X-Bit labs breaking the rules?

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Have X-Bit Labs broken the rules with this editorial?

A respected web-site harbouring the leaked and compiled source code and running tests?
Where does it say they are using the leaked version? Does the leak version even have a benchmark, or did they just take the average by running demos?
it doesn't say they're using the leaked version...but it's implied.

they didn't bother to say if they used FRAPS or a built in feature or anything...the whole article is completely incoherent.
Even bigger problems for Valve becose that site is a good hardware site and a lot of people wil read that article. And the people at Valve and Ati must be very careful what they say now about there co.operation.
Becose in this article its pretty clear that Vlave didn,t look to the big bunch of Nvidia users at all. Ok the FX serie is not very dx9 complatible yet i know.
But thats not the the point now is it, people going to test the leaked version thats understandible is it? And that means that Valve must make the game alot more compatible to Nvidia cards thats for sure. Otherwise the game wont be the big hit even afther this big leak and tests by hardware test sites.

Iam Dutch my English sucks bigtime.
It is implied its the leak they are using, yes... But do we KNOW that for sure?
Anyway, if it is the leak (which I think it is), its a VERY poor way of benchmarking. We all know this with Doom III in the bag. And not to mention, they dont say anything about it. The missing data, missing textures... Is the rendering path even the latest?
Originally posted by dawdler
Is the rendering path even the latest?

Yeah, it's very unprofessional of them. What point is it to benchmark a pre-beta source that is optimized for nothing? This is a plug to get the site linked for popularity. That's below the belt though and, in my opinion, will hinder more than help.
What would you expect from them? They're the ones who are basing Hl2's dev. status, on the the pre-release. The Pre-Release, OMG!
How can you be so ignorant of other Hl2 news, including E3, as to speculate Hl2 on the alpha. I could be wrong though, they might not be ignorant, they just be plain stupid. This is just as bad as the people on TEchTV playing that Alpha Tech Release of Doom III, on Air! My God, what has happened to people's common courtesy? I wouldn't listen to anything Xbit Labs has to say, especially in regard to Hl2.

Originally posted by Skumball
I did search for "x-bit" but unfortunately your thread didn't show up. soz ;(

your search for "x-bit" turned up empty because xbit isn't hyphenated.

the point of my thread was to show how unprofessional and sneaky the whole thing was...there are so many holes/unanswered questions in it, it's incredible.

and gorgon, nobody cares if you don't care
Originally posted by mcojunk
Even bigger problems for Valve becose that site is a good hardware site and a lot of people wil read that article. And the people at Valve and Ati must be very careful what they say now about there co.operation.
Becose in this article its pretty clear that Vlave didn,t look to the big bunch of Nvidia users at all. Ok the FX serie is not very dx9 complatible yet i know.
But thats not the the point now is it, people going to test the leaked version thats understandible is it? And that means that Valve must make the game alot more compatible to Nvidia cards thats for sure. Otherwise the game wont be the big hit even afther this big leak and tests by hardware test sites.

Iam Dutch my English sucks bigtime.

Your english isn't that bad at all... I could understand your thoughts very well. The spelling needs some work, but considering the American public education system, I'd say your on par with some high school graduates from the Southern US....
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