X-Men Legends?

Hey, you asked a question and I answered. :)
(the main reason I don't care is that it's for xbox)
hmm.. this game is Xbox exclusive?
details guys, details!!
we need details now :p

edit: just checked, its also available on PS2 and GC :cool:
screen shots look kinda neat hmm..
It's basically an Xmen version of the Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance games i.e. it's an action-RPG( or a hack and slash game with a few levelling up elements thrown in). You can have a party of four x-men at any one time but you only directly control one of them(though you can switch between any of the four in your party at any time to control them I believe). It's also got a 4 player co-op mode, as well as some other multiplayer modes. Apparently there are a total of 15 x-men characters in the game that are playable.

So basically if you like BG:DA or say something like Champions of Norrath you may well like this.

I quite like BG:DA but I think the best thing about this game could be the 4 player co-op mode