X2 The Threat


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
I am thinking about buying this game, but since the reviews are so mixed, I am not sure. Anyone here that played it and wanna tell me about it?
yeah i have it...... i cant really say if its worth it....

its the kind of game you either love or you hate.

good stuff:
Awsome gfx
lots to do
big universe
able to build your own industries and such

bad stuff:
overall its boring
time consuming
bad menu design
physics suck
ship handling is very hard
the cutscenes are horribly done...they look worse than actaul gamplay
the jounral/objective list is extremly annoying
the game lacks fit and finish
The story line is not great
the way the story is conveyed isnt very good
the differant races ships feel to much alike
every damn aspect of the game is overly complicated.
crabcakes66 said:
bad stuff:
overall its boring
time consuming
bad menu design
physics suck
ship handling is very hard
the cutscenes are horribly done...they look worse than actaul gamplay
the jounral/objective list is extremly annoying
the game lacks fit and finish
The story line is not great
the way the story is conveyed isnt very good
the differant races ships feel to much alike
every damn aspect of the game is overly complicated.

That's a lot of bad stuff. Most of it can't probably be patched, right? I saw that the most recent patch is 1.2. That doesn't make it any better?
I havent tried the 1.2 patch yet. I was hoping for major changes in 1.1 and they didnt come so i said screw it.

basically they fixed bugs, improved performance and tweaked some game mechanics.....

I doubt they could fix all the "bad stuff" without rewriting the game....

but again....its just my personal opinion, its not my kind of game....alot of people love it.

to bad really..... the engine has a buttload of potential, especially if they could figure out how to incorperate bigger capital ships.