wtf!, hold me!


Jul 1, 2004
Reaction score
Something just moved my chair. I don't know what but I just felt something push my chair. There's nothing in here I don't know what the hell is going on. **** I just felt it again... I think I'm going to go to bed.
Sounds like you're already "tobed"

oh stfu Baal. I swear something's walking around in here don't know what....I want to finish this damn download before I shut everything off.
Well if it's invisible grab a sack of flower and... you know what to do. Good luck son!:smoking:
Jesus, what's up today? Dalamari remembering forgotten childhood experiences, MiccyNarc is freaked as shit because his chair is moving. I'm scared sitting here with nothing going on... :| Is the apocalypse beginning? D:
Its all a dream. You will never wake up.
Its all a dream. You will never wake up.

Would you cut that shit out! D:

Well in my case if anything happens at least I'm like 4 meters away from the door, so I could make a quick getaway:P .
turn on the light and search for what's moving your chair?
Call the ****ing ghost hunters. Those guys are pretty awesome.


Or go to sleep. Waking up in the middle of the night is going to suck though if it happens =/
Oh twas me, sorry about that, lost one of my lil lego peices.
It rolled out while i was making a rail gun. Cyberpitz never locks his cupboard propely and thats why i ran over to miccys house to retrieve that rail block and bumped into his chair a million times whitout him seeing me cuz i has camoflage like the pilots in the amazing race which hid from danny and oswald and went back in the closet but was the wrong one in the pantry with bananas and cereal so i ated it up and then i saw a goatse on the cereal box and hid in a can of soda.
Soooo...MiccyNarc, why don't you tell us more about this moving chair?

What kind of chair is it? Normal computer chair with wheels?

How much did it move?

What kind of movement was it (a bump, a rumble, movement in a straight line, other?
If a straight line, what direction did it move in (left, forwards, clockwise, etc)?

You said it moved twice, was it the same movement each time or different?

I want these questions answered immediately, this is serious business.
Miccy hasn't replied in over 30 minutes!! I think we've lost another one...
U Cnt Stop Meh!!! I'mah Jesus Lol!!11
I live still. In bed now on my laptop. Byahh. Feels safer here.
I live still. In bed now on my laptop. Byahh. Feels safer here.

This Thread is MADE OF WIN!!!!!!!!!

haha this is awesome.

Can you describe anything happening around you? Be aware for changes in temperatures and such as signs of electromagnetic energy flucations. Also lights going out or dead/shorter life batteries. have fun.
Safer? Why? You're still in the same room aren't you?
No my desktop and laptop are in different rooms.

As far as other bizarre things just a chill in the room but I think that's just weather.
No my desktop and laptop are in different rooms.

As far as other bizarre things just a chill in the room but I think that's just weather.

R U SHUR? Thats what you want to make yourself think. You know that it got cool all of a sudden while you are sitting there and least expecting it you feel that cool breeze move thru the room that you only know could be caused by spirits of another world just lurching and waiting in your room to devour your soul.

kk, sleep tight
No my desktop and laptop are in different rooms.

As far as other bizarre things just a chill in the room but I think that's just weather.

What part of serious business don't you understand!?

Answer these!, quickly boy!

What kind of chair is it? Normal computer chair with wheels?

How much did it move?

What kind of movement was it (a bump, a rumble, movement in a straight line, other?
If a straight line, what direction did it move in (left, forwards, clockwise, etc)?

You said it moved twice, was it the same movement each time or different?
Wow, you tear at the heartstrings there eh Pauly?

Head to bed man, we.... I mean these things hate morning.

EDIT: DEATHMASTER, that is an awesome link. Those wackos...
"Fighting the "Evidence"-" -->"this page is currently under construction. Please come back when we have our act together."

I bet you somehow narrowly avoided death, and now whenever death kills someone a eerie chill goes across the room, moving things around... and its making its way to you!
dance the macarena it solves everything!

btw havent you checked if you have a big bunch of bottles on your right side?
It was the son you thought you never had that moved your chair...Look out Jerry Springer.
it has passed like a hour and no answer

he is dead
God's weight was pushing the chair! Intelligent failing was right all along! *jumps out window to prove point*
You people make me HUNGRY.

*goes for food*