Xen Wildlife

If an antlion Queen only breeds one Queen in her lifetime, what happens if one Queen is killed before producing a queen, wouldn't the Queens slowly go extinct?

The 3 diffrent antlion skins in the game are due to different queens.

I was thinking that the different colours indicated different tribes of Antlion, and that the different groups would fight and eat each other. I assume this because I also assume that Antlions are from the rocky desert surface I mention on the site, and as such, there is very little food apart from other Antlions.
Jandor said:
If an antlion Queen only breeds one Queen in her lifetime, what happens if one Queen is killed before producing a queen, wouldn't the Queens slowly go extinct?
But if you had them breading more than 1 you would end up with too many queens and then too many drones so food supplies would become exhausted.
But what if Gordon walks in on the Queen, mid-Queen breeding, and goes: 0|-| |\|03z!!11 /\ Qu33|\| bR33d1|\|g /\ Q|_|33|\||!!1 |_/\y D0\/\/|\| s0|\/|3 0\/\/|\|/\g3!!1

and then Gordon proceeds to kill the mid queen breeding Queen, then goes: 0h |\|035!!1 1 Sp0|<z0rZ!!!1

See...that's a pretty major hole.
Jandor said:
But what if Gordon walks in on the Queen, mid-Queen breeding, and goes: 0|-| |\|03z!!11 /\ Qu33|\| bR33d1|\|g /\ Q|_|33|\||!!1 |_/\y D0\/\/|\| s0|\/|3 0\/\/|\|/\g3!!1

and then Gordon proceeds to kill the mid queen breeding Queen, then goes: 0h |\|035!!1 1 Sp0|<z0rZ!!!1

See...that's a pretty major hole.
I don't realy understand what your on about. the queens and king would stay deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep underground so would be out of most harms way.
Deep underground dosn't mean impossible to kill. What if the Queen ends up diseased? Over the generations the Queens would die out.
Jandor said:
Deep underground dosn't mean impossible to kill. What if the Queen ends up diseased? Over the generations the Queens would die out.
then the colony is screwed.
Which is how normal ant poison works. Ant eats poison, carries it in its second stomach to the queen, regurgitates it (trophallaxis) for the queen to eat. They eat posion, die out, and the workers (which have a short life span) die out and aren't replaced.

-Angry Lawyer
I once had a colony of Ants living under the steps outside my door.

I'll update the site on Sunday, I promise.
Whats this, knowledge wars

I don't think it should be a competition, you should combine your knowledge. Or not :P
Knowledge Wars!

I'll make a link to riomhaires site, It won't hurt mine :P .
Jandor said:
Knowledge Wars!

I'll make a link to riomhaires site, It won't hurt mine :P .
Don't make a bloody link to it. All that's there is a half finished antlion thing.
ríomhaire said:
Don't make a bloody link to it. All that's there is a half finished antlion thing.

Were moving on to dirty political tactics here :bounce:
Bwuh, I'll beat you both down by adding an *objective* Half-Life analysis to my mod's site as a sub-page, rather than a *subjective* one like what I've seen on every other HL guide.

-Angry Lawyer
I'll change host, that way, people won't think....pfft, freewebs. ;) .
Jandor, take off the thing about the chumtoad not being in the game, it was in BS. :P
I think the Queens would have to give birth to more than 1 Queen each on average to survive. Especially since if the King 'made' another King before the Queen had given birth to another Queen, then there'd be 1 less Queen each time there's a new King. Or something like that.
OK a queen gives birth to a queen every 6 years, but an average queen lives 10 years.
There can be only 1 king at a time. The king dies impregnating the queen with the new king. If the king dies prematurely, the entire colony dies.
Qeuuns have to give birth to more than 1 queen on average ot he species would not exist. It defies logic otherwise.

If that was true there would only be one antlion queen becasue as soon as it evolved more queens couldnt be made.

Queens likely produce several qeuuns only one of wich survives on average, should the number of queens go down there would be more food etc.. for the new queens and in that case mor than one would survive on average returing the population to it's original level.
that seems like a much better explanation

but how come he doesn't mention the life cycles and stuff about the biozeminades, they make themselves look better dammit!
Ok, this question has been bugging me while reading the website..

Is it legal?
No, websites are highly illegal. He is probably living in an underground buker because his area is being constantly napalm bombed. He hasn't posted lately, mabye they got him.
This is my last post...I can hear the Valve special agents pulling up outside, all I can say is, keep on specula.....No....get off.....*gunshots* You'll never take me alive! AAaahh!! *more gunshots*

Mission Failed: Subject Jandor, Deceased.
*Torches jandor's reaserach as riomhaire tries to put it away*
FireCrack said:
No, websites are highly illegal. He is probably living in an underground buker because his area is being constantly napalm bombed. He hasn't posted lately, mabye they got him.
He is taking screenshots from a book that you must pay for. If I put out a book and someone scanned it to a website for free I would think that it is ILLEGAL.

JudgeWorm said:
Ok, this question has been bugging me while reading the website..

Is it legal?

If used for review/critique purposes, and a certain amount is scanned, there are exemptions; however, I have seen a few of the shots on his site at places like here, which would lead me to believe that they are either public domain or have already been published on the internet and can be distributed like any other photo.

IANAL though.

JudgeWorm said:

Don't complain about being flamed when you're acting like a 2 year old and provoking it.
bliink said:
If used for review/critique purposes, and a certain amount is scanned, there are exemptions; however, I have seen a few of the shots on his site at places like here, which would lead me to believe that they are either public domain or have already been published on the internet and can be distributed like any other photo.

IANAL though.

Don't complain about being flamed when you're acting like a 2 year old and provoking it.

Ok, just because you have hated me since I joined these forums doens't mean that you need to give people a "break" for flaming. Its either flaming or not, don't favor people or make exceptions.
It's barely flaming even, simply using sarcasm to illistrtate (sp?) a point.

The antlion king image is from an early gamespot preview IIRC.
JudgeWorm said:
Ok, just because you have hated me since I joined these forums doens't mean that you need to give people a "break" for flaming. Its either flaming or not, don't favor people or make exceptions.

A moderator wouldn't hate you without a reason, and judging from your warnings there's been a fair few reasons. :p
JudgeWorm said:
Ok, just because you have hated me since I joined these forums doens't mean that you need to give people a "break" for flaming. Its either flaming or not, don't favor people or make exceptions.

I'm sorry, but you started it.
I'm actually giving you a break.
If I warned him, I'd warn you too.

If you've got a problem, contact an admin (Zerimski, Hot Soup, Starmonkey) or failing that, Munro.

But I'm not going to let forum members push me around, you're no exception.
Heheh... You started it.... *cowers*

We don't hate you. You're just being a git. EVERY POST I'VE SEEN YOU MAKE IS A PEICE OF SPAM OR FLAME.

Because it's true.

Back on topic: Would the Antlion King/Queen survive in Earth's atmosphere? The antlions do, so i guess the king does... I wonder what chance of fate made the Antlions so alike to our own ants - except huge and aggressive? Truely Evolution does some wonderful, marveleous things....

*PS I realise this is some-one else's imagination that i'm talking about here. But please realise You're on HL2.net forums - You're not Fleabaine, are you, Judgeworm?*
Well, it's just a good example of convergent evolution. If there is a rough body plan etc that preforms well species will generaly evolve towards it. umm.. you kinda awnsered your other question.

edit: blast, i'm a civilian now :(
Sorry everyone, I said I would update the site at the weekend, but chose to get drunk instead. I even went out on Sunday, but at least I didn't get AS drunk. It was drunk enough though, I need to stop going out with freinds, drinking, eating big greasy take aways, stumbling in and then checking on the internet. Either that, or drink even more so I can't figure out the keyboard :P .

anyway, i'll update as soon as I can figure out why my skybox isn't working. Damn Hammer, why do you tease me so :) .