Xbox Elite - in stores in 1.5 days


Feb 3, 2005
Reaction score
Xbox 360 Elite due April 29,2007.

@ Microsoft:


google search:,GGLJ:2006-41,GGLJ:en&q=xbox+360+elite

Gamers asked for it and we delivered. The Xbox 360 Elite is almost here and it?s more than a different color: 120GB Hard Drive, a high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI) cable plus Headset and Wireless Controller?all in sleek black. Visit for more images and full specs. Quantities are limited.

Xbox 360 Elite
Gamers wanted black and we made it black. They wanted a bigger hard drive?we created a 120GB Hard Drive. Another way to enjoy HD gaming? The HDMI delivers high-definition video (up to 1080p) and multichannel surround sound via a single cable. It also looks awesome with the Black Wireless Controller and Black Headset. In stores April 29th. Quantities are limited.

Xbox 360 120GB Hard Drive
The new 120GB Hard Drive can be purchased separately for your current Xbox 360. Download more Marketplace movies, TV shows, arcade games, whatever! Want more? The Black Wireless Controller, Play & Charge Kit and Rechargeable Battery Pack can also be added to your Xbox 360.
I assume the black Xbox accessories and larger hard drive will be available too.

I'd like the elite. And I want to pay the bare bones 360 price. Thx.

HIGH REZ elite image:

I'd be willing to bet the elite has the new cooler running chipset, and the new 360's will start to have them now too probably (if supplies allow). Just a good guess.

OK I Was wrong:
Unfortunately, also as mentioned before, it's not going to have the new 65nm CPUs, it still doesn't have integrated WiFi (Xbox said it's because a study showed the majority of their customers use Ethernet to connect -- huh?), and it won't have an integrated HD DVD drive (not that we expected otherwise). Microsoft did make some marketing decisions since our sources spilled the beans on this thing though: it's not going to be limited edition, as we previously had. Instead, the Elite will be a permanent SKU, the third and top-tier Xbox device. On the solo 120GB drive side of things, that unit will cost $179, and will come with a cable and software to migrate from your old 20GB drive. (MSFT wasn't yet sure if that kit would be sold separately for new Elite users -- sounds like it will be though, and will be priced very reasonably.) More info:

The console will come with component and composite cables, as well as an HDMI cable. (Take that, Sony and Apple!)

The console will come with a black wireless controller and black (wired) headset.

Sorry, the new black controller still doesn't have backlit buttons -- don't let the pic fool you.

The black controller, black rechargeable batteries, black headset, and black Play & Charge kit will all be available in retail for the same price as the white gear.

The HD DVD drive will not be released in black.

Xbox didn't know what HDMI version the Elite uses, nor whether it supports PCM 5.1, TrueHD, etc.; it will obviously support 1080p, though.

Sorry, no price cuts on the Premium or Core packs.

Xbox Live Marketplace will also begin vending content from New Line, Paramount, and Universal (and their properties).

It's out April 29th in the US and Canada, people. Ready for your second Xbox? No? Well, it's still cheaper than that other black game console.

looks like you can download movies from New Line Cinemas, Paramount, and Universal now (HD-DVD supporters)
At least they INCLUDE the hi-def cable, lol.
Yay for re-releasing a console you didn't need to re-release. Most people will fall into this trap and end up paying too much for a 360. WAY TO OVERPRICE!!

I'll keep my original 360, the one I got at launch. There is no problems with that one. If I do get another 360, I'll wait until they implement the new chips for the processor, then I might consider it...if it's the same or less price as the original 360.
I was under the impression it now had an HD-DVD player.

WTF. ... uh. WTF. So now it costs how much? and .. what????

a cable??
an adequate hard drive?


here is downloadable low(19MB) or high quality(92MB) video though, for those with big pockets or interest:

I sat down with Albert Penello to get some of your questions answered. Yes, it has HDMI & 120GB hard drive. No, it doesn’t have an HD-DVD player. Yes you can still pull audio separate from the HDMI. No, it isn’t going to be a limited edition. Yes, it’s awesome! Watch the video for more, including what comes in the L337 box.
Tags: gaming, xbox 360
Downloads: iPod, PSP, WMV, WMV (High), Zune
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Comments ( 34 total )
I don't have a 360, so im gonna just get the elite. Why? Because I'm obsessive about little stuff like that.
it's a good deal, I guess I just don't feel anything for any consoles anymore. Well I feel something, but it feels like contempt and disgust.

SIGH :borg: MUTHER****ER
Yeah, this thing is just not worth the money imho. You can get a decent PS3 for that price (essentially) and you have the option to upgrade the HDD along with HD movie playback out of the box. Oh well. No wonder MS's games division is still not exactly doing as well as, say, Nintendo's! :P
If they had discontinued the Core model, bumped the Premium down and put this in its price point then that would have been a damn good deal. As it stands, it's a waste of money. The 120GB HDD is goddamn useless, especially considering most 360 games don't even cache as much data as PS3 games and the limits for downloadable games are a lot more strict (and you can't run Linux on it - what the **** do you use that thing for?). No internal Wi-Fi is ridiculous for an "elite" console. The HDMI output is nice, but it really should have been in the premium since the beginning. Having the connectors in the box is great but c'mon, those cost like $5 at monoprice. The premium model is still clearly the only real choice ... your other options are a stupidly overpriced and a stupidly gimped one.

But hey, the black is kinda pretty.
$5 holy shit, I have to quit shopping in local stores. They want like $50-$60 for cables like that.

I got a clue the other day at Staples - the office superstore, when I saw a DVI to VGA adapter for $25. You can buy them at newegg for $2. granted, not gold plated but IMO that won't make any discernible difference (though it can only help). What a rip.

Anyway, I just want to put my bit in here: (hopefully I got my facts right, I don't really pay attention to consoles)

I'm sorry, once again I have typed up an essay, but I just wanted to gather all the information and compare, since I want to buy one of these 360's.

You guys don't have to read this post, but I typed it and science damn it, there is no turning back now.

Here we go...

With any of these console packages, they will whip the shit out of my PC that my graphics card alone was $255 at just months ago. Was supposed to get a rebate for $75 off, but I procrastinated and forgot to send it in on time. My power supply was $80, so already I have paid $335 for a graphics card and power supply, and have paid more than the core system, and almost enough for the premium. I'm fine with that. I like my PC better for reasons other than processing power.

I should have got a different video card, but I wanted the rebate. If I had wanted to spend 255 dollars, I could have paid 330 and got a much better card. Anyway, the rest of my PC was various amounts of expensive that further make the consoles a better deal for just playing games (I won't mention the price of console games here - oops. ;) )

So, if you just want to play games, then any of the 360 consoles are the way to go. cheaper overall, and more powerful (probably, unless you have Barney Fife's PC :) )

the core is $299 and doesn't have wireless, and doesn't have a hard-drive.
the premium is $399 and has a 20GB hard-drive and wireless
the elite is $470 and has a 120GB hard-drive, HDMI output, wireless controller, and a HDMI cable

the premium seems like a poor deal in comparison because you are paying $100 for just a 20 GB HDD and wireless

The elite is the most future proof, and probably the best deal out of the bunch, unless...

Unless you buy the bare bones model for $299 (i can live with a cord personally)
either the 360 USB memory card reader that accepts pretty much any kind of memory device (camera,USB flash, anything) and your choice of memory stick to save info


buy a 360 memory card, then you can just buy one of those $10 kits at all the stores around here have, that let you upload your game saves and stuff onto your PC hard drive.

I guess a HDD is required for 1080p and other down-loadable updates though? If yes, then well thats something you have to consider

So anyway, the $300 core 360, plus the 120 GB hard drive sold separately equals the same price as the Elite - which is a much better buy because it has several better features. So no matter how you look at it, the elite is actually the best deal, but it is definately more expensive, with features you may not care about, so that's something to consider. The core system can play all the same games just as well for $179 cheaper.

I think the 120GB HDD is $179 BTW

To me though, anyone should at least wait for the new cooler running CPU, if not price cuts as well.

See I've been thinking about getting a 360 since before they came out (this is the only console I'd buy), but I'm pretty ****in stubborn, so they have to really make it an offer you can't refuse before I can't refuse.

By the time they do that though, the prices and power and performance of PC gear will be on par if not superior to these consoles, and I will never look back, so I probably won't pick any of these consoles up until they are in the bargain bins with dozens of low priced 'greatest hits' games that don't come to PC.

And that's why I'm bitter, because I want to 'jump in' and have some fun, but it's not worth it. I'll just feel like I slept with an ugly girl in the morning. Like, 'why'd I do that?'

You are 1000 years too late. Lol. Nice. Everyone knows but me. I just emailed my brother to see if he knows about that place.

I just paid $70+ tax for 100 feet of ethernet cable at Staples. I didn't know about Monoprice of course. So I just found out, and they have it for under $12 + shipping from Cali.

So Ima return the cable to Staples.

Nobody rips me off, if I can help it. :devil:

I was just in a hurry to get some damn internet action going on, and was willing to pay a little more to not have to deal with the internet ordering, but thats just cheap as dirt, I had no idea.
$5 holy shit, I have to quit shopping in local stores. They want like $50-$60 for cables like that.

I got a clue the other day at Staples - the office superstore, when I saw a DVI to VGA adapter for $25. You can buy them at newegg for $2. granted, not gold plated but IMO that won't make any discernible difference (though it can only help). What a rip.

Don't feel too bad, I bought $50 monster component cables when I first got my HDTV. Then I bought a $5 HDMI cable and got noticeably improved picture quality.

the premium seems like a poor deal in comparison because you are paying $100 for just a 20 GB HDD and wireless

It's a shitty deal when you put it that way, but keep in mind MS forces you to buy proprietary hardware. You can't just put an off the shelf HDD in there, and they charge ridiculous prices. You need the HDD if you want any kind of decent online experience at all - not to mention those piece of shit memory cards cost $40 by themselves. The Core is NOT an option, don't waste your money.

The elite is the most future proof, and probably the best deal out of the bunch, unless...

Unless you buy the bare bones model for $299 (i can live with a cord personally)
either the 360 USB memory card reader that accepts pretty much any kind of memory device (camera,USB flash, anything) and your choice of memory stick to save info

That may be better than buying the proprietary memory card, but I'm sure MS still charges an arm and a leg for the adapter (somehow I doubt they let you plug in a standard memory card reader like every other consumer product).

buy a 360 memory card, then you can just buy one of those $10 kits at all the stores around here have, that let you upload your game saves and stuff onto your PC hard drive.

As I said above, SHITTY deal. Definitely don't do it, you might as well wipe your ass with the money.
I guess a HDD is required for 1080p and other down-loadable updates though? If yes, then well thats something you have to consider

HDD is not required for 1080p ... no reason why it should be at least. It's totally irrelevant anyway though unless you're going through VGA, as any 360 that's not an Elite (and therefore has a HDD) doesn't have an HDMI output and therefore can't display 1080p anyway.

So anyway, the $300 core 360, plus the 120 GB hard drive sold separately equals the same price as the Elite - which is a much better buy because it has several better features. So no matter how you look at it, the elite is actually the best deal, but it is definately more expensive, with features you may not care about, so that's something to consider. The core system can play all the same games just as well for $179 cheaper.

It's not the best deal, it just looks that way because MS charges so goddamn much for the proprietary hardware. The only way it's worth it is if you have a 1080p capable TV. Keep in mind the Elite won't have as large of a user base as the Core or Premium - most games won't be designed to run in 1080p anyway.

And not to bring the PS3 in to this too much as it really isn't relevant - but the extra $20 for a $500 PS3 (while they're still available) is so much better a deal it's not even funny. I mean, regardless of which platform or games you like better ... just getting a next generation console AND a Blu-Ray player for $20 more is ridiculous.

To me though, anyone should at least wait for the new cooler running CPU, if not price cuts as well.

Good idea. Less of a chance of the thing croaking on you.