Xbox One

Officially $500 and £429.

If PS4 is $450 and <£400, goodbye Xbox.
UHH. $500? No ****ing thank you.

I love how there is literally a 3 second pause after that slimy bastard announced the price during the conference to allow the crowd to all ponder "What in the ****?". After that delay, Microsoft's paid cheerleaders got over the announcement and went back to doing their jobs (applauding such bs).
It was DS, not 3DS. And they didn't localise it because they said the book of magic you use would be too complicated/expensive to translate...

... and then they translated it anyway for the PS3 limited edition. :|

Ah right, my mistake. I own a 3DS, but also use it to play some DS games. Seriously though, they need to localize this, it's a great game.

Also, the price tag of the xbox one means I won't be picking one up anytime soon. A shame, as some of the games looked pretty good.
Misc 2.0. I bought a PS3 today while out shopping for other stuff. Got Red Dead Redemption, MGS Trilogy (4 was out of stock) and Splinter Cell Trilogy HD, and the 500GB bundle with Infamous 2, LBP, and Jak Somethingorother. Still haven't set it up but I'll have it running soon.

Now time to kick back and see how... amazed I become at Microsoft.
I was really upset when Ni No Kuni basically went from awesome to Generic East Asian RPG in a matter of a few hours. Granted, others may completely disagree, my expectations were just ridiculous for a Ghibli game. I quit ~5 hours in.
Misc 2.0. I bought a PS3 today while out shopping for other stuff. Got Red Dead Redemption.

Could have stopped there. This is the only game of that console generation aside from TWD adventure series that I will never forget. You play the hell out of that game and when you think you should stop from bleeding hands, play it more.
I was really upset when Ni No Kuni basically went from awesome to Generic East Asian RPG in a matter of a few hours. Granted, others may completely disagree, my expectations were just ridiculous for a Ghibli game. I quit ~5 hours in.

I got bored of the demo which is quite an accomplishment.
Yeah, if it wasn't for the branding I wouldn't have batted an eye. In fact, I don't think anyone would have batted an eye. A Scottish bi-pedal ant-eater with a lamp nose only goes so far.
Funny to think that used to be a thing. PS3 has really pulled together an impressive library now.
I think it's actually a great time to invest in the previous generation of consoles. I may re-purchase one of those newer model PS3s (I had one but sold it during a money crunch).
I think it's actually a great time to invest in the previous generation of consoles. I may re-purchase one of those newer model PS3s (I had one but sold it during a money crunch).

Want mine? Unfortunately, it's banned from PSN.
Sounds like quite the accomplishment. Don't they do that for mod chips and such?

Welp, they're removing the shitty drm and 24 hr internet requirement (still need to activate console once). Now drop the price and remove the kinect requirement (which would probably drop the price by doing so) and I might actually get it once there's a larger library.
I actually thought they were going to keep grave-digging with this. Too bad I already preordered my PS4 B)
Still getting the PS4 over the Xbox OneEighty.

The reactions though are hilarious to the change in DRM.

  • Microsoft announces Xbox One and confirms online requirement and DRM, pissing a load of people off.
  • Gamers around the world unleash their rage and the flames of console wars burn bright on forums everywhere.
  • Microsoft look into it and see people are pissed.
  • Microsoft reverse their policies to calm the fires and increase potential sales, understandably.
  • Gamers around the world rejoice as this is a great day for the future of gaming, and show we will not tolerate DRM and always online crap.
  • Xbox One fans are pissed that the family share is now gone, AND WANT THE DRM BACK.
You just couldn't write this shit.
With all the LIES MS have told us....***k 'em. I'm throwing my money at Sony.
So now basically everything shitty about Xbox One has been reversed, including some things Deathmaster didn't mention. Among these changes is the ability to play without having the Kinect plugged in.

There's virtually no difference between the two systems now.

One caveat remains: a single online check the first time you turn on the system.

- No used game ban / fees
- No online checks after initial setup
- Introducing self-published indie titles / probable new development kit
- No more region locks
- Basic XBL mono headset/mic included
- System functions fully without Kinect plugged in

Wow, they actually listened. That's pretty cool. Don't really care if it's an advertising gimmick.
I have one personal preference: a Kinect free version, so I can get it cheaper (though tbh, I wouldn't get either console at their launch price or lineup). But obviously the Kinect's cost is in the box. I have a Wii, I don't much care for waving my arms around to play games. But everyone goes on about how forcing everyone to get it will let developers innovate for it. I'm not holding my breath, seeing how I'm not getting it right away.
Yeah **** motion controls. I'm also not much of an online console (or indie console) gamer so those additional features don't interest me. So far still more tempted by PS4.
I find it's great that they listened. But, in the case that they try to add some paywall/limited feature down the line, will the community have to rage again for the limitation(s) to be reversed? I think this whole ordeal exemplifies Microsoft's poor marketing strategy. How did they think that their original ideas were viable at all? Is it just a "let's implement as many restrictions as we can possibly get away with until the consumer base overwhelmingly retorts" methodology?
I think the xbox one looks pretty cool. I've always perfected Xbox over ps, partly because the control pads are nicer but also I'm not that fond of the "style" of games that come out on ps. It's kind of hard to explain but they get a lot of "Japanese" orientated games and they just really dont float my boat. Even the big ps3 exclusives never did much for me. Started playing Uncharted 3 recently and just didnt get on with it.

xbox tends to have more "western" style games which I tend to enjoy far more.

I do also like the backend a lot more on xbox, very easy to see whats going on and navigate wile ps have a shit ton of icon that are a pain to get around. I also like all the netflix, bbci, 4od etc etc all easy to find and use. I do think ms have also done really well listening to the gamers and fixing up their shit. They really did **** up and its good to see they realise that and are fixing the major issues before the console hits the shelves, with in a year or so people will get over it much in the same way as people got over the initial ps3 announcement.

But at the end of the day, these machines where both always going to end up pretty much the same, both with a few decent exclusives and most good games being crossplatform but big deciding factor will be for me, the control pad and what are most of my friends getting.
So with all this stuff changed how do the PS4 and XBox1 compare?
Library quality aside:

- X1 controller has a better form factor, as usual (though it lacks the tilt sensor and touchpad-button of the Dualshock4)
- PS4 has a superior GPU (~1.23 vs ~1.84 TFLOPs, 768 cores vs 1152)
- X1 lacks true cache coherence; not a huge thing by itself but another knock against performance (and MS has released information that claims cache coherence by describing it improperly, alongside improperly rating its memory bandwidth)
- Netflix is still behind the XBL paywall
- Elder Scrolls Online might also be behind the paywall, despite also costing its own monthly fee (while PS4 won't require PSN+ to play it or F2P titles)
- Titanfall isn't actually an exclusive - it's just coming to MS platforms first, and Respawn were likely paid to not mention the Sony versions until it's out on Xbox
I'd see not having a touch pad as a benefit - all these silly gimmicks are just nonsense.

But really i dont think you will notice much difference playing the same game on either system. Both are using a much more "pc" style architecture and i think it will be very easy to optimise to make both machines perform very well wile gaming and any slight graphical differences wont be that noticeable wile you are stuck in a game.

Developers are very good at getting the most out of these machines, just look at the history of games between the first released stuff and what we have now, its pretty incredible and its going to be real interesting to see where games are at in another 6-7 years from now
I'd see not having a touch pad as a benefit - all these silly gimmicks are just nonsense.
It's only a nonsensical gimmick if developers don't make good use of it. Just like the touch screen on the DS. If used poorly or not at all it's a useless gimmick. If used well it's a really unique experience.
Yea, I agree with you. Like with the Wii, most were calling it a gimmick until the developers actually made some good use of the features. I'm holding off judgement until I see that it's been used "gimmicky" or completely ignored (hello six-axis).
Sixaxis was only ignored because it took 8 years for console FPSes to implement lean :arms:
I'd see not having a touch pad as a benefit - all these silly gimmicks are just nonsense.

Ditto for Kinect.

Also practically every game at E3 having some stupid Smartglass thing.
Ditto on tablet gameplay for The Division. Just looks like casual bullshit. I was thinking it'd be UAVs-only with straight realistic benefits like getting infrared or regular line-of-sight of enemies, but nope, has to be AOE +50% damage buffs for no reason other than "hey tablets!"

The anti-gimmick gamer must be vigilant at all times.
Now MS have stated that the connect does not need to be connected I reckon it wont be long until the kinect free version will be announced and at a cheaper price.

All the haters will be OMFG XBOX 180 LAWL LAWL - but really, its good to see a company listening to what people want and changing the product around.

A lot of people just arnt interested in this kind of thing, i just want a basic pad, i dont want to have to think about doing crazy new exciting things on a touch pad, or waving my arms around, or jumping around. I just want to splash out on the sofa with a pad and enjoy an engrossing experience.