Xbox360 rumours


May 5, 2004
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Gamespot's Rumor Control said:
The official story: "Microsoft does not comment on rumors or speculation." -- Microsoft rep.

What we heard: Either is darn creative, or Microsoft has a serious leak problem. The Madrid-based game site claims to have received a laundry list of revelations from a chatty employee of the software behemoth's Xbox 360 division.

If true, the list augurs a host of major Xbox 360 developments in the coming months. Foremost among these is a price drop in October, shortly before the PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Revolution go on sale. According to's source, the price of the premium Xbox 360 bundle will go from $399 to $299, while the core bundle will drop $80 from $299 to $219.

The Microsoft mole also reportedly had revelations regarding some Xbox 360 peripherals. S/he said that the console's HD-DVD peripheral will be $100 and arrive in September, the same month that its EyeToy-like camera will ship. The camera will cost $50-$70 and come bundled with a game, will allow for Webcam videoconferencing, and be called "My Eye on You." (Insert snide Orwellian Bill-Gates-as-Big-Brother aside here.) The source also says that Microsoft is readying a 100GB hard drive for the 360, but did not have a release date or price.

On the game tip, the mole said that Halo 3 will be at E3 in two weeks in trailer form. The game will reportedly ship in March 2007, several months before the Halo movie is slated to hit theaters.

Another highly anticipated Xbox 360 game, Gears of War, will arrive the last week of October 2006 on the crest of a massive marketing push, according to the mole. Microsoft is also reportedly in negotiations to get exclusive rights for a high-profile "urban game"--which the site speculates could be the next Grand Theft Auto.

Though the above rumors are more than enough craziness for an asylum's worth of insane gamers, the Meristation story has more. It says that Sega has struck a deal much like its one with Nintendo to make most Genesis games playable on the Xbox 360 via a "virtual console." The site says said functionality will be available as of October, along with another wave of all new Xbox Live Arcade games.

Meristation's rumorpalooza wraps up with the mention that two new Xbox 360 dashboards are in the works, with one designed specifically for kids. It also says that Microsoft has signed deals with Epic Records for Xbox-360-exclusive music content, and with NBC to televise Xbox Live tournaments. Speaking of Xbox Live, the story also says that the bandwidth devoted to the online service will soon quintuple.

wow that's a lotta enchiladas! take with tablespoon of salt
Pretty cool, but that Sega deal might have a negative impact on the Rev...
nah. Even NiGHTS can't compare to oldschool zelda.
saving $100 sounds good to me, i think i might buy it now...or should i wait till the Revolution?

damn you decisions...DAMN YOU!
*sigh* Us early adoptors always take the bullet :P

New Xbox360's are cheaper and run cooler... Most likely though they will be even harder to have mod chips for, as I'm sure Microsoft is probably already doing different patches for the hardware for "1.1" Xbox360.

Either way, I can't wait for E3 :)
Kamikazie said:
saving $100 sounds good to me, i think i might buy it now...or should i wait till the Revolution?

damn you decisions...DAMN YOU!

the price drop is still a rumour and wouldnt take effect till october you'll have plenty of time to make a decision
Wow. Nice rumors. Read and move on. All this speculation is killing me. I'll believe any of this when they officially announce it--and even then only after it (whatever it is) is in stores.
I'm afraid that price drop is almost too good to be true, but these are some very exciting rumors for anyone interested in a 360 (ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) to say the least.

Wow. Nice rumors. Read and move on. All this speculation is killing me. I'll believe any of this when they officially announce it--and even then only after it (whatever it is) is in stores.
haha you don't even read this stuff do you? I do the same thing when 'reading' PS3 rumors. LOL It's not for me

Off topic:
I just saw on TV, Bill gates just invested 84 million dollars US in ethanol fuel - which is expected to double consumer base in the near future.

here i found a good article on it with embeded links:

What is ethanol?
the next big thing in clean fuel

*fixed link*

I've heard something like Brazil generates 84% of it's fuel for vehicles from sugarcane plants. USA will mostly use corn.
Ethanol can be produced from a variety of crops, such as sugarcane, sugar beet, maize (corn), sorghum, switchgrass, barley, hemp, kenaf, potatoes, cassava and sunflower. Agricultural alcohol for fuel requires substantial amounts of cultivable land with fertile soils and water. It is less attractive for densely occupied and industrialized regions like Western Europe. If all of Germany were to be entirely cultivated for ethanol, it would get only half of its present energy needs (including fuel and electricity). Fuel alcohol can be made from the stalks, wastes, clippings, straw, corn cobs, and other waste, meaning no additional land is needed. Using these sources for this purpose would require additional replacement animal feedstock, fertilizers and electric power plant fuels.

Directive 2003/30/EC of the European Parliament promotes the replacement of fossil fuels by biofuels: amongst them bio-ethanol to be blended into petrol. The United Kingdom has adopted a national policy of encouraging the use of biofuels including ethanol[1].
Sounds like it needs huge amounts of land to grow enough fields for ethanol fuel to be a viable solution, but in USA - we have huge amounts of undeveloped land.