Xen crystal in Black Mesa East

Then it's alright in my 'has-to-be-close-to-the-plot' frame of mind :)

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:

That's an interesting theory, but how do you explain the green slave collars that the Alien Slaves in HL1 and the Combine enslaved Vortigaunts in HL2 both wear?
The collars are different, te ones in hl1 look organic (to me anyway) and the ones in half life 2 are clearly metal, although its a possibility the combine just used different resources of the different races they enslaved.
I think, with the collars, it could be a similar thing to the Hunter Killer attack helicopter thing. The Hunter Killer is based on our tech, but isn't actually ours. Likewise, when the Combine arrived, and found Vortigaunts all over Earth, they saw they still had collars on, and looked into how they worked.

Of course, it could be an even simpler explanation - I read somewhere that the collars were designed to harm, or even kill a wearer trying to remove it. When Nihilanth died, what makes you think the collars simply fell off? Admitted, the Vortigaunts weren't mind-controlled anymore, but there was still the problem of weighty collars around their necks. And they got portal-stormed to Earth; resistance folk probably aided them in removing the collars, but the Combine probably found some of the Vortigaunts with collars still on, and merely adapted them to their own purposes.

-Angry Lawyer
hey pai mei, are u and angry lawyer sleeping together? sure seems like you are seeing how much u like to call people names and lick lawyers balls.
Thanks for all yours threads! But please back to origin of this forum.
Kid, this isn't a time for personal attacks. Just because some people are having different ideas about the storyline than yours, and what people consider 'standard', doesn't mean they're wrong.
Back to the main topic... Erm... Something to do with a Xen crystal? We kinda deviated a bit from that.

-Angry Lawyer
Let's try not and get too annoyed with each other please. Agree to disagree or this thread will end up closed.

hey pai mei, are u and angry lawyer sleeping together?

No, bboymatty, but we are both sleeping with your mother. (At separate times, of course.)

As for the Xen Crystal in Black Mesa East, where do you think Eli got it from? Maybe he smuggled it out of BMRF, or maybe there was a whole mission to go back to BMRF several years later and retrieve some. That would make a great expansion pack...
I'm thinking more along the lines of a vortigaunt handing him some, considering they had such an affinity with it.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
I'm thinking more along the lines of a vortigaunt handing him some, considering they had such an affinity with it.
The Vortigaunts that now ally the resistance are the same Vortigaunts that remained on Earth after the Nihilanth's demise, right? Not new Vorts from Xen. If that's true, then what are the chances that a Vort that remained on Earth would have a piece of a Xen crystal?

Also, how come Kleiner's teleport doesn't have a Xen crystal (or maybe I haven't seen it)? Would both portals need a crystal or only the receiving end (i.e. Eli).
Pai-Mei said:
As for the Xen Crystal in Black Mesa East, where do you think Eli got it from? Maybe he smuggled it out of BMRF, or maybe there was a whole mission to go back to BMRF several years later and retrieve some. That would make a great expansion pack...
Since Black Mesa was nuked after the incident, the expansion pack wouldn't be much fun (wandering around a crater, trying to avoid radiation poisoning).
Alyx got him it for christmas, which in turn she found during the portal storms. Cheap skate alyx.
Perhaps Eli tore it from the skull of a Controller with his bare hands? Eli's *that* hard.

There's no mention who's side the Vortigaunts on Xen are on since Nihilanth's fall, nor is there evidence that all Vortigaunts on Earth chose to help the resistance. Could make for some interesting expansions.

-Angry Lawyer
He probably just brought it from BM. All the lab equipment probably came from BM or other secret labs like Area 51. I don't think the Combine just threw it in the rubbish and Alyx brought it all back with the grav gun.
well actually BM was nuked in opposing force so maybe it isnt actually gone. just sitting there waiting to be used again..

personally i think that someone must have given it to him or he was keeping the crystal off base, as eli says the only things he grabbed was alyx and the picture.

vortigaunts dont carry around crystals, and the other possibility is that they used the teleporters to go to xen again and grab a few crystals.
Boy, wont you be suprised when Laidlaw jumps out of a cake at the end of HL3 and goes, "SUPRISE! I pulled everything out of my ass! Have some pie", and then you grav-gun the pie, and it turns into the G-man, only he's naked and gives you a lap dance. Then you have to borrow singles from Alyx to wedge up G-man's ass.

I'm sorry, what were we talking about?
Laidlaw did pull the story out of his ass, but the fun is discussing it.

-Angry Lawyer
Can't really think of anywhere else to put it so I'll put it here:

It appears that the crystals are very important to entanglement (the way the resistance teleports). Here's some info:
When a photon (usually polarized laser light) passes through matter, it will be absorbed by an electron. Eventually, and spontaneously, the electron will return to its ground state by emitting the photon. Certain crystal structures increase the likelihood that the photon will decay into two photons upon emission, both of them with longer wavelengths than the original. Keep in mind that a longer wavelength means a lower frequency, and thus less energy. The total energy of the two photons must equal the energy of the photon originally fired from the laser (conservation of energy).

It is when the original photon decays into two photons that the resulting photon pair is considered entangled.

Normally the photons exit the crystal such that one is aligned in a horizontally (H) polarized light cone, the other aligned vertically (V). By adjusting the experiment, the horizontal and vertical light cones can be made to overlap. Even though the polarization of the individual photons is unknown, the nature of quantum mechanics demands they differ.

To illustrate, if an entangled photon meets a vertical polarizing filter (analagous to the fence in Figure 4.4), the photon may or may not pass through. If it does, then its entangled partner will not because the instant that the first photon's polarization is known, the second photon's polarization will be the exact opposite.

It is this instant communication between the entangled photons to indicate each other's polarization that lies at the very heart of quantum entanglement. This is the "spooky action at a distance" that Einstein believed was theoretically implausible.

Info from http://joot.com/dave/writings/articles/entanglement/