Xen is Earth

magnetichead has a good point, it would seem like its time travel... im with this theory now
Time travel into the future is relatively easy. All you need is some way of obtaining stasis or some other preservation.

In contrast, time travel into the past is impossible.
Mechagodzilla said:
Time travel into the future is relatively easy. All you need is some way of obtaining stasis or some other preservation.

In contrast, time travel into the past is impossible.

I'm time traveling into the future right now. :LOL:
Yeah.. The idea of proper time travel really involves accelerating one's passage through time in a particular temporal direction. Cryogenics wouldn't do it, you still get older, you just don't age. Stasis is more of a jump than a rapid transition, too.
Good theory, but Xen is a sort of alien borderworld from what I've heard.
ComradeBadger said:
Time travel would be terrible :/
Indeedy. ESPECIALLY in that case - I, as a fellow piss artist, will put itunjudgingly down to alcohol and all the ensuing merriments therin.
SMT said:
Dr. Mossman is clearly talking about teleportation and not time travel while Gordon rides the elevator with her in the E3 2004 video.

Oh, and then there's the part of the Lambda complex where you step into the ball of light in one room and emerge from the ball of light in the adjacent room. Time travel or teleportation?

(Hint: it's teleportation)

Depends on your version of teleportation. Teleportation is the movement across space-TIME

A wormhole can be viewed as teleportation, or rather stepping through a whole in space-time that leads to a different place in the universe or multiverse. As for teleportation in half-life...it wasnt true teleportation, it was stepping through a wormhole. Since its a wormhole lets see the theory on wormholes is that you have an end point somewhere in space-time, that end point can be in the past, present, or future.

A "true" teleporter basically destroys you and recreates you in a different place from the data it gathered during the destruction process (Heisenburg uncertainy principle).

So if they were using just a teleporter....then where did that hole in space-time come from? Interesting isnt it?
Mr.Magnetichead said:
It hit me.

Xen is the earth after some catastrphic event has been caused.

The dead human bodies were those of human kids last stand.

Or maybe I'm drunk.
youre not a half-life fan. get out.
if u could understand what the hell is going on (not being drunk), u could realise that the human bodies are of the scientists who travelled into xen. play blueshift to understand a little about teleportation.
HumaNoiD said:
youre not a half-life fan. get out.
if u could understand what the hell is going on (not being drunk), u could realise that the human bodies are of the scientists who travelled into xen. play blueshift to understand a little about teleportation.
Eeh, calm down. Leave drunkards alone... and welcome to the forums.
Hmmph. I thought this thread had died of liver poisoning.

Anybody else think HL2's plot will heavily involve time travel? Actually, it could be good if done well...
HEY! Nobody said "Welcome to the forums" to me;(! and magnethead,as to your idea, its complete nonsense. many people during the course of Half-Life 1, opfor, and blue shift, gave info about survey teams being sent to xen via teleportation. Look at gordons HEV suit. on the front of his HEV is the Lambda insignia, see it? Well, if you look at the dead guys on xen not only are they wearing the same outfit as he is, they have the same insignia on their suit. I don't think that that exact type of suit and that exact insignia could last for the millions or billions of years it would take for the world to change and for the creatures to evolve like that. Plus, in all the half life games, they talk about TELEPORTATION so much that there can be no doubt as to what you do when you jump into that ball of energy. :naughty::smoking::afro:! But, tarius does make a good point.
Viking Kitty said:
HEY! Nobody said "Welcome to the forums" to me;(! and magnethead,as to your idea, its complete nonsense. many people during the course of Half-Life 1, opfor, and blue shift, gave info about survey teams being sent to xen via teleportation. Look at gordons HEV suit. on the front of his HEV is the Lambda insignia, see it? Well, if you look at the dead guys on xen not only are they wearing the same outfit as he is, they have the same insignia on their suit. I don't think that that exact type of suit and that exact insignia could last for the millions or billions of years it would take for the world to change and for the creatures to evolve like that. Plus, in all the half life games, they talk about TELEPORTATION so much that there can be no doubt as to what you do when you jump into that ball of energy. :naughty::smoking::afro:! But, tarius does make a good point.
Welcome to the forums. I don't usually say it unless I notice someone only has >10 posts or so, and I never saw when you had >20 (spammer :p)

Anyway, time travel should be theoretically possible if teleportation is (at least to the future, less chance of paradoxes). As has been mentioned, you're tavelling through space-time.
Why did this thread get revived? There's absolutely nothing to support the theory that it was time travel rather than teleportation.
BraveFencerKirby said:
Why did this thread get revived? There's absolutely nothing to support the theory that it was time travel rather than teleportation.
Why? Ask the guy with 4 posts to his name :x
Ohhhhhhhhhhh, I get it.... I mean, I got it all along! of course! hahaha!(backs out of room)
is it me or these forums are boring?
ill better return to halflifesource.com
[SARCASM]Sorry to see you go. You've contributed a lot in your short time here.[/SARCASM]
MASSIVE SPOILER (not really. but possibly)

City17 is actually a City on another planet. Some humans have been stolen from Earth using Xen (which Gman&co has lost control of) as an express access. The humans are abducted from Earth and taken back to the Combie World (a name in progress). Once there, the humans are stored until it is time for them to be assimilated by the Combine. Once the Combine forces are strong enough, the Combine will attack Earth and rape it of it's resources.

And that's where Gordon comes in. He is purposely abducted by the Combine so that he is taken to Combine Worrrrllld!!!

Remember, "the right MAN (human) in the wrong place (Combie World) can make all the difference in the WORLD (Earth saved by Gordon causing trouble on Combie World)"

So Gordon's there on Combie world kickin ass. He defeats the Combine, Gman appears and tell's Gordon that the Aliens don't need killing as they pose no threat to Earth, Gordon and other humans teleport back to Earth.

And Gman & Co perform experiments on Combie World, dissecting Ant Lions and such.

its set in a european city, but its not forced to be a european city in europe :eek: good idea. but probably not true
W4E said:

its set in a european city, but its not forced to be a european city in europe :eek: good idea. but probably not true

I do not think he was serious.
Eh.... if that were true, there wouldn't be so much old junk lying around, like a decayed submarine hull and other remnants of heavy industry....

Good theory/lateral thinking, but I don't think so...
... the Combine will attack Earth and rape it of it's resources.
:LOL: :LOL: Sorry I just found the wording funny!
... the Combine will attack Earth and rape it. Yes, just rape it.
im proud of myself.