wtf!, hold me!

only one solution is left.

do drugs and drink alot real fast.
What kind of chair is it? Normal computer chair with wheels?

Big fabric rolling chair with wheels.

How much did it move?

Not very much

What kind of movement was it (a bump, a rumble, movement in a straight line, other?
If a straight line, what direction did it move in (left, forwards, clockwise, etc)?

A big bump, felt like someone walked up and pushed the back of my chair, hard.

You said it moved twice, was it the same movement each time or different?

The 2nd time it turned my chair a bit.

But yeah it was probably death.
I think ur chair made a small crevice in the carpet and it just rolled off when it got a bit to the edge, it happens, although you'd have to be on the edge already which can't be done without some force...
I think ur chair made a small crevice in the carpet and it just rolled off when it got a bit to the edge, it happens, although you'd have to be on the edge already which can't be done without some force...

or it was aliens.