Xbox 360 launch == utter chaos

there were only 18 in my god forsaken town :flame: and 16 of them were on the preorder :flame:
I hope there isn't insanity like this in Darlington (/doubtful)....maybe I should just go to Argos.
jeez...reminds me of when these 2 guys got in a fight over the last air conditioner in best buy a few summers ago.
I posted this in another thread.

I got one. I also am very sick now.

At about 10 last night my dad called me and told me there were about 50 people outside most of the best buys, walmarts and everywhere else. I wasn't expecting Minnesotans to actually want to wait outside for this. Oh well...I am a n Eagle Scout so a little cold isn't gonna stop me. We found a target that didn't have a very long line. In fact there were only 7 people at 10 when I got there. They were getting 8 of each kind, so I was lucky and took the last of the expensive ones. I brought my tent, day pack full of stuff, air matress, mat and plenty of other junk to keep me warm. It was well below freezing and it was supposed to have 30 mi/h winds and snow. Thankfully it didn't snow but it was still hella cold out.

I wasn't able to sleep due to the insnae cold and I already had a pretty bad cold when I got there. I just layed there until about 2am when I was able to start to get some sleep. I think I woke up about every 5 mins to move because my nose/arm kept freezing so I would have to switch.

At about 5 am my dad came to pick all the crap up. He was heading to a funeral so he had to get up early and took everything but my day pack. So for the last 3 hours I stood outside in the cold and pretty soon my feet and legs went numb so I couldn't feel them. There were a few people who were pretty concerned about their feet because none of us could feel them anymore and didn't want frostbite. Thankfully me being a scout I knew various methods of warming up besides just standing there and covering up.

At around 7 and until they opened there were around a hundred parents that came and tried to get xbox's. We would tell them that they handed tickets out a quarter till 8 and they were all taken. Some people didn't believe us so they called the store as if they could get an xbox as they open when most of us camped the night. Idiots. At other locations where they handed tickets out(less than 1/4 of a mile even) there were fist fights over the tickets in the parking lot. Apparently that happened at most every place in the area where they handed out tickets a few hours ahead.

At 8 they finally let us in and they had 2 lines. 1 for those with the $400 ticket and the $300. I waited at the end of the $400 and was hoping they didn't run out of wireless controllers because I needed at least 1 to play co-op with my bro and they only had 2. Thankfully by the time I got up there they still had 1 left so I nabbed that and payed almost $500 worth of gaming fun.

I got home and took a hot shower then hooked it up. I played the first few levels of PDZ and then got really really tired as I haven't slept in over 24 hours and on top of that the cold I had before was now much much worse so now I feel like shit as im writing this. Hopefully if I can down enough water it won't be so bad so I can continue playing instead of sleeping and feeling like crap.
Fotunately for me, I stick with my keyboard and mouse. And as consoles don't make use of such peripherals, then I don't have to care or bother
The Mullinator said:

All I can say is "wow" to some of these stories. I really think Microsoft should have upped production to avoid problems like this. Anyone from here have any interesting stories to tell about how they got or at least tried to get a 360?

they purposefully slowed production down 3 weeks ago ...scarcity creates a buzz which drives up demand the time the second batch comes it they'll sell those out too. It's all perfectly orchestrated ..Microsoft knows what it's doing
It could backfire if Microsoft don't satisfy demand before Christmas. I know i'm getting one at launch to have something fun to play over the holiday, whether i'd bother getting one soon after Christmas is unlikely. This would almost certainly be the case with many parents who, after being unable to get a 360 for their kids, get them something else to open on the day.
Fortunatly over here, we don't have all this fuss with tickets, we preorder one months before release, stores open at midnight, go there ((im 8th on the preorder list) get it and play it :)
we got preorder here too, but im too broke to afford anything D: my friend is getting second shipment though, but his brother works at gamestop so i may pick up a story or 2 within the next few days
Here's some interesting testimonials i threw on my notepad for you
I work at a rhino video games and we were expecting a visit from our district manager today but he was unexpectidly detained because of a breakin the night before at one of our other stores(fayetville, nc). The robbers chopped through the roof of the store and stole 2 premium units and 2 core units leaving 2 premium units behind(???). Posted 11/22/2005 9:37pm
Well, i orderd one from EB Games, and i was the 4th on the 2nd list of the shipment. So i may not get mine tell next Tusday! But those are some pritty crazy, stupid people. Posted 11/22/2005 9:51pm
I tried so hard to get one! I waited in so many lines! I havn't slept in 24 hours and I preordered one July 9th.
I work at a Gamestop and I can assure you, that it's not just E-bay selling for those prices. The outdoor shopping center I work in has a Best Buy, Toys R Us, Target, Circuit City, and of course Gamestop, all within a few hundred yards of each other. There were people in the parking-lots selling the 360 for up to $2,500 and one even sold for $3000. Needless to say, today was a long day at work. Posted 11/22/2005 9:42pm
Best Buy Rego Park/Target in New York, same mall. We got screwed 3 times (VERY LONG STORY) but what ended up happening is we got the LAST 3 premium packs. No bullshit LAST ****ING 3!
lol m$ will probobly relesase like 10 million units before christmas in north america
jmjneary said:
lol m$ will probobly relesase like 10 million units before christmas in north america
wow. m$... how trendy. how EXTREME.
I didn't tell you guys this becuase I didn't want to start a thread riot but I learned over a month ago walk in customers may not be able to get a x360 untill spring or summer(over half a year from now), so if you want one before then, you should Pre-order.

that is all.
Stores are getting weekly shipments. And you could always order bundles online. I will get this before or on Christmas :|.
W00t, its relelease 2nd December over here and birthday is on the 8th, got the day booked off work and college so gonna spend most of the day on it :P
When he returned, the security guard's attempts to get the over 100-person crowd to form a line were rebuffed until the arrival of police and a California National Guardsman around 8am. A trio of veteran GameSpotters witnessed the Guardsman quickly take control of the situation and move to the head of the line--where he promptly turned around and asked for a 360 voucher himself. The Guardsman then promptly fled the scene, voucher in hand, leaving police, Target employees, and a visibly agitated crowd to fend for themselves.


That guy is awesome and clever.
Glirk Dient said:
I posted this in another thread.

I got one. I also am very sick now.

At about 10 last night my dad called me and told me there were about 50 people outside most of the best buys, walmarts and everywhere else. I wasn't expecting Minnesotans to actually want to wait outside for this. Oh well...I am a n Eagle Scout so a little cold isn't gonna stop me. We found a target that didn't have a very long line. In fact there were only 7 people at 10 when I got there. They were getting 8 of each kind, so I was lucky and took the last of the expensive ones. I brought my tent, day pack full of stuff, air matress, mat and plenty of other junk to keep me warm. It was well below freezing and it was supposed to have 30 mi/h winds and snow. Thankfully it didn't snow but it was still hella cold out.

I wasn't able to sleep due to the insnae cold and I already had a pretty bad cold when I got there. I just layed there until about 2am when I was able to start to get some sleep. I think I woke up about every 5 mins to move because my nose/arm kept freezing so I would have to switch.

At about 5 am my dad came to pick all the crap up. He was heading to a funeral so he had to get up early and took everything but my day pack. So for the last 3 hours I stood outside in the cold and pretty soon my feet and legs went numb so I couldn't feel them. There were a few people who were pretty concerned about their feet because none of us could feel them anymore and didn't want frostbite. Thankfully me being a scout I knew various methods of warming up besides just standing there and covering up.

At around 7 and until they opened there were around a hundred parents that came and tried to get xbox's. We would tell them that they handed tickets out a quarter till 8 and they were all taken. Some people didn't believe us so they called the store as if they could get an xbox as they open when most of us camped the night. Idiots. At other locations where they handed tickets out(less than 1/4 of a mile even) there were fist fights over the tickets in the parking lot. Apparently that happened at most every place in the area where they handed out tickets a few hours ahead.

At 8 they finally let us in and they had 2 lines. 1 for those with the $400 ticket and the $300. I waited at the end of the $400 and was hoping they didn't run out of wireless controllers because I needed at least 1 to play co-op with my bro and they only had 2. Thankfully by the time I got up there they still had 1 left so I nabbed that and payed almost $500 worth of gaming fun.

I got home and took a hot shower then hooked it up. I played the first few levels of PDZ and then got really really tired as I haven't slept in over 24 hours and on top of that the cold I had before was now much much worse so now I feel like shit as im writing this. Hopefully if I can down enough water it won't be so bad so I can continue playing instead of sleeping and feeling like crap.

F*ckin' right. I'm an Eagle Scout too. Hell...I could've gone to various scouting events with you back in the day since we're both from the MSP area in MN.

I heard there was even masses of people lining up at places up here in Grand Forks so I'm positive in the cities there were plenty as well.
and when all this happens bill gates is laughin maniatically in his house

seriously this was all for the mtv thing and the hype,cuz in the launch of the previous consoles it was not so much chaos right?all I heard was just people camping out of the streets
Who cares?

There are no outstanding games for release on the 360 in the immediate future, hell not even anything to rival HL2 (which should have been a 360 release - multiplayer and all)

What's all the fuss about!?
AfternoonLemon said:
Who cares?

There are no outstanding games for release on the 360 in the immediate future, hell not even anything to rival HL2 (which should have been a 360 release - multiplayer and all)

What's all the fuss about!?

caused by things like the mtv anouncement for sure

and sure many of that people thought that halo3 was a launch title
AfternoonLemon said:
What's all the fuss about!?

It's exciting, console launches always are. It'll also give me, my brother, and friends, something to play over Christmas - which is always the best time of year for gaming :)
<RJMC> said:
caused by things like the mtv anouncement for sure

and sure many of that people thought that halo3 was a launch title

Uhhh no. Everyone knows Halo 3 wasn't a launch title. You're mistaken sir.

And the MTV announcement was ages ago.

Most of the people buying a 360 were regular gamers who wanted a new system. Simple as that.
AfternoonLemon said:
Who cares?

There are no outstanding games for release on the 360 in the immediate future, hell not even anything to rival HL2 (which should have been a 360 release - multiplayer and all)

What's all the fuss about!?

PDZ is amazing.
DeusExMachinia said:
Most of the people buying a 360 were regular gamers who wanted a new system. Simple as that.

You're not allowed to be sensible in this thread!
DeusExMachinia said:
Uhhh no. Everyone knows Halo 3 wasn't a launch title. You're mistaken sir.

And the MTV announcement was ages ago.

Most of the people buying a 360 were regular gamers who wanted a new system. Simple as that.
and they couldnt hav patience for buy just a new sistem?
<RJMC> said:
and they couldnt hav patience for buy just a new sistem?

Why shouldn't they buy a new system if they want one?
I made it after waiting in line from 6pm to 9am at a best buy near me.. all I can say was THAT WAS ****ING COLD!

Damn you! - I have to wait at least 10 days, and even then i'll be lucky to get one at launch :/ (it will be mine before Christmas though!)
I saw on the news today people or stores(I forget which one), were being robbed. They said it probably had been planned out. I don't know, just caught about a minute of the story. :/
holy crap, i wish i went just so i could sell it in the parking lot.
I'll be sure to pick one up when the price gets to be around $150 usd. Shouldn't take too long. :rolling:

EDIT: smily added to emphasize sarcasticalness.
Teta_Bonita said:
I'll be sure to pick one up when the price gets to be around $150 usd. Shouldn't take too long.

Wow...that could take well over a year if it ever gets that low.

I wish I would have bought a bunch of them...people were selling them for $1k+ in the parking lot.