Wtf? Bush was once able to speak correctly?

Ten years ago he was saying what he wanted to say.

Now he's a puppet, saying what he's been told to say.

That's the only difference.
I read something about this ..bush was a long time alcoholic could be catching up to him
Probably has something to do with him being on front street and talking to an entire nation instead of a bunch of Texans in a room. But also, yeah, he's not saying what he wants to say... none of it comes from the heart. He made some grammatical errors in that speech ten years ago, but he was really fluid and sharp when he was speaking. It's probably got a lot to do with stage fright.
he's slurring ..its a condition (which escapes me right now) that is often found in long time alcohol abusers
Actually, if you ask me, his slurring is most likely caused by years of cocaine use catching up to him. I'm sure his old alcoholism played a big part as well, though.
It wouldn't surprise me at all if the man had some sort of rare dumbification disease, but I think what's really the case here is a conscious shift in style.

Vision and fancy rhetoric is scary. Articulation is demeaning.

See, the president's just like you. He talks slowly and dumbly so the 50% of the people with below average intelligence can keep up. He speaks to them. He understands them. He pauses and smiles at the camera because he likes you.
he's slurring ..its a condition (which escapes me right now) that is often found in long time alcohol abusers

I don't know the technical term for it, but it's called being a "dry drunk" in layman's terms. Bush would be much more articulate if he had a couple beers in him( no lie)
I know a former bartender I've seen it dozens of times

there was this guy who was a regular at a friend's restaurant/bar ..guy drank like a fish ..anyways when he came in around noon every day he had to ask staff to pull out a cigarrette out of his pack because his hands were shaking so much ..after about 3 beers his hands were steady as a rock

Narcolepsy said:
See, the president's just like you. He talks slowly and dumbly so the 50% of the people with below average intelligence can keep up. He speaks to them. He understands them....

....because he's one of them :naughty:
I know a former bartender I've seen it dozens of times

there was this guy who was a regular at a friend's restaurant/bar ..guy drank like a fish ..anyways when he came in around noon every day he had to ask staff to pull out a cigarrette out of his pack because his hands were shaking so much ..after about 3 beers his hands were steady as a rock

....because he's one of them :naughty:

wow That's sad...I glad I stopped drinking when I was 14...never ever again.
he drank in a day what you could in a week ..easily 24 beers in an evening
He fully admits that he was once an alcolohic, but otherwise, it isn't very well documented. I can't even find anything on wikipedia about it.
George:ok here I am ready for the war!
Officer:George your to late the war is over!
George:What? oh darn it
Officer:The year is 1982....
George:oh well.
Officer:Hey I got some blow.
George:awsome why didn't you say so.
That's a shock decline, he's only 60.

But surely 10 years ago was when he was doing all this alcohol and cocaine?
Bush"“I wouldn’t answer the marijuana questions,” “You know why? Because I don’t want some little kid doing what I tried.” yea, it certainly ruined your life.

If you keep asking Bush the same question, he'll eventually answer it whether he knows it or not.
It's probably that episode of holocaust denial he once had, catching up with him.
Why when I click on the link I keep getting the image


yet all the rest of youtube works perfectly fine.