XBOX360 New Games List!

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Jul 31, 2004
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With the release of XBOX360 approaching, I though it would be useful to compile a list of upcoming games for the new platform. I will do so by genre.

Officially announced XBOX360 games:

** indicates confirmed exclusive title
Bold indicates likely launch title

2 Days to Vegas (TBA)
Alan Wake (TBA)
Afterburner Next-Gen (SEGA)
Battle Angel (TBA)
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (EA)
Chrome Hounds (SEGA)
Dark Sector (TBA)
Dead or Alive: Code Cronus (Tecmo)
Dirty Harry (Warner Bros. Interactive)
Dogtag (Digital Jesters)
Frame City Killer (NAMCO)
Gears of War (Microsoft) **
The Godfather (EA)
House of the Dead 4 (SEGA)
Killing Day (TBA)
King Kong (Ubisoft)
Ninety-Nine Nights (Microsoft) **
Ninja Gaiden 2 (Tecmo)
The Outfit (THQ)
Project Delta (TBA)
Psychopath (TBA)
Saint's Row (THQ)
Scarface: The World is Yours (VU Games, 2006)
Secret Service (TBA)
ShadowClan (TBA)
Splinter Cell 4 (Ubisoft)
Stranglehold (Midway)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 3 (Ubisoft)
True Crime 2: Streets of Hong Kong (Activision)
Ultimate Spider-Man (Activision)
Wardevil: Unleash the Beast Within (TBA)

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (EA)
Indiana Jones (2007)
Metronome (TBA)
Omikron 2 (TBA)
Theseis (TBA)
Tomb Raider: Legend (EIDOS)
Too Human Part 1 (Microsoft) **
Too Human Part 2 (Microsoft) **
Too Human Part 3 (Microsoft) **

Dead or Alive 4 (Tecmo)
Killer Instinct III (Microsoft) **
Marvel vs. EA (EA)
Mortal Kombat 7 (Midway)
Virtua Fighter 5 (SEGA)

Black (TBA)
Call of Duty 2 (Activision)
Halo 3 (Microsoft, 2006)**
James Bond: From Russia With Love (EA)
Perfect Dark Zero (Microsoft) **
Prey (2K Games)
Quake 4 (Activision)
Turok X360 (TBA)
Unreal Tournament 2007 (Midway)

Huxley (Webzen)

Banjo Kazooie X360 (Microsoft) **
Kameo: Elements of Power (Microsoft) **
Sonic Next-Gen (SEGA)

Avalon (TBA)
Burnout: Revenge (EA)
Crazy Taxi X360 (SEGA)
Forza Motorsport 2 (Microsoft)
Full Auto (SEGA)
MotoGP 4 (THQ)
Need for Speed: Most Wanted (EA)
Project Gotham Racing 3 (Microsoft) **
SEGA Rally X360 (SEGA)
Test Drive Unlimited (Atari)

Blue Dragon (Microsoft) **
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Bethesda)
Fable 2 (Microsoft) **
Lost Odyssey (Microsoft) **

Final Fantasy XI (Square-Enix)

Spore (EA)

Amped 3 (2K Sports)
Arena Football 07 (EA)
College Hoops 2K6 (2K Sports)
Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball 2 (Tecmo)
FIFA Soccer 06 (EA)
Madden NFL 06 (EA)
NBA 2K6 (2K Sports)
NBA Live 06 (EA)

NHL 2K6 (2K Sports)
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 06 (EA)
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland (Activision)

Top Spin 2 (2K Sports)

Condemned: Criminal Origins (SEGA)
The Darkness (Majesco)
Dead Rising (Capcom)
Demonik (Majesco)
Possession (TBA)


New additions since last list (SOURCE: OXM UK)
Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball 2
Fable 2
Killing Day
Project Delta
Turok X360
Wardevil: Unleash the Beast Within
Killer Instinct III
Mortal Kombat 7
Crazy Taxi X360
Forza Motorsport 2
MotoGP 4
Sega Rally X360
Banjo Kazooie X360
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
James Bond: From Russia With Love
Marvel vs. EA
Secret Service
Splinter Cell 4
Too Human Part 1
Too Human Part 2
Too Human Part 3
True Crime 2: Streets of Hong Kong
Ultimate Spider-Man
Did you do this by yourself or did you do a copy and paste job?

If you did it by yourself, good job. I didn't know a Killer Instinct III was announced! :O
satch919 said:
Did you do this by yourself or did you do a copy and paste job?

If you did it by yourself, good job. I didn't know a Killer Instinct III was announced! :O

Did it myself, actually started it on another site and have been adding to it.

KI3 was revealed in development for XBOX360 in the most recent OXM UK issue.
tranCendenZ said:
Did it myself, actually started it on another site and have been adding to it.

KI3 was revealed in development for XBOX360 in the most recent OXM UK issue.
OMFG KI3! Man, I guess I have to get an X360 now, there goes 400 bux
Q_onfused said:
I saw that on G4... looked like crap smeared into pixels.
I saw the videos way back during E3 at IGN, and I went like "Wtf?
I'm assuming you know that it's running on the UE3?:O
They have a pritty dam promasing games list tbh. I can't wait to see the release titles. Hopfully Gears of War should be one of them :D
IchI said:
They have a pritty dam promasing games list tbh. I can't wait to see the release titles. Hopfully Gears of War should be one of them :D
Depends on what you mean as "release titles", seeing as Microsoft define launch titles as all titles launched within 3 months time after the release, and I've heard from several sites that it'll be released in January 2k6, we'll see I guess, hopefully Oblivion will release DIRECTLY along with the console.
Gargantou said:
Depends on what you mena as "release titles", seeing as Microsoft define launch titles as all titles launched within 3 months time after the release, and I've heard from several sites that it'll be released in January 2k6, we'll see I guess, hopefully Oblivion will release DIRECTLY along with the console.

Thats what i mean by release titles as in games that release the same day as the console.
for some strange reason I find myself wanting GR3, even after GR2 was less-than-satisfying
It's nice to see that Microsoft are making good use of Rareware.
I'm still waiting for a excellently made Space RPG Epic.

Freelancer was too small
X2: The Threat was too slow and too overrated
Elite is too old and probably won't work on my new rig
Well since its coming, I think its time for a:

Here is a list from the latest OXM UK mag.


  • 360list.jpg
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many interesting games

unreal tournament 2007 is going to be avaible? now hat sounds good
IchI said:
They have a pritty dam promasing games list tbh. I can't wait to see the release titles. Hopfully Gears of War should be one of them :D

Gears Of War will be awesome. There's absolutely no doubt in my mind. :D
:eek: The launch titles are absolutly fantastic! Never seen such good launch titles.
Dead Rising Kicks ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 **** all of you
:D :D :D :D :D
Dead Rising For 360 Bitches :)

Dead Rising Looks ****en Sweet
Why in the flying **** are you reviving this year old ****ing thread I mean jesus ****ing christ!
In before lock?

Seriously, this thread is over a year old. *golf clap*
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