X800 Xt.......now A Pe? Wat The!

Dec 7, 2004
Reaction score
ok just bought it today X800 XT! :cheers: but the weird thing is, it wasnt a PE on the box or anything, its VIVO weather or not thats got anything to do with it. The new hardware detector thingy reconised it as a Platnium Edition as well, im confused as to y this is. dont get me rong, im HEY WIRE about this, paying for a standard XT and getting a PE, but i just wanna know if anyone knows y this is, or if this has happened to anyone else? the over drive thing sayz 519mhz if thats any help
Yeah, some of the X800 XT cards are PE.

I know the some of the Sapphire and Asus cards are. However, they're advertised as non-PE cards because they're not always PE (depends on batch).
I read a review where in the first half, they were calling it the x800 xt-pe and then they stopped after that and called it an x800xt because they said all xt's are pe.

Hope that helped.
sinkoman said:
I read a review where in the first half, they were calling it the x800 xt-pe and then they stopped after that and called it an x800xt because they said all xt's are pe.

Hope that helped.

Default clocks on the X800XT are 500MHz core 500MHz memory.
Default clocks on the X800XT Platinum are 520MHz core 560MHz memory.

If you want to know what your card is then download ATI tool and it should tell you...
ok thx guys im gonna download ati tool, in the over driver the core clocks at 519mhz which i believe is quite close to 520mhz, but yeh im greatful to the max, and surprisingly it was about $200 cheaper than the PE's they were selling, so im gonna check into this more
hey YEP ati tool told me straight, its a PE, oh man this is more than wat i asked for, just one question, anyone else here have a PE? if so wat do u get on the stress test with all settings high, anostropic filtering x16 AA x6 and reflect all. always wat drivers, just curious to see how mine runs against other peoples result, to see if it performs as a PE
there's hardly any difference between the cards... overall i would say the platinum card is about 5% faster...

Another thing. is the memory running at 560MHz?
compare your memory/core speeds to that of a pe.

your card probably has some pe parts and/or a pe bios.

i bought a 9800 pro, and it turns out to be a xt [same core/memory speed].
Yeah, there is hardly any difference between the X800XT and PE versions. They both rock.
By the way, if your memory is lower than the 560MHz then you can always OC it to PE speeds. ;)

How much did you get the card for again?
Hey Pricegrabber shows a blue Sapphire X800XT (non PE) for $471. Good price.
ok well yeh the memory clock is 560, ati tool says that, and the core 520, with the over driver feature, can u make a stable over clock without extra cooling and seeing artifacts. cause i aint gonna touch it if extra coolings needed as its fast allready.
Actually you can, you can probably raise the core and the memory clock 10-20 higher than what they are without using any extra cooling.
ok thx for that, now would i use ati tool or the overdrive feature in the avanced settings?