

Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
Lol!! I just stumbled across this in google. www.videogamessuck.com

Check out this excerpt from a Call of Duty review.

So theres like 10 people firing and the germans are all firing from a house and we ****ing blow them away then the house gets nuked. We ****ing bust in and crack a guy is his balls then shoot each testicle as it comes out his mouth. Thats right mother ****er the Testicle Shot 5k.
hahahaah thats pretty funny. They play the whole game, find one thing wrong with it and bitch that thats the reason the game sucks.
Hmm very interesting. I think there jost trying to get game fan boys to hate them, seeing as how they make fun of every game.
This is all about True Crime: Streets of LA for the PC:

videogamessuck.com said:
Graphics: The city is joined by one common theme which is the color brown and black. Woo i love driving around a shit dark city.. which leads me to believe that the people who made this game are RACIST. Yeah of course you are an asian guy and OF COURSE so is your partner. Lets not forget that your boss is black. The people who made this ****ing game dont like white people at all. YOU RACIST ****S. I bet the boss is like a giant white business man. This graphics in this game are just plain ugly. GTA3 has better graphics than this game and that came out back in 2001.

Lol @ this.

videogamessuck.com said:
Sound: The music is ok, atleast they have real songs, Although most of the songs and shitty 80s music or some gay rap. This game is like a ****ing bad movie, full of shit one-liner's. "Mess with the EOD you will end up DOA." OH WOW THATS ****ING COOL. REMINDS ME OF A SHIT STEVEN SEGAL MOVIE WHERE HE BREAKS A GUYS BACK AND THROWS HIM DOWN AN ELEVATOR SHAFT. AND OF ****ING COURSE THERE IS A SPIKE AT THE BOTTOM. One other thing i noticed is that all of the sound files are in bink format. Who the **** puts the god damn sound in bink format? Is this game really that shitty? Yes, yes it is. Oh yeah the voice acting sucks too.

:rolleyes: :laugh:

videogamessuck.com said:
Story: Your father was a **** so he died. Then you want to avenge his death and you get a job at the EOD. And obviously you have to race a time limit to get your job, because thats how cops get their jobs in real life. They beat a time limit to who can get to the police station first and thats who gets a job. So then you get the job and find out these bitch Triads are responsible. Im guessing you eventually just kill them all, including the mob boss. Who cares

True Penis Streets of Shit ..... 3/10

ROFL. :laugh:
Have you seeen their articles on Sexy Beach 2 or Biko 2? LOLOLOLz!!!11oneshift2@ Hilarious. Although, I've never even heard of those games...

How can they have done this, why are they sooo ****ing stupid and lazy, If I ever found out where any of the coding team live I going to roleplay my own thief game and break in to their houses, sh*t in their beds and shoot my bolt over their kitchen floor.


The Suffering:

Finally a game that swears, i havent heard one of these since Kingpin, or i have and i dont remember because the game was massive of hunk of grandma cooter.

This is their review on the recent patch that was released for Halo.

Halo CE
No need for a certain format here since i already reviewed the gay game so lets just see what features it has instore.
OK so first we can add custom content. ****ing amazing! A thing that is usually released when the game is, is now put in a patch for us because they were too ****ing cheap to finish it earlier. Finally i can put a big floppy dick on Master Chief's forehead, thank god for this. Or maybe will ****ing make a coop mod, something that should have been in the game to MAYBE actually make it FUN.

They supposedly also added performance updates. **** if i see them, this game still runs like shit and still looks like a stale old ****ing pussy turd sitting in the toilet from a weak ago that couldn't flush because its too god damn big. There is no performance added in this game at all. Someone lied to me, you skanks. Fast shaders my ass.

Also it supposedly helps the netcode and adds some mutliplayer shit. Woopty ****ing do. Again shouldnt this shit have been in the game when it was released? Instead of in a donkey dick patch? **** you gearbox you pieces of shit.

Yes thank you gearbox for this cumblob patch. SURE DONT FIX THE ****ING SINGLE PLAYER GAME. I can tell you why they didnt also... It sucks. It was too hard to fix, and they didnt know what to do. So they called up John Romeo because they know he is good with failure. He told them to not touch it, and then release shit.

I dont normally do this but 1/10

[sarcasm]Really intelligent and oh so true huh?[/sarcasm]
outpost233 said:
So are you going to support them when the say HL2 is teh suxorz!1!1!one!

They praised Codename Gordon, so HL2 may have have hope! :)
Review of Half-Life

Story: You're a nerd named Gordon Freeman. Although Gordon may look like a nerd he can kick some asshole out someones mouth and then catch their turd in mid air, throw it in a toilet and flush it with his mind. You are doing this experiment but this **** named the g-man decides he wants to **** shit up and then stuff explodes and you are there to kick ass.

Well this is the best game ever created. You know it is because i said so. So obviously it gets a 11/10

:laugh: HAHA! :laugh:

OMG He gave Vietcong a horrible score and said it sucked. Vietcong was a great game in my opinion, it was amazing to me. The graphics were pretty good for the time and the AI didn't suck that badly. I liked that game a lot.
if HL get a 11/10 score and that kind of site...that surely tells you something of the quality of HL.
Wow. I love how they describe things in their reviews. Not many other sites like it.
...well...ehm? Is it on purpose that they can't spell?
This is the greatest game ever created. If you dont agree you ****ing suck.

Graphics: Back in the 1998 the graphics ****ing r0x0red everything that was ever released that year. Now they arent so great but from mods such as AHL (action half-life for the slow) has some of the best ****ing weapon models i have ever seen. Also with Blue Shift comes a HD pack which makes all the guns look a hell of a lot better. The grunts look ****ing beautiful.

Sound: ****ing beautiful gun shots, explosions, speech, all sounds great. The speech is a little fuzzy but its from 1998 so wtf do you want from it.

Gameplay: ****ing great. For a nerd he can move like a jew in a concentration camp. Nothing feels too stiff. It all feels right. Also you can control turrets and ****ing blow shit open or shoot abunch of aliens. I can ****ing shoot down a osprey helicopter have it come crashing down in a massive fiery explosion. Also all the scripted sequences are sexy as me. POOPSHIT BLOWING UP SHIT HITTING FANS AND FLYING ALL OVER AND EXPLOSIONS AND DEATH ITS FUSCKING BAUTIFUL!

Story: You're a nerd named Gordon Freeman. Although Gordon may look like a nerd he can kick some asshole out someones mouth and then catch their turd in mid air, throw it in a toilet and flush it with his mind. You are doing this experiment but this **** named the g-man decides he wants to **** shit up and then stuff explodes and you are there to kick ass.

Well this is the best game ever created. You know it is because i said so. So obviously it gets a 11/10
The first problem with this game is the fact that it crashed my PC every 40 mins. There are NO other games that have completely locked up this machine. I think the recent worm epidemic just proves the point that all software with the M$ name on it is buggy as hell.

So they subtract points becuase they can't use a computer.... Fasinating.
That's what funny about them! They don't really know shit about computers...at least that's what I think. They called FarCry's engine "UnrealTournament engine" or something
I don't think saying shit or **** every other word is hilarious.
ROFL! this site 0wnz!, check out this extract from Breed...which I totally agree on ;)

"Breed a ****ing turd out of my anus. This game sucks shit. Why would anyone put any development into a game they know is going to be complete donkey vagina."
You know, actually it seems like they just shoved a review into the pornolizer.com thing :laugh:
This guy's been watching too much Jay and Silent ****ing Bob...
wow... out of their recent polls there is onw that asks about your preffered breast size.. this site really is weird rofl :laugh:


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Seems to be alot of ego boosting to me.

Some of the reviews are rather funny though.

How many other games have they given higher ratings?

/edit what happened to the good old days when Graphics didn't matter. Mainly becuase your where a few pixels on a screen?
Frank said:
I do...
**** ass shit boob

It'll be just like the Swiss Family Robinson, only with more swearing.

We'll live like kings! Damn hell ass kings!

simmo said:
donkey vagina


Kyo said:
Seems to be alot of ego boosting to me.

Exactly the kind of thing that makes Maddox so freakin hilarious. I find it funny when they boost themselves so far it's ridiculous, then you know they're ****ing with you :)

Graphics: Don't let the screenshots fool you, the graphics in this game suck huge inflatable penis.


Gameplay: Gameplay is basically you have a waypoint or an objective and you accomplish it. Then you shoot stupid ass looking green aliens who have lasers. CREATIVE. DONT THINK TOO HARD DEVELOPS WE MIGHT NOT WANT SOMETHING WE HAVENT SEEN BEFORE YOU SLOPPY ****S. There is also vehicles which are kind of boring. They go forward and shoot stuff. Nothing cool about them. Also the AI blows a massive dick, your team is completley ****ing stupid. They just stand there and get shot while you do all the firing. So its ok shooting but all the other **** in this game just drags it down.

One thing that pissed me off was that this guy was they called the damn minigun... WAIT GET THIS.... its so cool.. IT WAS CALLED THE UBERGUN. Who the **** calls it the UBERGUN. **** you game devs this game sucks. Oh and one other thing, when i got this dune buggy vehicle i was driving it over a bridge and i wanted to get out. SO i press action and blam I FALL THROUGH THE LEVEL. Great game, you fall through the ****ing level if you get of a vehicle on a bridge. Great job on this one you vaginas.

Thats his review on gameplay from breed...i know it really does suck but i love his wording. :laugh:
Kyo said:
How many other games have they given higher ratings?

Search for Star Wars, those 2 games got 9 and 10 stars. I think basically becuase the guy's a big lightsaber fan.
Alig said:
Thats his review on gameplay from breed...i know it really does suck but i love his wording. :laugh:

I agree about the AI and falling through levels god damn that annoyed me alot. Especially when your last soldier with all the medpacks falls off a cliff edge into the water and drowns to death.

The guns are also very stupid.
LOL:D:D gonna visit that site some times more to check what they write.