WTF!!??!?!? game is way to SHORT!!!!111

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OMG I beat this game in a matter of hours! What a Major dissapointment!

I was expecting further play after the *uh* heh... 'ending'. All that time in development, but ended up being less that satisfying. They should have dedicated more time and resources to the game, rather than TF2 & Portal. *Sigh* Well... It was awesome while it lasted :angry:
its an episode... when you put it together with episode 1 and 3 its going to be longer than the original HL2 full game...
i just wanted to state my opinion. you still can do that, cant you?

dont get me wrong, it was a Great game..... just felt wayy to short.

even for a single episode, i feel like there should have been at leat a little more.
I dunno, the story did advance considerably despite that it was only a few hours long.
It was longer than Episode 1, that's all I know.
It was longer than Ep1.

Funny to note, it's also longer than Halo 3. Which is a "full" game.
Never compare anything Half-Life related with that piece of trash ever again, cow.
lol...I find it bizarre that people have ridiculous and unrealistic expectations of valve as a software developer and fail to appreciate how much time and effort and attention to detail they put into the game to give you the fullest experience you could ever wish for from a game...Or interactive story/movie for that matter...

Sure, you can breeze through HL2 in less than 3 hours...There is a video on google video of the whole thing...
If you fly through any game like that you are not appreciating it and probably explains why you are not satisfied...
It is like sitting down to a very fine meal and then stuffing your face so quickly you can't possibly appreciate the quality of the experience and individual flavours... You dig?

valve has put so much work into there games. you need to pay attention and explore every area you go to and you may find more insight on whats going on or maybe something from the past.
Sorry about my english. I know it sucks... :upstare:

I think the idea is not to play the game in a straightforward way. Valve is always taking care about a bunch of details in every scenario that we cannot ignore.

It took me like 10 hours to finish Ep1. But not because I'm an idiot (I suppose). F.E., in that scene where u got to tear down that chopper that looks like a bee, the sky is really awesome due to HDR, such as the details of that giant bee. I spent like 20 minutes in that arena.

So, considering that, Ep1 was a long enough game. And it's just one episode. I still haven't played Ep2, but I think that the forest details would be as interesting as the urban ones.
Short? Yes. I also beat it in a few hours.

But it still is a great game!

Now it's time to try to get all the achievements!
Try playing it again, and taking it slower.

I blew through it the first time as fast as I could, finishing in about four and a half hours. Now I'm in the process of playing it again and taking my time to enjoy the sights and little details that have always made HL so special.

It's so totally worth it.
Never compare anything Half-Life related with that piece of trash ever again, cow.

Yeesh thats a tad harsh just cause its not your cup of tea don't mean it sucks sales and reviews alone disprove that :).

Any way on to the subject its a expansion/episode whatever you wanna call it and it was longer then the last....what did you expect?
Stop these retarded "too short" arguments. I actually encountered parts of the game where I thought the end was next but it kept going. You cover a LOT of ground. Of course if you run through the game like a bat out of hell, then you're cutting yourself short and not enjoying or appreciating the game. If so, sucks to be you.
Episodes are shorter than full games?

I finished it in 5 hours, give or take, but it was time well spent, and nowhere near too short. Too short would be something like 2 hours.
I felt I got a decent chunk of time out of the episode. In no way did I feel it was too short. Maybe that's because I savored so many moments and found myself replaying bits over and over again, but I never rushed myself forward.

I dunno.
It took me about 6 hours to beat it the first time, so not too short at all.
There were shootouts that I replayed a few times simply because they were so enjoyable. I played through the whole Inn gunfight like 3 times or more. This is the way I've played since HL1, where I sometimes used to replay shootouts dozens of times. You get out what you put in.
I beat Portal and Episode 2 in 6 hours :| DAMN YOU VALVE YOU LIARS!
And I loved every second of it...
Why?! Because you don't agree with it? It's an open forum is it not? Or are we all just HL2 fan boys on here?!

I guess we are. Sigh! :(

I'm not an HL2 fanboy, I don't even like the game much. I bought the Orange Box for TF2 and Portal, for your information.
For 50 bucks you get 2 games which basically total an 8+ hour game if you move through them at a quick speed (EP2 took me 6.3 hours, and portal has 6 hours on it and i havent finished many of the bonus levels yet), plus the best damn multiplayer game to-date. The quality of both Portal and EP2 are out of this world, and provide some of the most memorable gaming experiences ive ever had. You cant get that from ANY other $50 game. The orange box was the best thing to happen in gaming in a long while.
It was longer than Ep1.

Funny to note, it's also longer than Halo 3. Which is a "full" game.

You obviously are incredibly retarded. Halo 3 was a considerably long game. It wasn't close to being as long as Halo 3. You are just trying to find an excuse to rag on Halo 3 and have to lie to say something bad about it.
I dont think i played it very fast. I was excited to play it, so maybe it was just faster than i thought. HL:EP1 was, i believe, more time consuming, but EP1 action was much more intense. I felt like i was rushed throughout the game, tho. Gotta get there, Gotta get to white forest, etc. OR EVERYONE DIES!!!! Noooooeeesss! ...but in reality, the entire game (phrase used loosely) is scripted, so I guess it dosnt matter how long it takes to get there. I do plan on going back through the game and combing every area possible. :sniper:
I suppose the only solution for Valve would be more mappers, more script0rz, more storylines, more programers, alphas, etc.
This was the guy's first post on here and we've already gotten three pages worth of trollfeed out of it. :rolleyes:
Episode 1 took me a little over 4 hours to complete, and that was with me listening to the commentary as well, so no rush or anything. Episode 2 took me a little over 6 hours. I thought it was noticably longer
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