Xbox 360 never designed to play in a vertical position

May 24, 2003
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Xbox 360 never meant to play vertically (not "dont do a 360 with your 360")

This is different from putting it into a vertical position while it is running. Apparently it was never designed to play in that position at all:

Most kiosks showed the console being played in that position. Also I know that a lot of people have been doing this since day 1 and have not experienced any problems so this is really just a friendly warning.

EDIT: Direct link to the article
now didnt ps2 have this problem and they came out with some stupid stand or something?
bryanf445 said:
now didnt ps2 have this problem and they came out with some stupid stand or something?

I think the problem is that there's nothing to support the disk inside the machine.
bryanf445 said:
now didnt ps2 have this problem and they came out with some stupid stand or something?
That was just an issue where the PS2 didn't balance on its side so well, this has to do with nothing being able to hold the disk in place so it scratches up.
I would assume this would be an individual-by-individual case. Even a milimeter of difference in the production between each machine can mean the difference between being fine and being utterly screwed.
You know what, I think I'll risk it. The Hard Drive lies on its side at the horizontal position, anyway.
But MS has those x-boxes all over stores, you know the ones with demos that you can play. And all of them are in a vertical position.
Grey Fox said:
But MS has those x-boxes all over stores, you know the ones with demos that you can play. And all of them are in a vertical position.
I have heard conflicting things about this but here they are:

None of those are actually have a DVD in them, they are just playing the games from straight off the hard drive.

The other is

A lot of stores did have to either take the kiosks out, or replace the systems in them because they did start to fail.
Ennui said:
That was just an issue where the PS2 didn't balance on its side so well, this has to do with nothing being able to hold the disk in place so it scratches up.

I believed that is why there is a hole in the center, so that a mechanism inside clamps on to the disc, and spins it around at X RPM's.

If there is an engineer, please support my statement with fact
But why does it have that neat little built-in stand thing then?
I'm not hearing widespread reports of this kind of thing. But if this is indeed a large issue, well...

What the ****, Microsoft.
u could just do what everone else does and not stand it up?
IchI said:
u could just do what everone else does and not stand it up?

You could, but it kind of flies in the face of what MS advertized.

If this turns out to be a problem with most of the consoles, then MS better issue a recall. It's unfair to the customers.
Its just a rumor. And its false.
2Blackshear Says:

December 13th, 2005 at 12:29 am
I’ve had my 360 standing vertically since launch day and all my discs are in mint condition.
3alkoe310 Says:

December 13th, 2005 at 12:41 am
^ i was going to post that exact comment !
11anonymous Says:
December 13th, 2005 at 9:44 am
I have had mine vertical since I got it and haven’t had a problem at all. No freezing, no scatches. Plays great.
12rich Says:

December 13th, 2005 at 9:45 am
Well, if it’s not meant to play vertically, why does the loading graphic on all of the system screens have the unit in the vertical position? I have mine set up horizontal b/c I personally never understood the whole upright thing.
19DAVIDSKIcom Says:

December 13th, 2005 at 11:50 am
Just got off the line with a Microsoft phone representative. They said that the 360 is built for both vertical as well as horizontal game play. She said I can confirm this by the little feet on the bottom of the xbox and the side.
She also stated that most of the issues with 360’s so far were issues of horizontally played 360s.
21Jason Says:

December 13th, 2005 at 11:57 am
..and if its not meant to be placed vertically - why does the xbox recognise if its vertical or horizontal?? Try this - Stand it vertically and conect a controller , the ring of light shows the upper left quadrant lit up to show controller one is present. Now stand it horizontally - the lit quadrant moves to maintain the upper left quadrant lit !!! So it knows if its vertical or horizontal!!
22Joker Says:

December 13th, 2005 at 11:58 am
I have had my 360 in a vertical position and actually brought it over to a friends place on a couple of occasions. In both cases it was in the vertical position and my discs are perfect. The machine has never locked up, froze or otherwise behaved as expected.

26DAVIDSKIcom Says:

December 13th, 2005 at 12:19 pm
OK… HERES A COPY AND PASTED CONVO with a MS REP. READ AND WEAP: Welcome to Microsoft XBox Support
The XBox Chat session has been accepted. This chat session is being recorded for quality monitoring; your IP address may be traced.

{Bryan} Welcome to the Xbox North America Customer Support! My name is Bryan!
{Bryan} How may I help you?
{Davidski} Is the xbox 360 designed to support vertical game play via internal DVDrom?
{Bryan} Could you elaborate further on this Davidski?
{Davidski} There are rumors flying around the net that xbox 360s not designed to play disc games vertically
{Davidski} that if i put a dvdrom into my 360 while it is standing up, it will eat my disc
{Bryan} So you are asking us if the 360 is indeed designed to play games and other media fine while standing up, correct?
{Davidski} yes! =)
{Davidski} I just dont want to trash a 60$ disc, so instead of listening to kids on the net, i figured I would talk to the MS people like yourself
{Bryan} Sorry for the trouble. Do not believe the rumors. The 360 can play discs fine even while standing up. It was designed to do that from the beginning of the design process.
{Bryan} Anything else?
{Davidski} If by chance the 360 does eat a dvd or a 360 game, is that covered under warranty?>
{Bryan} It should. If this happens to your 360 call us at 1-8004MYXBOX immediately.
{Bryan} Anything else?
{Davidski} that’s it for now. thank you for your time Bryan
{Davidski} have a good day
{Bryan} It was a pleasure chatting with you today. Thank you for inquiring about Xbox. If you need further assistance, please come back and visit us again. I hope you have a nice day!