Writer looking for MOD work



I'm a writer without much experience, so I'm looking for a great way to start. I consider myself an exceptional writer and storyteller. I'm planning to devise scripts and stories for games in the future, but at the moment I'm starting off with Mods. Even though I'm learning how mod editing works by internet tutorials, I also want to get my hands dirty with some hands-on experience, that way I can learn how development works and I'll also have some experience for possible several projects for later on.

The only way I can really communicate with people across areas is with MSN or Yahoo. Though, if on a different messenger, I'll direct myself to use a different messenger for communication.

If you want a script written, a story, or you may need someone to give a boost in the story/script area of your development team, then give me a PM or email me at [email protected], or just post a message on this thread. If you want a gritty/violent script or a futuristic apocalyptic story, PM me. I'm selling myself here.

Cheers. Bumblebee.

PS. I will only work for a team that is determined, coherent, and willing not to give up.
hey bumblebee,

You can have a look at this thread, http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=91730
it ended with finding a writer to start work out the detailed version, if you find this intresting, i'm sure we'll hear from eachother... (btw did mail this writer, but had no reply yet. anyway it couldn't hurt to have diffrent versions).
good luck.
Well, i woulo like you to help us in this sci/fi mod. It is really just a collaberation, but we need another story writer so we have more than one option for the story. Here is the site if you are interested.

The reclaimer: the first war

If above link doesnt work, cut and paste into browser

Not sure if we are looking for a writer, but why don't you come to Plastic Tactics. It's the one mod that won't be cancelled. Why? Take a look at.
too late i stole him.

why don't you come to Plastic Tactics. It's the one mod that won't be cancelled. Why? Take a look at

no offence but i cant imagine anyone wanting to play a mod thats is based on lego.
crackhead said:
no offence but i cant imagine anyone wanting to play a mod thats is based on lego.

Actually I think it's quite original and unique :) I'm looking forward to what they come up with
X_i_Z_o_R said:
Actually I think it's quite original and unique :) I'm looking forward to what they come up with

QFT, looking forward to it.

Also bumblebee, it's hard to find work as a writer, as most mods either wrote it themselves, or don't need much of a story. Good luck with whatever Mod snatched you up.
Why not lego. Look at the success of Lego STAR WARS
There was also a lego mod for Operation Flashpoint that was quite enjoyable.
ok then let me change that to excluding people that play with lego in their spare time no-one would want to play a mod based on lego :) just kidding