

- Demo sound FX Reel

We would love to show you some screenies but atm we'd like to keep it within the team until our 2nd media release.


Website: http://www.wretched-abandon.com
Forums: http://www.wretched-abandon.com/forums

Team Lead/WebGuru/Lead 2D Artist
If anyones looking for a well thought out, well organised mod with an ever-growing and dedicated team this is the one for you :)
sounds like a great mod! somebody help this team, i'm betting it gets finished an it also looks like a quality mod just as well
They don't need a concept artist, stop posting this crap in all these threads. Your posting "I'll help you" in threads that don't need that kinda help or your posting "I'll help you" in a thread which has a person offering THEIR help to someone else. Really dude, you gotta get off what ever your on.

EDIT: Sorry dude, thought you were lying. I just realised that you really aren't a cheapskate.