WTF @ Myspace


Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score

I mean cmon, sometimes people don't feel like reading a paragraph where you drone ON AND ON without one ****ing period.

That is all.
Oy, let's not forget about
Check out this one, it's hilarious: tinyurl / a74fy (figure it out yourself)
Something like cmon and c'mon is totally different from typing one long sentence and never stopping and mackin tuns of spellng errurs lik so but thn sudenly w/o warning yu chaynge subjects and move onto another one and you still havent used one ****ing period or comma to break them up ya know why because the people on myspace are a bunch of ****ing ****wads that deserve no less than to have their testicles mashed with a hammer
Dalamari said:
Something like cmon and c'mon is totally different from typing one long sentence and never stopping and mackin tuns of spellng errurs lik so but thn sudenly w/o warning yu chaynge subjects and move onto another one and you still havent used one ****ing period or comma to break them up ya know why because the people on myspace are a bunch of ****ing ****wads that deserve no less than to have their testicles mashed with a hammer
Ah yes, I see what you did there.
I've got a myspace myself but I can't really allow myself to browse the site because all that happens is I get pissed off at the idiocy of the majority of the site and start firing off random messages telling people how stupid they are.
Dalamari said:

I mean cmon, sometimes people don't feel like reading a paragraph where you drone ON AND ON without one ****ing period.

That is all.

Hey, I type in coherent sentences :hmph:

And MySpace is only good to keep a network of friends from your own school. :afro:
Woe is the surfer of the Internet who expects to find good grammar, spelling, and punctuation, for instead of a beautiful language full of rich context, subtle metaphor, and playful dialects, you will find an English that is tortured, hemmorrhaged, and decaying right before your eyes. Some of it is the abuse of artistic license, most of it is laziness, I think.
I like my myspace. I think I'm the only person on the entire site who has kept his background the original color it came in. ^_^. And I got some Sigur Ros on there so its all good.
Hmm. This 'myspace' thing has gone on long enough.


Ennui said:
I've got a myspace myself but I can't really allow myself to browse the site because all that happens is I get pissed off at the idiocy of the majority of the site and start firing off random messages telling people how stupid they are.

Thats what my messages mean on your myspace ;)

I kid, I kid. :p
Eunoch said:
its spellt c'mon if anything :p
Got there before me :)

But yes, the punctuation, spelling and grammar in general on myspace is, all too often, abysmal verging on linguistic rape.
But that goes for forums too. Certain posts on this place, for example, have left me shell-shocked at people's stupidity.

A friend of mine recently got an e-mail from one of the section editors of our student paper that was all capitals, involved no punctuation whatsoever - it was the text version of screaming four sentences at someone in one breath.

The moral of the story is, most people are retards. I, as an English student, am one of the last - and most stubborn, condescending and pedantic - exponents of the English language.

I would give myspace a D-
Must try harder.
Awesome site. ( the myspace sucks one )
I have to say...the worst pat about myspace is all the people that post dumbass chain letters. OMG I HATE THOSE.

Make a wish and send this POS to 20 "friends" and your wish will come true! Don't do it and you will have a week of bad luck omglol!
Random Chain letter example from one of my "friends" on myspace *spits*

you are my [heaven] tonight

Date: Nov 18, 2005 10:15 PM
Subject: I didnt understand it. But im posting it.
Body: say your crushes name 6 times...

then close your eyes and make a wish about your crush.....

then decide whats more worth it 10 million dollars or love...

then make one last wish and pick the money or the crush...

repost in 67 seconds with the subject "Crush" and youll get a unexpected talk from your crush...DONT screw this up

the only reason I got a myspace was to talk to this particular girl who somehow felat iat necessary to keep in contact with people who have gone separate ways... I fell I'm going to "sever ties"...

And another:
you are my [heaven] tonight

Date: Nov 17, 2005 12:15 AM
Subject: my boyfriends gay....damn
Body: you have bad luck for 900 days and youll have no girlfriend or boyfriend OR SEX in 3 years!


You repost it with any of these titles:
1.)Some black guy Got Me Pregnant.
2.)I Made Love To your mom Last Night.
3.)My Boyfriend turned out to be Gay.
4.)I got laid last night!
5.)My mom called me a whore!!
6.)My mom found out Im Pregnant.
7.)Im going out with...
8.)Tips on giving head.
9.)I dyed my hair purple.
10.)I pierced my tongue
11.)i got a white girl pregnant
I really dislike her and her emo self.
Because u just opened this u will have the BEST LUCK this week
<3 ur gonna get a gf-bf
<3 ur gonna get an A+ on all ur tests
<3 ur gonna get 20 new friends
<3 ur gonna fall in love

<3 BUT <3 u have to repost this bulletin with the name
"I'm Naked"
"Shake that laffy taffy"
"NEW-Half naked pics"
"We finally broke up!"
"my girl iz pregnet"
"i got butt-raped"
"i lost my virginity"
"im bi"
"want free head"
"i ate my gurl out
Some ponce on myspace said:
repost in 67 seconds with the subject "Crush" and youll get a unexpected talk from your crush...DONT screw this up
Yeah, I know if I got that message from someone who fancied me I'd totally fall in love with them in 20 seconsd and send them a rapturously adoring message back in the next 47.

...and another perfect example of how sperm-curdlingly awful the grammar is on myspace.
Que-Ever said:
Random Chain letter example from one of my "friends" on myspace *spits*

(Chain letter of SATAN'S HELL SPAWN)

the only reason I got a myspace was to talk to this particular girl who somehow felat iat necessary to keep in contact with people who have gone separate ways... I fell I'm going to "sever ties"...

And another:

(Chain letter subject:I HAEV A PAY~NIS)

I really dislike her and her emo self.
Seriously, if I were you, I would bomb her house. I really would.
Just reading all that chain mail crap makes me want to punch an emo bitch to the face.
Loop Until BlnBitchIsDead = True
bawhaha, I love you all :LOL:

I've half a mind to link you to her profile. As if giving you her name isn't enough.
ailevation said:
Myspace is cool, what you talkin' bout dawg?

All Da Peaps on MaiSpayce DaT TyPE LyKe Dis n DunT UsE PErIuds.

DeN DeY dRonE On BoUt HoW MuCH DeRe LyFe SuKs EveN DouGh Dey GoT A NyCE HowSE, InTerNet AccESS, CabLeEE ,AnD An AlloWAnCe.

See Peaps? Dis Kine ShorTHanD iSn't ShorT At AlL. In FahCt, It TaKeS lOnGeR To TyPe LyKe DiS.
sinkoman said:
All Da Peaps on MaiSpayce DaT TyPE LyKe Dis n DunT UsE PErIuds.

DeN DeY dRonE On BoUt HoW MuCH DeRe LyFe SuKs EveN DouGh Dey GoT A NyCE HowSE, InTerNet AccESS, CabLeEE ,AnD An AlloWAnCe.

See Peaps? Dis Kine ShorTHanD iSn't ShorT At AlL. In FahCt, It TaKeS lOnGeR To TyPe LyKe DiS.

But it's so kewl and trendy! I mean, god forbid you'd type the words in right! You wouldn't be unique along with your legion of other losers anymore.
oop - I would frequent Spanish-speaking chat rooms back in the day (anyone remember Microsoft V-Chat or Comic Chat?), thinking I'd work on my Spanish. Now I'm not so sure that was a good idea...
I hate MySpace with a burning passion. Buncha sickos
Uriel said:
I hate MySpace with a burning passion. Buncha sickos

I have a profile, much to my burning shame. I never actually go there, so hopefully that is some form of retribution.
Dalamari said:

I mean cmon, sometimes people don't feel like reading a paragraph where you drone ON AND ON without one ****ing period.

That is all.
What do you expect? The majority of people that use that website are 12-year-olds posing as horny sluts and wanna-be gangsters who think it's cool tO TyPe LiKe ThIS. Oh, and the bands on MySpace are pretty annoying too. I'm tired of getting automated friend requests and event invitations from them. And yes, I do have a MySpace. I do try not to be a social outcast.
I wish someone would Hack it. Then send viruses to everyone to who uses it more than once a day.
Uriel said:
I wish someone would Hack it. Then send viruses to everyone to who uses it more than once a day.
Not everyone who uses it more than once a day is an asshat. There HAVE been previous attempts to hack MySpace and it landed the culprit in prison.
Yatta said:
Not everyone who uses it more than once a day is an asshat. There HAVE been previous attempts to hack MySpace and it landed the culprit in prison.

I had an asshat. While I was in prison too!
