X64...is it worth it?


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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Since I've got a 64 bit processor, I was talking with some people about it. They said it was a whole lot faster, better, etc etc....

would I really see that much of a difference to warrent the effort to install a new OS?
The only thing 64bit processors are faster at are when it comes to memory(you can have more than 4gigs) and handling 64bit integers.

Not really worth it right now cuz very few applications take advantage of 64bit processing.
Depends on the software and if its written in 32-bit or 64-bit. Chances are it'll be 32 so you're not going to be getting a true 64-bit experience.

Edit: SmartFTP has a 64-bit version out, but I don't think its good enough to warrant an upgrade.
I wouldn't recommend trading in your 32bit XP license for the 64bit version mainly because you can't get your 32bit license back. Buying 64bit Vista on the other hand might be a good idea. A lot of companies will back that 64bit OS for support/drivers etc.
Well by the time you have to think about your next CPU upgrade, 64-bit will be a lot more prevalent.

A lot of vendors didn't bother putting out 64-bit drivers for WinXP x64 and it really sucked (but it was the end of XP and the tech was still new and unproven)...

I say if you are getting Vista, 64-bit would be the best option. Don't give up your 32-bit WinXP though for a 64-bit edition.
I've a 64-bit partition, and all I used it for was to see if it was faster (namely in video games). I didn't notice any difference to be honest, and some games actually ran a little worse, because they didn't like running in a 32-bit 'mode' (as opposed to natively).
yea x64 was done horriblly but i would wait to get on the 64bit bandwagon until vista
im dual booting the 32 and 64 bit versions of xp. Maya and Zbrush work a lot faster on 64 bit, so thats pretty much the only reason. Otherwise its just a pain in the ass to get 64 bit drivers and shiz.
Yeah, I've heard bitch fests about the drivers and such...I guess I'll wait to get Vista then. It just seemed to me like it was the god among OS's....maybe I'll install Vista on my machine and see how it runs...just as a test. I need to get a big HDD *Hopefully 250-500 gig* and do a format and reinstall anyway.