wth is this?


Dec 8, 2004
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On the left side of my cheek (right above that long bone at the bottom) there is a little ball i can move around and play with but it hurts a little when i touch it. Nothing like this is on my right cheek. I really doubt it but, think it could be a tumor?
Could be gland. It's not uncommon to get swollen glands that can hurt somewhat when you touch them. However, that is a rather unusual location. See a doctor if you're concerned.
no it isn't popping out. Maybe like a popcorn seed but a bit softer, kind of tender. if i mess with it enough i can make it move to the bottom of my mouth. like around the bone that goes to the jaw underneath it. very strange.
really? might help if someone else checked for it. it might be a swollen gland (i hope) though.
Since you can move it around maybe its some sort of build up of fluid?

If I were you I would leave it for a day or two to see what happens. If it doesn't change or it gets worse then see a doctor.
My friend has the exact same thing except only between his index finger and thumb, it's this weird type of tenderish meaty ball thing, hard to describe, anyways, not a big deal IMP.
Its probably a cyst or just some of the normal muscle/tissue/whatever inside everyones face (especially if its around the jaw area). See if you have it on both sides or just one.
Only one. My brother mentioned one of his friends had the same thing in his around the same place.

A cyst. That is probably what it is actually. I feel much better now.
all my neck nodes are swelling and gtting hard lately because my sinuses suck
I have a similar thing under my right jawbone. It is invisible to the naked eye and it secrets a whitish fluid when squeezed. I am certain it is a boil, becase I recently had a similar growth under my armpit. This is all very strange, because I don't get pimples or anything; these just seem to come out of no-where.

The armpit one went away in a few days.
ericms said:
Only one. My brother mentioned one of his friends had the same thing in his around the same place.

A cyst. That is probably what it is actually. I feel much better now.

:o, its a new virus and it's spreading fast! Evacuate! :rolling:

Ignoring my strange and bizare comments, I suggest you see a doctor :P