Writing zombie stuffs


The Freeman
May 7, 2007
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Decided to do a bit of writing last night, and after a long time came up with this small piece of writing. I will probably keep writing this story, maybe throw in a different character perspective so I have someone who is held up defending, and someone on the run, not sure yet I'll see what happens. I'm not too bothered how it turns out, just feels good to be writing.

Anyway, feel free to tell me how I could make this bit, or any others I post here better. I know it's quite void of information e.g Character, location, etc but I may sort that out later.

Here it is:

Today was a day of preparation.

As I secured the final board over my bedroom window, I knew I had made the right choice. Loading up the car and hitting the road seemed like a good idea at first, but it didn't take me long to reach the conclusion that wherever I went would ultimately end up like the rest of the world - completely infected.

The infection had spread across the globe at great speed, and it was only after the undead began to take hold of my own country did I realize that there was nowhere I could go that was truely safe, so I decided to stay put and use what precious time I had to prepare for the inevitable.

I will probably add more to this piece.
"Preparation." :)

Also, I'm not sure where you'll go with the story, but let me just say that the protagonist seems like a well-educated fellow with a good head on his shoulders, barricading himself and staying indoors rather than risking the road. When the zombie apocalypse comes, the best bet in most cases is to stay inside.
Oh, right D: missed that mistake.

Have written a bit more down on paper, might put it up tomorrow.

edit: a bit more.

Initially I had planned to secure the entire house; all the bedrooms, the kitchen and dining room, and the living area. Ultimately I decided I would have a better time of it if I had less to manage as I didn't want to be constantly checking on every room and barricade throughout the house. I decided to focus on two bedrooms at one end of the house, the hallway, and the bathroom. All these areas had one thing in common - very minimal window space. Before I sealed off the rooms I wasn't going to use, I took some time to put up basic defenses just in case, mostly just moving furniture over windows, the odd board here and there.
In the rooms that mattered, I used what I could as barricades. For the windows in the bedroom I would be spending the most time in, I had broken up a family heirloom - An old, very large Scotch chest. The wood off the drawers was thick and quite wide, and long enough to cover the window. For other rooms, like the bathroom and spare bedroom, I took apart the spare bed and used the long slats to cover the windows, halving the remaining slats and using them to cover the door into the living room, as well as the front door. Thankfully there was no shortage of nails, and I had a fairly large collection of tools my father had passed down to me which I had hauled in from the garage.