Xbox 360: The games


Feb 3, 2005
Reaction score
I hear that FF11 or is it FF12? is in the works for the Xbox360
I hope Codemasters releases some software for x360 -Im still amazed by Colin McRae Rally 2005 for xbox. i love this game! never gets old.
I'm really glad EA is making games for the 360, remember with the xbox how EA and Microsoft had issues and they wouldn't make games on it for the first year or whatever? bullshit.

Oh and i also heard RESIDENT EVIL 5 is coming for the x360! ... !!! !, !!!!!! !!

Anyone have a link for games coming out soon?

I am having trouble sifting through the thousands of pages of info on the x360
I can't get a straight answer

I found these so far. its like everytime i see a list of games coming, the list is different! this must mean there are a ton of games coming out at release or soon after

1. Perfect Dark Zero, Microsoft
2. Call of Duty 2, Activision
3. Quake 4, Activision
4. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Take 2
5. Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Electronic Arts
6. Dead or Alive 4, Tecmo
7. Gun, Activision
8. Madden NFL 06, Electronic Arts
9. Project Gotham Racing 3, Microsoft
10. Kameo: Elements of Power, Microsoft

Links and screenshots would be welcome too!
These are the games in order of release date (obilvion is delayed btw) as they stand that will be released in 05, good chance that some or many of the later ones will be seen in 06, below the "--" line are the games with no "solid" date ( this list doesn't include arcade games)

QUAKE 4 -- Special Edition
Frame City Killer
Dead or Alive 4
Condemned: Criminal Origins
Call of Duty 2
Kameo: Elements of Power
Project Gotham Racing 3
Peter Jackson's King Kong
Perfect Dark Zero
Ridge Racer 6
Madden NFL 06
Need for Speed Most Wanted
Amped 3
Test Drive Unlimited
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06
Top Spin 2
Perfect Dark Zero: Limited Collector's Edition
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland
[eM] -eNCHANT arM-
NBA Live 06
FIFA Soccer 06
NHL 06
final fantasy 11 is being ported to xbox360, but the graphics are more or less the same.

ff 12 may be on the xbox360 since the developer and/or head person who made the series pledged his support [soul] to microsoft/xbox360.
I heard there are 5 sports games due on the day of release and I only see madden NFL 06 on the list. maybe my source is wrong and they aren't finished yet, or maybe your source is wrong and they are
Well there i've seen about 25 video demos for games coming out for the xbox 360 i have been downloading them all. Most are early in development, but what they have so far is all very exciting

Here is the latest! a review for Project gotham racing 3.
joystiq said:
Of all the games I previewed on Tuesday, Project Gotham Racing 3 boasted—by far—the best Xbox Live experience.

Check out these screenshots! :P get ready to change your underwear! (if you are wearing any) :laugh:

Joystiq said:
PGR3 is a stunner. To put things in perspective, consider this: there are more polygons in PGR3’s rendition of the Brooklyn Bridge than there are in an entire city featured in PGR2.

and how's this for software innovation?
joystiq said:
A simple Route Creator will even let you shape your own course, which you can share with friends

jostiq said:
In addition, the windshield features glare effects and will scratch, crack, and even gather dust. The side view mirrors will take a beating too, if you’re reckless. Also, all of the dials and meters actually work, and the rearview mirror (some cars don’t have one) gives you a good idea of what’s happening behind you. All in all, the new cockpit view is one of the most important additions to PGR3.
xbox 360 games NOW SHIPPING!

GameSpot is reporting that Kameo: Elements of Power is being delivered to pre-purchasers today. The game is expected to be in stock this week at retailers like EB Games, along with Perfect Dark Zero and Project Gotham Racing 3.

These games are now released.
I'll be getting Kameo and Condemned: Criminal Origins at launch!! I'm pretty excited. :bounce:
The only one I can;t get for PC that interests me is Condemned... not enough to make me buy an X360, though
satch919 said:
I'll be getting Kameo and Condemned: Criminal Origins at launch!! I'm pretty excited. :bounce:

aye, Kameo looks like its going to be an awesome RPG, i want it.
Turns out they are already preparing to make an animated movie about it.

Got any links for condemned? i havent seen anything on it yet.
Icarusintel said:
The only one I can;t get for PC that interests me is Condemned... not enough to make me buy an X360, though
Gamesites like IGN still report Condemned for PC, but I'm not sure it's still going. It's possible that they've been payed to keep plugging the 360 version and release it for PC later.

3 pages of screenshots for ChromeHounds

now normally i hate these mech games but this one might change my mind!

Im not sure if this is a mech game or a futuristic tankbot battle or something.
I always hated how these 6000 ton robots were just jumping around and stuff on other mech games.
Hopefully this one plays as realistic as it looks

Drool worthy
VirusType2, the most realistic robot game ever is on the X-Box, but a bit unknown due to it's price tag of 200 bucks at release, you see, it comes with 3 pedals, and a huge 50+ button joypad, since it's realistic, it's pretty hard to get a hold of now a days, but I've got one of the merely 70 copies that were ever sold in my country, and I can tell you, it's one of the most gorgeous AND entertaining games out there, if you ARE willing to accept it's a sim, meaning you can't just JUMP in to it, and it has a pretty steep learning curve, but a large and helpful manual.

And sadly, from my conversations with the people at Capcom, it seems highly unlikely there'll be a SB2 for the 360, which is very sad, because considering how good SB looked on the XB, I can't imagine how good SB2'd look on the 360.

They said they MIGHT consider it if there was a way to use standard X-B controllers on the 360(Thus allowing old owners of the joypad, to connect it to the 360), but it seems that's not possible, so.

Anyway, if you find it, and have an X-B, it's easily worth the cash, the online vers is even better but they recently shut down the campaign mode of it, which is sad imo.
^ oh how i wanted to get into that game, it was either the price tag or the unavailability of the huge control pad that stopped.

is there an easy way to buy it now ?
I dunno, in the US it's rather easy, but Australia uses PAL, same as us, right?
"European" copies are more rare.
And you can't run the game on a modded console, if it's import, the console joypad detects this and locks up iirc.
I'd recommend looking for it at eBay if you have access to a credit card and paypal.

On eBay, some copies are going for as low as 50-60 bucks, and that is INCLUDING the controller, but these are American copies, so I dunno, just keep looking mate.:)

If you want me too, I can keep you in mind if I ever decide to sell mine, and I'll sell it for a reasonable price then.

I live in Sweden tho, so dunno how large the shipping charges'd get.
nutcrackr said:
Gamesites like IGN still report Condemned for PC, but I'm not sure it's still going. It's possible that they've been payed to keep plugging the 360 version and release it for PC later.
would be nice if it comes out for PC, then I'd have absolutely no reason to buy an X360, til Halo 3 comes out... unless it sucks, which is certainly possible
Yeah, but it'll certainly not be realistic, but if you took the time to read my post, Steel Battalion for the XB is hell uva realistic game.
Gargantou said:
Yeah, but it'll certainly not be realistic, but if you took the time to read my post, Steel Battalion for the XB is hell uva realistic game.
Yea I heard you, just didn't post.
I remember when that game came out I read alot about it.
Sounds awesome.
Not my type of game, though if you read my post about virtual reality, you should know im all for the fancy controller that game comes with. :D

I feel the same way about those flight simulator joysticks. F'N awesome.

Though, as impulsive as I am, I don't see it as a wise purchace to spend $80 or $100 on a controller that could only be used for a couple of games.