Xbox Live and sexual harassment

I'm usually chatting away in private chat on Xbox Live (talking to mates etc) whilst im playing games, so I don't hear the gamechat noobs anyway. There are some decent people on there though, it's usually just the american kids that piss about.
Its too bad, the British players are amazing, but I notice they mainly stick to Search and Destroy or Sabatoge games, I stick with Team Deathmatch, so its easy to get my shooting challenges, Pobz, tell your people to join TDM games.
Then switch the voice output to headset only and don't put in your headset
You can do that? :|

Is it an option in-game or in the dashboard somewhere? I saw an option like that on Halo 3 but not CoD 4.
I think it's an option in the Xbox Guide. Then again, it might not be. I haven't played online on my 360 in ages.
I think it's an option in the Xbox Guide. Then again, it might not be. I haven't played online on my 360 in ages.

I'm pretty sure if you go to preferences under the guide there should be an audio section for that.
Choooice. Will try that. Kind of a bummer having wires on my wireless controller.
If you don't have a headset plugged in, the Xbox will default to playing voice chat through the TV speakers. :(
Isn't there an option to turn off voice for both speakers and headset?
How about the Xbox Live Racism/Elitism policy, do they have one?

major clan members said:
Ewwww British people, ewwww. What the hell is wrong with you people? Who won the Revolutionary War? What's wrong with the way you talk? Always saying Bloody.Why dont you come to America so you can get your ass handed to you again?You suck so much.

This time I took some of the advice I got here, first, we owned them 750-130
then, all the Brits and myself said
Us said:
What's wrong with you? Do you know how much you suck?What's wrong with the way you Americans talk? Your all a bunch of vicious racist's willing to go to war with anything that moves. Ya yo, for rizzle biatch, we gots ta own yo all son.
I still wish I could've punched one of them.
It's quite disgusting how much of an attitude problem a lot of Americans have over Xbox Live. There are loads, hundreds, of Americans I have come across who are fantastic, sporting people and believe me, I don't like to divide the players by where they come from but it's unreal just how many American players are so angsty towards the Brits. Granted, I'm sure there a lot of Brits who will get mouthy towards Americans but in mine and my friends 3 or so years of Xbox Live it's very rare to see it that way round.

The Revolutionary War gag... christ, don't get me started. I've heard that one literally hundreds of times. It's almost as bad as the idiots trying to put on our accents and repeat ''TEA AND CRUMPETS, TEA AND CRUMPETS, BLOODY TEA AND CRUMPETS'' over and over and over and over again. It's just embarrassing towards themself, if anything.
Anyone would be embarrassed with that accent.

To be fair, I'm from Wolverhampton so I probably sound like a bit of a nob'ed, but all opinions on my or any other British accent are void as soon as some squeaky 12 year old American starts vomiting crappy abuse down his mic. It just feels so much worse when someone tries to make fun of such a unoffensive subject area. Annoying, is all.
The Revolutionary War gag... christ, don't get me started. I've heard that one literally hundreds of times. It's almost as bad as the idiots trying to put on our accents and repeat ''TEA AND CRUMPETS, TEA AND CRUMPETS, BLOODY TEA AND CRUMPETS'' over and over and over and over again. It's just embarrassing towards themself, if anything.

That's when I grab their heads and begin smashing them into the wall screaming:



I'm going to drip my hot chocolate load into your steaming rectum then stick your boy toy into my mouth so you can **** my face.

<breadator> wat u doin
<jean> meh homework
<breadator> i could give u some homework
<breadator> sexual homework
<breadator> wat u doin
<jean> meh homework
<breadator> i could give u some homework
<breadator> sexual homework
Wasn't that on Panorama? I remember lol'ing at something like that.