Xbox360 Spring Update Woes


May 27, 2003
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Alright, so I've been on Xbox Live for years now. Got it in like 2003 or 2004, and at that time I was under 18 and they require me to create a parental account. Great I thought, doesn't matter then because when I turn 18 my account will no longer be a child account.


I'm 18 now, got the Spring update and thought "Wow, I sure would love to use Messenger!" Well, thanks to Microsoft and their silly Windows Live ID system, that is not possible. You see, whatever your account is when it was created, that is what it is for eternity. If it's a child account, it will always be a child account, and you also can't change Windows Live ID e-mail (which is a whole other issue I'm hearing).

So, when I tried to use Messenger, it complains that I have a child account. Okay, I'll just call up support, give them some contact details, let them talk to my parents who own the child account or whatever, and it will all be peachy. WRONG!

I explained the situation, and you want to know what they told me?


I would lose my two years worth of gamerscore, achievements, XBLA, friends list, etc etc... EVERYTHING I've done for two years would be gone.

Microsoft, I don't know what's going on with you, but ditch this Windows Live ID system. It's horrible and is hindering the user ID experience greatly because now I'm stuck with never being able to use Messenger (which I do actually use as a main IM client).

[/rant] :flame::flame::flame::flame:
The Messenger integration is pretty shitty so far, so I'm not even touching it until MS lets you change your contact e-mail (and the child account thing, though that doesn't affect me). Granted, this might be never, but if I'm on my Xbox I'm not going to be wanting to have MSN conversations with other people anyway. My Xbox is for gaming.

[edit] And hey, at least our systems didn't get bricked ;)
They'll fix the "child account" issue, there's a ton of threads on their forums with people bitching, they'll have to change something