WTF? Valve playing the game for us?

Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score

This sucks =/

I'm playing the game as i want... I use gravity gun alot, and still using every weapon i've got.. most of the time i'm using the sub-machine gun and tring to save ammo for the end of the game... (Just yesturday started to play ^^ 3 more chapters to go)

and at HL2DM I'm using the weapon that might be the right weapon for the job.. mostly i hate Deathmaches.. but HL2DM in my opinion is the best... If i'm in funny mood i'm doing funny stuff and using the gravity gun.. lol anyways i'm using the gravity gun.. is so cOoL ^^ and I'm using all of the weapons.. but what VALVe are attempt to do is take our privacy and our rights to choose how to play the game... we payed for it, we play it...
When they ban a Steam Account it's like they stole your money.. Took it and gave nothing as return.. what the hell is wrong with VALVe? Just when i started to belive they'er the best..

and HL:S must be free... they didn't change a damn thing about it.. what is wrong with them? Asking Extra money for just Modding Half-Life1 Into the Srouce Engine.. What is wrong with you valve?? the client always right.. and you got your money.. let us play as we like and enjoy....

It would be lame that the game picks which weapon you should use :angry:

The whole community is greatfull that they did this game.. they don't have to cry because some ppl didn't use some of their weapons... btw how do they know what weapons do we use? Is VALVe Spying on us?

What do you think?

Edit: I'm also sorry if it's out of date or if it was discussed already
Because i didn't see any posts

If the article is wrong, so i'm sorry for wasting your time :sleep:
it isn't real. a joke y'know?

you see?

Valve also released a new patch for Half-Life 2 which would force players to swap weapons every three minutes, so they can get truly enjoy all the hard work the programmers have done. "This will prevent us from having to ban users in the future," said Palmer.

Thought this was funny.

The gaming community was outraged. One upset user posted, "They put this cool weapon in their game and then ban us for using it. I'm never buying another game from Valve until Half-Life 3 comes out."
Thank god! I was afraid of to run the game ^^
How do you it's a joke, btw?
Thank god! I was afraid of to run the game ^^
How do you it's a joke, btw?

bbspot write joke articles. Honestly, how are NPC characters supposed to complain about gravity gun abuse? :LOL:
I'll tell you something classified, Classified:
Bahh,... lol.. idiot me.. I rushed by reading, just read the "10,000 account were banned by Gravity Gun Abuse..." and got panic... shish... I found it at another forum and i was sure the artical is real.. LOL.. sry.
:LOL: that's funny.

Valve also released a new patch for Half-Life 2 which would force players to swap weapons every three minutes, so they can get truly enjoy all the hard work the programmers have done. "This will prevent us from having to ban users in the future," said Palmer.
"We received a formal complaint from Barney of the Video Game Security Guard Union, stating the abuse from players was getting 'out of hand' and needed to be stopped. Particularly, from players using the gravity gun,"

and you thought it was real, cmoooonn man
Well looks like I'm in trouble, I'm always spawning loads of combine troops to kill Barney.

I bet Barney will be complaining about that. But I've configured my firewall to stop his communication with Valve! Bwahhaha.
Dear god you must be the slow one of the class.
Thank you for the laugh :)

I thought you were joking, but when I realized you seriously believed the parody site,THAT made my evening.
Wow, this has to be the funniest thing I have ever read. HAHA.
Valve also released a new patch for Half-Life 2 which would force players to swap weapons every three minutes, so they can get truly enjoy all the hard work the programmers have done. "This will prevent us from having to ban users in the future," said Palmer

ROFL, they do make funny articles.
haha Classifieds rant about the article is 10x funnier than the article itself.
gravity gun 'abuse' ?

now there's a thought

can barney actually die in the game incidentally? or alyx? I've never seen either of 'em get taken out even when you hide behind them cowering in fear as the combine fill 'em with lead!
lol it"s obviously a joke. they are not going to ban people for using the gravity gun lol thats (#)$ING BULL 5H!t! have u red the article about how hl2's physics contains the "grand unifyed theroy" OMG lol.
people actually believed this ? wow.

pretty funny to read :)
I truly doubt source's AI is so advanced that barney would phone in to complain about grav gun abuse.
Parabolart said:
I truly doubt source's AI is so advanced that barney would phone in to complain about grav gun abuse.

Oh, it might be a scripted event set off by a certain amount of gravity gun use. After all, Valve do hate people abusing it, so it would make sense for them to program in ways to let them know when it occurs.
Phe he he......
why would valve hate grav gun abuse... It's their creation m8

funny article btw.
If that was real, I would make my own gravity gun and walk into the Valve office and yell "HAHAHAHAHA! ILL SHOW YOU TO SUPPRESS ME!!!" and of course start launching everything in all directions.
Whahaha, I remember that article from them stating that a programmer from Valve cracked the great unification theory that Einstein was hunting for with their physics engine and people here were all like 'GG Valve, congrats' :LOL:
Respect to the original guy for having the balls to admit he fell for it :)
First, complaints from non-player characters (NPC) and secondly complaints from Valve's own modelers.

"We received a formal complaint from Barney of the Video Game Security Guard Union, stating the abuse from players was getting 'out of hand' and needed to be stopped. Particularly, from players using the gravity gun," said Valve's NPC Union Liaison Greg Palmer.

ok, ingame characters speaking to real people? jeez, and why would the moddelers be angry?, they made that game for you to play how you want..

rumblefish said:
First, complaints from non-player characters (NPC) and secondly complaints from Valve's own modelers.

"We received a formal complaint from Barney of the Video Game Security Guard Union, stating the abuse from players was getting 'out of hand' and needed to be stopped. Particularly, from players using the gravity gun," said Valve's NPC Union Liaison Greg Palmer.

ok, ingame characters speaking to real people? jeez, and why would the moddelers be angry?, they made that game for you to play how you want..

Welcome to the world of irony :cheers:
We received a formal complaint from Barney of the Video Game Security Guard Union
Too funny. :D

CR33P said:
gravity gun 'abuse' ?

now there's a thought

can barney actually die in the game incidentally? or alyx? I've never seen either of 'em get taken out even when you hide behind them cowering in fear as the combine fill 'em with lead!
Yes, Barney and Alyx can die, although they are considerably tougher than regular NPCs. If they do die, the game is over. For example, in Anticitizen One, when Alyx is dropping the shields in the plaza, she asks you to watch her back. She will be working the computer and if a combine soldier makes it to her, she can be killed.
ha, thanks to this post i'm sure this guy has already went and blown his head off. I would have... :devil:
Raawr said:
and you thought it was real, cmoooonn man

man... short-terms and leet talk is getting out of hand! :p

''rolling on on on floor floor flooor laughing laughing laughing''

no-one even thinks about what the hell those things mean and say things like ''lololololol''...
what is that?
''laughing out laughing out laughing out laughing out...''???

nothing personal, i just find it funny hehe:p
MoFo said:
man... short-terms and leet talk is getting out of hand! :p

''rolling on on on floor floor flooor laughing laughing laughing''

no-one even thinks about what the hell those things mean and say things like ''lololololol''...
what is that?
''laughing out laughing out laughing out laughing out...''???

nothing personal, i just find it funny hehe:p

OK, well just to add to the pile, how about lollerskates or roflcoptr??? Define those in a logical way... Go on, I dare ya!!

Btw, to the poor guy that opened the thread, and swallowed the hoax hook, line and sinker -- thanks!! I haven't laughed this hard in a long time (you are gonna get me in trouble at work damnit!). I love it -- Barney filing a union complaint about the grav gun, and valve have perfected the unified field theory -- bbspot rocks! So thanks, if not for your mistake, I woulda missed that page entirely!