Xbox won't open


Feb 17, 2004
Reaction score
No matter how many times I hit them button the drive won't open, it won't even turn on. The light turns on and flashes and some fans turn on but that is it...what can I do to fix this problem?
Call up Microsoft - they have excellent customer support.
Foxtrot said:
No matter how many times I hit them button the drive won't open, it won't even turn on. The light turns on and flashes and some fans turn on but that is it...what can I do to fix this problem?

Make sure your power plug is in all the way, dust it off, slam it with your hand.
Dalamari said:
Make sure your power plug is in all the way, dust it off, slam it with your hand.
Ok, I will beat it...goodfellas style.
Warbie said:
Call up Microsoft - they have excellent customer support.

Not from in experience.

I once sat on my XBox Live headset and broke it. They sent a new one for free. My mates DVD drive stopped working - and was given a new XBox to use (within a few days) while they fixed his machine (which took about a week) This was for free too.

This may depend on where you live, but it's worth a go.
I guess you're screwed then :/

Take a hammer to the bastard.
NO! Even if the warranty ran out, you are still entitled to a new Xbox. You see theres a list of the average lifetime of products at your (US) equvilant of trading standards. If you say this to them they'll give you a new one, provided it hasn't exceeded it's average lifetime. So in other words warranties and guarantees mean nothing. This worked for me, but i'm in the UK (not entirely sure about the US). You might wanna give it a go, it's up to you.
hokai said:
NO! Even if the warranty ran out, you are still entitled to a new Xbox. You see theres a list of the average lifetime of products at your (US) equvilant of trading standards. If you say this to them they'll give you a new one, provided it hasn't exceeded it's average lifetime. So in other words warranties and guarantees mean nothing. This worked for me, but i'm in the UK (not entirely sure about the US). You might wanna give it a go, it's up to you.
Can you tell me what to say to exactly.. my xbox is out of warranty too, and it only reads games about 50% of the time.
My Xbox just died recently too. The drive would open, but actually playing games or movies was a different story. Called them up, and they said there was nothing they could do for me. Shitty Thompson DVD drive. (I bought my XBOX on release day) Just got a new one. Fable rocks.
DarkStar said:
My Xbox just died recently too. The drive would open, but actually playing games or movies was a different story. Called them up, and they said there was nothing they could do for me. Shitty Thompson DVD drive. (I bought my XBOX on release day) Just got a new one. Fable rocks.
Hmm, if we could combine our xbox we would have 1 perfect xbox!
If u give them both to me i'd um be glad to fix them and then take th... i mean give them back..yeah..
well, if you know your way around computers, open'er up and play arouynd with stuff.
get a new dvd drive, they're like $21. mod the shit out of that thing :cool:
m3ta1head said:
get a new dvd drive, they're like $21. mod the shit out of that thing :cool:
To put in a new dvd drive don't you have to modchip it first?
Alright this is my first post. I think I know what might be the problem. It sounds like your Xbox is fraging or flashing red and green when you turn it on and then beeps and crashes. This happens to me all the time with my modded Xbox and usualy means that the mod chip, which was applied with pogo pins instead of being soldered on, was off of position on the motherboard. This causes neither the bios on the chip or the bios on the Xbox board from being able to boot. So if your Xbox is modded that would be the first thing to check. If it's not modded than it sounds like something got screwed up with your bios not being able to boot properly. You may be able to fix this with a mod chip but I really have no idea if you could fix that type of problem. Hope this helps you.
outpost233 said:
To put in a new dvd drive don't you have to modchip it first?
Not if it's an Xbox DVD drive.

If it isnt, however, it will never read a retail Xbox disc, modchip or no (theres actually an exception to this, but its a specific drive and involves some heavy modding).

I was a name in the Xbox scene,. actually one of the few forum moderators on if anybody remembers that site..

And I did the first ever Xbox game mod by playing with files on the HD before there even were modchips. :D Fluke's DOA3 booster hack... ahh, the glory of days gone by.
dmband36 said:
Alright this is my first post. I think I know what might be the problem. It sounds like your Xbox is fraging or flashing red and green when you turn it on and then beeps and crashes. This happens to me all the time with my modded Xbox and usualy means that the mod chip, which was applied with pogo pins instead of being soldered on, was off of position on the motherboard. This causes neither the bios on the chip or the bios on the Xbox board from being able to boot. [...]
This actually is an informed post, but considering his box was never modded (it seems aparent to me), there is little chance that its his bios specifically that is damaged. (In the mod world, the on/off/red/green error is a bad bios 95% of the time, but outside, its rare) It could be any number of parts on the mainboard, really. I'd bet good money his xbox is toast.
f|uke said:
Not if it's an Xbox DVD drive.

If it isnt, however, it will never read a retail Xbox disc, modchip or no (theres actually an exception to this, but its a specific drive and involves some heavy modding).

I was a name in the Xbox scene,. actually one of the few forum moderators on if anybody remembers that site..

And I did the first ever Xbox game mod by playing with files on the HD before there even were modchips. :D Fluke's DOA3 booster hack... ahh, the glory of days gone by.

How the hell do you open up an XBOX? There's not one screw on the entire thing.....
DarkStar said:
How the hell do you open up an XBOX? There's not one screw on the entire thing.....
See the little foot pad things on the bottom? You pull those off and there are screws under it. Yes, my xbox is mod chipped.
DarkStar said:
How the hell do you open up an XBOX? There's not one screw on the entire thing.....
There are six torx screws (star shaped, size 20) on the bottom. One beneath each of the feet, and one beneath each sticker.
DarkStar said:
Can I still play on live if I install a MOD chip?
Yes and no.

You can, if you turn the modchip off. But then if you have installed a larger hard drive (which you want to do), then you have to lock the drive for it to work with the modchip off..

Short answer is, for you, no.
For someone who knows their way around the xbox scene, yes.

xblive sux anyways. i'd much rather be modded and have all the emus and multimedia server capabilites (not to mention xbox games.. shh)
f|uke said:
xblive sux anyways. i'd much rather be modded and have all the emus and multimedia server capabilites (not to mention xbox games.. shh)

Hmm.....I'd really like to get some emus up and running, but I also really want to play Halo 2 on Live. Tough decesion.....
a disk might be caught in the tray, or it may be overheated.. give it some time off (like a night) and try again
I also do not reocommend mod chips or even opening your xbox at all.. you payed money for that.. no need to void the warranty and take away your ability to play xbox live
Xbox live is tons of fun, it is so much more personal than PC gaming.
Foxtrot said:
Xbox live is tons of fun, it is so much more personal than PC gaming.

yeah talkiong to anyone is nice and the live features like adbuiddy and shizzle
:bounce: :bounce:
i'm not an x-box user though but i'd just say buy a PC if something is f*cked up there you just put something new in.. and allmost all X-Box games *looks at Halo* also get ported to PC so..
Bullseye said:
i'm not an x-box user though but i'd just say buy a PC if something is f*cked up there you just put something new in.. and allmost all X-Box games *looks at Halo* also get ported to PC so..
...I obviously already have a PC...
And most of the good XBox games are either exclusive or better on the XBox (looks at Halo, Splinter Cell, GTA 3 & VC, Thief 3 etc)
guess this is it.... dont buy a Hex-Box, or Lamecube. or Gaystation 2.
I opened it up and took out the cd drive and opened that up too. I haven't seen anything obviously wrong with it, but when I turn it on the little eye thing bumps into the thing that spins the cd like it is going to open but nothing happens.