WTF only 1 week advance notice before delay!?!?!?


Jul 16, 2003
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Damnit screw Valve if this is true!!! they had to know good and well 1 month before the 30th wether they were going to make the release! instead they are like..

<GabeN>"hey we aren't going to make the 30th ya know"
<DougLombardi>"I know"
<GabeN>"well should we tell the thousands of fans so they can arrange their scedules accordingly?"
<DougLombardi>"nah, lets just be super quiet until 1 week before release, then we'll tell em!"
<GabeN>"yeah that'll really piss em off, hahahahaha"
<DougLombardi>"hahahahah little bitches."
Originally posted by Ki||tacular
Damnit screw Valve if this is true!!! they had to know good and well 1 month before the 30th wether they were going to make the release! instead they are like..

<GabeN>"hey we aren't going to make the 30th ya know"
<DougLombardi>"I know"
<GabeN>"well should we tell the thousands of fans so they can arrange their scedules accordingly?"
<DougLombardi>"nah, lets just be super quiet until 1 week before release, then we'll tell em!"
<GabeN>"yeah that'll really piss em off, hahahahaha"
<DougLombardi>"hahahahah little bitches."

AHAHA thats right, laugh on fat ****, ima fuk all them rolls till there raw gabe! You hear me god damnit fat ****ing jew!
I don't know what's worse.

The delay or how people are acting about it.