WTF IS pwned?

Sep 12, 2003
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I see this shit typed everywhere! "pwned" Is it supposed to mean owned? Thats sooo ****ing lame... I bet some dick typed "pwned" by accident, and was too ****ing lazy to fix it, because hitting backspace and sliding your finger one more key to the left is so hard! This word, is literally on every god damn gaming forum out there. Its so old, It makes no sense. And Im sick and tired of trying to pronounce "pwned"! "Owned" is so Counter -Strike Beta 4.1. Why can't we just talk like we do in real life? Is that so hard? pfff. Someone explain this to me.... I dunno why but it really pisses me off.
Same here bro.

And btw, pwned = owned... :)
It's AOL English, a new kind of English. That's what happens when you let kids create their own language :)
d0n+ j00 1N5ul+ THe e+ErnAl l4nGUA93 +ha+ 15 '1337' 0R J00 5H4Ll be sMI++en 8Y +3H 4Ll M19hTY 90D oF 0WN4Ge. y0U, J00R hoU$3, j00r cOMpUt3r, J00R f4m1lY 4Nd @lL +H4t J00 0WNz0R $h4Ll bE H4X0R3D 4ND J00 $H@lL Tr3MBl3 1N PhE4r...
wtf? 1 am an l33t hax0r. Yes, kil me. I hate it. Hate webspeak.
I can bearly read it :p

anyway... don't you think it's ironic that the thread's title contains 'WTF?!"

oh yeah, the only 'webspeak' I use (now) is IMO, simply becuase I like it :)
Its a corruption of the word "Owned." It started in the online game Warcraft, where a map designer misspelled "owned." When the computer beat a player, it was supposed to say, so-and-so "has been owned."

Instead, it said, so-and-so "has been pwned."

It basically means "to own" or to be dominated by an opponent or situation, especially by some god-like or computer-like force.

i.e Man, we totally pwned that CS clan...

WTF, STFU, TTYL, GTG are all fine. Those are abreviations. I wouldnt call that web speak. Those are simply time savers. I dont have a problem with those. LOL. ROFL. BRB. I mean, sometimes its more conveniant to type those 3-4 letters. But web talk is like pr0n, and Teh, and N00b, and w00t. "WTF" is with that crap? All of that elite hacker talk crap? "OMG" what a headache.
I dont use things like WTF, STFU and ROFL, not just because of what they mean but because it saves about .2 of a second.

P.S. Why do people say irony when it isnt really ironic?
I personally love the words pwned and shows how we as a gaming community has seperated ourselves from other groups. Also there just generally funny words to use, but l33t talk is just bugging, thats not seperating our communitys, its just stupid and pointless. Some changed words are ok, and words like Noob are ok in my book, just because it gives the internet community and gaming community a unique image....
Do we really need our own language to be different? After the all, the Americans use our language but they are nothing like us. I dont think we need anything to "seperate" us. I think just by the way we are, people can see the difference.
meh, maybe we want to be our own subculture.....

but seriously, this comes down to stereotypes.... geeky fellows shouting 'n00b' and 'OWNED!' at their mates for doing stuff (I must admit to once saying 'owned' in a real life conversation, and it was when the coffee machine ran out of cups, and just poured thier drink down the drain) and we don't really want to be stereotyped any more.
Originally posted by mrBadger
meh, maybe we want to be our own subculture.....

but seriously, this comes down to stereotypes.... geeky fellows shouting 'n00b' and 'OWNED!' at their mates for doing stuff (I must admit to once saying 'owned' in a real life conversation, and it was when the coffee machine ran out of cups, and just poured thier drink down the drain) and we don't really want to be stereotyped any more.

Yah you were definatly owned... yup, ownage to the max.
Originally posted by mrBadger
I can bearly read it :p

anyway... don't you think it's ironic that the thread's title contains 'WTF?!"

oh yeah, the only 'webspeak' I use (now) is IMO, simply becuase I like it :)
razorblade kiss consider yourself pwned m8.
Ive said owned in real life. BUt so have many of my friends who never use computers. That isnt really a word unique to the internet comunity. Its like Uber, people say that was well. I have to admit, i like the word owned.
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I might be the only one but. . . I have never written "lol". ever.
Except for in special cases. like in this one over here. ^
It feels weird to write.
I'm used to reading it so that doesn't feel weird, I just can't write it.

There you have it folks... my deepest, darkest secret. :)
You probably wont believe me but my mate witnessed the birth of the horrible word!!!

He was playing CS and someone DID mistype Owned. Within the week it was all over the game and the rest of the web. How cool is that, eh!

lol, ok its not THE greatest thing ever. But still. :p
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
You probably wont believe me but my mate witnessed the birth of the horrible word!!!

He was playing CS and someone DID mistype Owned. Within the week it was all over the game and the rest of the web. How cool is that, eh!

lol, ok its not THE greatest thing ever. But still. :p

Someone else stated that it started in warcraft... So where DID it start?
ooooh, weird. My friend said that the guy was laughed at on the game and he didnt mean to do it cos he corrected himself. I wouldent be supprised if it started in more than one place though. Its not that unlikely. Specialy if you type as bad as I. :p
Originally posted by Idolon
I might be the only one but. . . I have never written "lol". ever.
Except for in special cases. like in this one over here. ^
It feels weird to write.
I'm used to reading it so that doesn't feel weird, I just can't write it.

There you have it folks... my deepest, darkest secret. :)

Finnaly, someone else!

I dont like writing lol, it just feels wrong. Haha normally does me or in some places :LOL:. Then there are things which are crazy, ROFL, i can almost understadn that but its still wrong. But when you get ones that are like this ROLFSMICB, it has no point. Why make an acronym or a dozen words when you can write one small, simple Haha, or HeHe?
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Finnaly, someone else!

I dont like writing lol, it just feels wrong. Haha normally does me or in some places :LOL:. Then there are things which are crazy, ROFL, i can almost understadn that but its still wrong. But when you get ones that are like this ROLFSMICB, it has no point. Why make an acronym or a dozen words when you can write one small, simple Haha, or HeHe?

Exactly what I think.
"haha" is perfectly adequate. :)
Nowdays it seems like if people want to express a stronger "emotion" they simply make a larger acronym, but thats pointless and makes it very hard for people to understand.
But generally if it begins with ROLF it means he's having a good laugh. :)
what I'm like in real life when I type the acronyms:

LOL - barely cracking a smile, not really funny, but good enough to comment on.

ROFL / LMAO: good for a little laugh.

ROFLMFAO or "OMG that's hilarious!": something i'm honestly laughing hard over.
Originally posted by synth
what I'm like in real life when I type the acronyms:

LOL - barely cracking a smile, not really funny, but good enough to comment on.

ROFL / LMAO: good for a little laugh.

ROFLMFAO or "OMG that's hilarious!": something i'm honestly laughing hard over.

Yes but that's also weird.
How can "Laughing out loud" be "barely cracking a smile"?
And how can "Rolling on floor laughing" be "good for a little laugh"?

ok... i'm not completely sure about the acronyms.
Originally posted by Idolon
Yes but that's also weird.
How can "Laughing out loud" be "barely cracking a smile"?
And how can "Rolling on floor laughing" be "good for a little laugh"?

ok... i'm not completely sure about the acronyms.

BCAS : Barely cracking a smile

GFALL: Good for a little laugh

There, peace is restored.
Hehe, ok lets leave it at that.

see... "hehe" works just fine. :p:)

GTBBIHGTGUET : Going to bed because I have to get up early tomorrow.