Wtf No Wow For 24 Hours Omg Shit!!


Feb 27, 2004
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there's a server maintaenance and i an't play wow for 24 horus this is bullshit wtf i want' my daily dose of wow! **** THIS IS CRAP

at least i'm not one of those suckers who have to wait for 36 hours ahahha
Wow. (<--Get it? :D ) I don't think they realize how serious the repurcussions can be when pulling the plug on addicts. Hope everyone has their Detox Ponchos!
*phew* Thank god I decided not to get into any more mmorpgs after Everquest. Those games are more addicting than crack
heh, we've all lost friends to WoW, and the server maintenance is a sign Seppo. It's time you stopped and joined the real world once again. WoW doesn't love you back.
Go outside; breathe the fresh afternoon air; let the gentle sunlight softly warm your skin; let your muscles be stimulated by a little exercise.

Or play Episode 1.
Apparently the friends lists will be wiped in-game to.

24 hours? HA! What are those 6 million people going to do now! :D
Mutley said:
24 hours? HA! What are those 6 million people going to do now! :D

Post lots of threads with naughty words in the title?
WoW users shall burn in the fiery hell they have created for themselves, there is no hope for these sinners.
Diablo 2's servers are getting laggy. I was sitting in Tech Support and ther was a huge rush of Wc3 players complaining about there stats missing. Blizzards really gotta step up.
Samon said:
I hate WoW.

If you look in the manual, and take out every third letter, and replace the word server with great, there's a homage to Jack Thompson and Satan. Therefore it sucks and I'm glad it's down. Hope it stays that way :p
Samon said:
I hate WoW.

But apparently, that goes for everything that doesn't start with an 'H' and end in 'Alf-Life'.
JellyWorld said:
Servers work for me. They were down yesterday though.

They are routienly taken down for a few hours on Tuesday (Presuming it is Wednesday when you are reading this post.) they calculate honor accumilated over the weeks and do general server maintanence.

And of course, they apply patches then too. :E
Its about hardware relocation. Basically Paris is no longer working for them so they move down the street and try again.

Not that it makes a difference or anything, but personally ive had random disconnection problems since the patch...why do they change things for the better and leave behind so many MORE problems that there were in the first place..who pays these guys?
PvtRyan said:
But apparently, that goes for everything that doesn't start with an 'H' and end in 'Alf-Life'.


I actually hate WoW because I wouldn't be able to put it down since it's probably so awesome I wouldn't be able to stop playing. It is therefore bad, because I can't play it. Hope the server stays down, dammit.
I have not played WoW for a few months. It is a good game as long as you are not addicted. But then that is yourself and not the game.

I think it's funny when the servers go down and everyone gets upset. You have a whole month to play and make use of that 15$ investment. lol
You probably get a free day extension on the account anyway, so complainers got nothin' to complain really.

And jesus, why the **** is Firefox using 99% of my CPU again? Typing a letter a second here. Program gets buggier by the release.
Haahah I remember being so addicted to Everquest and Wow that if the server went down, or my internet was ****ing up, I started breaking shit.

What you should do, is pretend like you are glad it's down. Now you can clean up your room, at last.
The Brick said:
We lost a lot of good men to Wow.

Some come back, I did. Twice in fact, had a breakdown once and resuscribed like a weakling. And I lost a friend to WoW, he won't even return my calls anymore or reply to my emails.
I predict we'll see several suicides in the news tommorow. :|
The addiction peaks, after you're through that phase you don't play it BECUASE YOU MUST TO GET THAT SWEET ITEM ZOMG!!1ONEZWDREI!!11~ but just because you wanna have a good time with the cool people you met through the game. Although it's still time consuming with timesinks like reputation grinds.
I'd make millions if I were to start up a WoW Addicts Anonymous group.
Wahahaha, I'm out, I quit and haven't had any urges to play it for 2 weeks. Ahhhh the sweet smell of freedom.
Good thing I don't play WoW nowadays, then. *Returns to Diablo2*
The Brick said:
We lost a lot of good men to Wow.


I think I am immune to this MMORPG addiction thing. I have played every major MMO each for anywhere from 5 to 10 months, and then given it up with no regrets at all after. I honestly dont see whats so great about them.

oh well, ill leave you guys to your addictions.
lol thats just great!

I have a very concrete anti mmo addictor.
It's called 56k! Although it actually is costing more for the seperate phone line and 56k than DSL....well DSL n Cable arn't around here(Yeah it sucks).

It's amazing I still view all the "No 56k" pictures lol. Its all great. Don't feel sorry for me. I still got everything else.(Great computer, Sat. TV, Cell Phone etc..). Plus when I get IP banned from a game(like's temp bans) I can just reconnect and be back on within a minute.
/me laughs at all the WoW addicts.

/me shyly admits to being a former addict.
Seppo said:
at least i'm not one of those suckers who have to wait for 36 hours ahahha

Actually, I think you are perfectly suited to be in the same category.
The Brick said:
Haha well it got my ex-clan to fire up css again :D

Please WOW players stay the heck out of my CSS servers. I swear there where like 10 different people bitching about WOW being down until I scouted them.
WoW is possibly the tool of the devil.
wow is for losers...

the kids who used to live for beer and speed now want their fries and WoW